26 research outputs found

    Role of Chromatin Structural Changes in Regulating Human CYP3A Ontogeny

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    Non-standard abbreviations: bp(s), base pair(s); C/EBP, CCAAT/enhancer binding protein; ChIP, chromatin immunoprecipitation; CLEM4, constitutive liver enhancer module 4; Cq, quantification cycle; DME, drug metabolizing enzyme; HNF4α, hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha; PXR, pregnane X receptor; qPCR, quantitative polymerase chain reaction; TBP, TATAbox binding protein; TFIID, transcription factor II D; TSS, transcription start site; USF1, upstream stimulatory factor 1; XREM, xenobiotic-response enhancer module DMD #69344 3 Abstract Variability in drug metabolizing enzyme developmental trajectories contributes to interindividual differences in susceptibility to chemical toxicity and adverse drug reactions, particularly in the first years of life. Factors linked to these interindividual differences are largely unknown, but molecular mechanisms regulating ontogeny are likely involved. To evaluate chromatin structure dynamics as a likely contributing mechanism, age-dependent changes in modified and variant histone occupancy were evaluated within known CYP3A4 and 3A7 regulatory domains. Chromatin immunoprecipitation using fetal or postnatal human hepatocyte chromatin pools followed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction DNA amplification was used to determine relative chromatin occupancy by modified and variant histones. Chromatin structure representing a poised transcriptional state (bivalent chromatin), indicated by the occupancy by modified histones associated with both active and repressed transcription, was observed for CYP3A4 and most 3A7 regulatory regions in both postnatal and fetal livers. However, the CYP3A4 regulatory regions had significantly greater occupancy by modified histones associated with repressed transcription in the fetal liver. Conversely, some modified histones associated with active transcription exhibited greater occupancy in the postnatal liver. CYP3A7 regulatory regions also had significantly greater occupancy by modified histones associated with repressed transcription in the fetus. The occupancy by modified histones observed is consistent with chromatin structural dynamics contributing to CYP3A4 ontogeny, although the data is less conclusive regarding CYP3A7. Interpretation of the latter data may be confounded by cell-type heterogeneity in the fetal liver. DMD #69344

    Special Section on Pediatric Drug Disposition and Pharmacokinetics Role of Chromatin Structural Changes in Regulating Human CYP3A Ontogeny s

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    ABSTRACT Variability in drug-metabolizing enzyme developmental trajectories contributes to interindividual differences in susceptibility to chemical toxicity and adverse drug reactions, particularly in the first years of life. Factors linked to these interindividual differences are largely unknown, but molecular mechanisms regulating ontogeny are likely involved. To evaluate chromatin structure dynamics as a likely contributing mechanism, age-dependent changes in modified and variant histone occupancy were evaluated within known CYP3A4 and 3A7 regulatory domains. Chromatin immunoprecipitation using fetal or postnatal human hepatocyte chromatin pools followed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction DNA amplification was used to determine relative chromatin occupancy by modified and variant histones. Chromatin structure representing a poised transcriptional state (bivalent chromatin), indicated by the occupancy by modified histones associated with both active and repressed transcription, was observed for CYP3A4 and most 3A7 regulatory regions in both postnatal and fetal livers. However, the CYP3A4 regulatory regions had significantly greater occupancy by modified histones associated with repressed transcription in the fetal liver. Conversely, some modified histones associated with active transcription exhibited greater occupancy in the postnatal liver. CYP3A7 regulatory regions also had significantly greater occupancy by modified histones associated with repressed transcription in the fetus. The observed occupancy by modified histones is consistent with chromatin structural dynamics contributing to CYP3A4 ontogeny, although the data are less conclusive regarding CYP3A7. Interpretation of the latter data may be confounded by celltype heterogeneity in the fetal liver

    Adenoviral-mediated correction of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiency in murine fibroblasts and human hepatocytes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Methylmalonic acidemia (MMA), a common organic aciduria, is caused by deficiency of the mitochondrial localized, 5'deoxyadenosylcobalamin dependent enzyme, methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MUT). Liver transplantation in the absence of gross hepatic dysfunction provides supportive therapy and metabolic stability in severely affected patients, which invites the concept of using cell and gene delivery as future treatments for this condition.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To assess the effectiveness of gene delivery to restore the defective metabolism in this disorder, adenoviral correction experiments were performed using murine <it>Mut </it>embryonic fibroblasts and primary human methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficient hepatocytes derived from a patient who harbored two early truncating mutations, E224X and R228X, in the <it>MUT </it>gene. Enzymatic and expression studies were used to assess the extent of functional correction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Primary hepatocytes, isolated from the native liver after removal subsequent to a combined liver-kidney transplantation procedure, or <it>Mut </it>murine fibroblasts were infected with a second generation recombinant adenoviral vector that expressed the murine methylmalonyl-CoA mutase as well as eGFP from distinct promoters. After transduction, [1-<sup>14</sup>C] propionate macromolecular incorporation studies and Western analysis demonstrated complete correction of the enzymatic defect in both cell types. Viral reconstitution of enzymatic expression in the human methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficient hepatocytes exceeded that seen in fibroblasts or control hepatocytes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These experiments provide proof of principle for viral correction in methylmalonic acidemia and suggest that hepatocyte-directed gene delivery will be an effective therapeutic treatment strategy in both murine models and in human patients. Primary hepatocytes from a liver that was unsuitable for transplantation provided an important resource for these studies.</p

    Bedaquiline Metabolism: Enzymes and Novel Metabolites

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    Lack of Direct Cytotoxicity of Extracellular ATP against Hepatocytes: Role in the Mechanism of Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity

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    Acetaminophen (APAP) hepatotoxicity is a major cause of acute liver failure in many countries. Mechanistic studies in mice and humans have implicated formation of a reactive metabolite, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidant stress as critical events in the pathophysiology of APAP-induced liver cell death. It was recently suggested that ATP released from necrotic cells can directly cause cell death in mouse hepatocytes and in a hepatoma cell line (HepG2). To assess if ATP can directly cause cell toxicity in hepatocytes and evaluate their relevance in the human system. Primary mouse hepatocytes, human HepG2 cells, the metabolically competent human HepaRG cell line and freshly isolated primary human hepatocytes were exposed to 10-100 ÎĽM ATP or ATÎłP in the presence or absence of 5-10 mM APAP for 9-24 h. ATP or ATÎłP was unable to directly cause cell toxicity in all 4 types of hepatocytes. In addition, ATP did not enhance APAP-induced cell death observed in primary mouse or human hepatocytes, or in HepaRG cells as measured by LDH release and by propidium iodide staining in primary mouse hepatocytes. Furthermore, addition of ATP did not cause mitochondrial dysfunction or enhance APAP-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in primary murine hepatocytes, although ATP did cause cell death in murine RAW macrophages. It is unlikely that ATP released from necrotic cells can significantly affect cell death in human or mouse liver during APAP hepatotoxicity. Understanding the mechanisms of APAP-induced cell injury is critical for identifying novel therapeutic targets to prevent liver injury and acute liver failure in APAP overdose patient

    Placental stem cell correction of murine intermediate maple syrup urine disease

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    There is improved survival and partial metabolic correction of a mouse intermediate maple syrup urine disease (iMSUD) model after allogenic hepatocyte transplantation, confirming that a small number of enzyme-proficient liver-engrafted cells can improve phenotype. However, clinical shortages of suitable livers for hepatocyte isolation indicate a need for alternative cell sources. Human amnion epithelial cells (hAECs) share stem cell characteristics without the latter\u27s safety and ethical concerns and differentiate to hepatocyte-like cells. Eight direct hepatic hAEC transplantations were performed in iMSUD mice over the first 35 days beginning at birth; animals were provided a normal protein diet and sacrificed at 35 and 100 days. Treatment at the neonatal stage is clinically relevant for MSUD and may offer a donor cell engraftment advantage. Survival was significantly extended and body weight was normalized in iMSUD mice receiving hAEC transplantations compared with untreated iMSUD mice, which were severely cachectic and died ≤28 days after birth. Branched chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase enzyme activity was significantly increased in transplanted livers. The branched chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine, valine, and alloisoleucine were significantly improved in serum and brain, as were other large neutral amino acids. Conclusion: Placental-derived stem cell transplantation lengthened survival and corrected many amino acid imbalances in a mouse model of iMSUD. This highlights the potential for their use as a viable alternative clinical therapy for MSUD and other liver-based metabolic diseases

    The second extracellular loop dictates Occludin-mediated HCV entry

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    AbstractRecent findings have implicated tight junction (TJ) protein Occludin (OCLN) as an essential factor for hepatitis C virus (HCV) to enter human hepatocytes. To gain insights into OCLN-mediated HCV entry, we created a panel of OCLN deletion mutants and found that without impairing OCLN's cell surface localization, removal of the extracellular loop 2 (EL2) from OCLN abolished both its ability to mediate HIV–HCV pseudotypes' (HCVpp) entry as well as its ability to coprecipitate HCV glycoprotein E2. Recombinant OCLN EL2, however, failed to robustly bind soluble E2 (sE2) in pull-down assays. Subsequent studies revealed that OCLN formed complex with Dynamin II, an important GTPase for endocytosis, in an EL2-dependent fashion. HCVpp, as well as cell culture grown HCV (HCVcc), was sensitive to Dynamin knockdown or inhibition. We conclude that OCLN EL2 dictates the Dynamin-dependent HCV entry. Furthermore, OCLN could function to bridge virions to Dynamin-dependent endocytic machineries

    The use of induced pluripotent stem cells for the study and treatment of liver diseases

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    Liver disease is a major global health concern. Liver cirrhosis is one of the leading causes of death in the world and currently the only therapeutic option for end-stage liver disease (e.g., acute liver failure, cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, cholestatic diseases, metabolic diseases, and malignant neoplasms) is orthotropic liver transplantation. Transplantation of hepatocytes has been proposed and used as an alternative to whole organ transplant to stabilize and prolong the lives of patients in some clinical cases. Although these experimental therapies have demonstrated promising and beneficial results, their routine use remains a challenge due to the shortage of donor livers available for cell isolation, variable quality of those tissues, the potential need for lifelong immunosuppression in the transplant recipient, and high costs. Therefore, new therapeutic strategies and more reliable clinical treatments are urgently needed. Recent and continuous technological advances in the development of stem cells suggest they may be beneficial in this respect. In this review, we summarize the history of stem cell and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology in the context of hepatic differentiation and discuss the potential applications the technology may offer for human liver disease modeling and treatment. This includes developing safer drugs and cell-based therapies to improve the outcomes of patients with currently incurable health illnesses. We also review promising advances in other disease areas to highlight how the stem cell technology could be applied to liver diseases in the future