78 research outputs found

    Distribution of genotypic drug resistance mutations for patients with virologic failure on second-line ART in a large ART roll-out program in South Africa.

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    <p>ART: antiretroviral treatment. PI: protease inhibitor. NRTI: nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor. NNRTI: non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor.</p>*<p>Thymidine analog mutation.</p>†<p>Mutations at codons L100I, V108I, Y188C, were not detected.</p>§<p>Mutations reducing etravirine susceptibility. Others found in the cohort include V90I, K101E/P, V106I, and V179D. The A98G, L100I, Y181I/V, and M230L mutations were not detected.</p

    Incremental cost-effectiveness of additional strategies for TB preventive therapy.

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    <p><b>TB</b>: Tuberculosis; <b>USD</b>: US Dollars; <b>YLS</b>: Years of life saved: <b>IPT</b>: Isoniazid-based preventive therapy; <b>6H</b>: Six-month regimen of isoniazid; <b>3RH</b>: Three-month regimen of isoniazid plus rifampin; <b>6EH</b>: Six-month regimen of isoniazid plus ethambutol; <b>36H</b>: Three-year regimen of isoniazid; <b>3RPTH</b>: Three-month regimen of isoniazid plus rifapentine.</p>*<p>The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios may not exactly match the ratios of lifetime cost and life expectancy reported in the table due to rounding.</p>a<p>Weakly dominated (more expensive but confers less clinical benefit than some combination of other strategies) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0036001#pone.0036001-Gold1" target="_blank">[12]</a>.</p>b<p>Strongly dominated (more expensive but confers less clinical benefit than some other strategy) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0036001#pone.0036001-Gold1" target="_blank">[12]</a>.</p

    Model validation and 10-year outcomes for TB incidence and cost of 6EH and 36H compared to no IPT.

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    <p><b>TB</b>: Tuberculosis; <b>PY</b>: Person-Years; <b>USD</b>: US Dollars; <b>IPT</b>: Isoniazid-based TB preventive therapy; <b>6EH</b>: Six-month regimen of isoniazid plus ethambutol; <b>36H</b>: Three-year regimen of isoniazid.</p

    Baseline cohort characteristics, TB and HIV natural history, HIV treatment parameters.

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    <p><b>SD</b>: Standard deviation; <b>IQR</b>: Interquartile range; <b>TB</b>: Tuberculosis<b>; PY</b>: Person-Years; <b>MDR</b>: Multidrug-resistant; <b>ART</b>: Antiretroviral therapy.</p>a<p>Probability of death within 6 months after active TB.</p

    Tornado diagram of one-way sensitivity analyses comparing the 36H regimen to the 6EH regimen

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    <p>. Selected model parameters are listed on the vertical axis, with the range examined in sensitivity analyses listed in parentheses. The horizontal axis demonstrates the impact of changes in the parameter values on the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for the 36H regimen compared to 6EH regimen. The solid vertical line indicates the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio estimate (3,120/YLS)ofthebasecase,andthedashedverticallineindicatesthesuggestedcost−effectivenessthresholdratioof3,120/YLS) of the base case, and the dashed vertical line indicates the suggested cost-effectiveness threshold ratio of 2,940/YLS (3x GDP India). Values in white in the center of the bars indicate the threshold value of each parameter at which the cost-effectiveness ratio for 36H compared to 6EH is equal to 2,940/YLS.Forexample,atotalcostof2,940/YLS. For example, a total cost of 90 for the 36H regimen was assumed in the base case. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of 36H compared to 6EH was less than or equal to 2,940/YLS(i.e.cost−effectivebyinternationalstandards)whenthecostof36Hwaslessthan2,940/YLS (i.e. cost-effective by international standards) when the cost of 36H was less than 70. <b>36H:</b> Thirty-six-month regime of isoniazid, <b>6EH</b>: Six-month regimen of isoniazid plus ethambutol, <b>YLS</b>: Year of Life Saved, <b>GDP</b>: Gross Domestic Product.</p
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