11,861 research outputs found

    Flight Investigation to Determine the Effect of Jet Exhaust on Drag, Trim Characteristics, and Afterbody Pressures of a 0.125-Scale Rocket Model of the Mcdonnell F-101A Airplane

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    A flight investigation was conducted to determine the effect of jet exhaust on the drag, trim characteristics, and afterbody pressures on a 0.125-scale rocket model of the McDonnell F-101A airplance. Power-off data were obtained over a Mach number range of 1.04 to 1.9 and power-on data were obtained at a Mach number of about 1.5. The data indicated that with power-on the change in external drag coefficient was within the data accuracy and there was a decrease in trim angle of attack of 1.27 degrees with a corresponding decrease of 0.07 in lift coefficient. Correspondingly, pressure coefficients on the side and bottom of the fuselage indicated a positive increment near the jet exit. As the distance downstream of the jet exit increased, the increment on the bottom of the fuselage increased, whereas the increments on the side decreased to a negative peak

    A Pedagogy of Radical Love: Biblical, Theological, and Philosophical Foundations

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    In this article, we will bring biblical, theological, and philosophical perspectives on radical love into creative dialogue with critical pedagogy.  The biblical narratives of the book of Ruth and the Parable of the "Good" Samaritan contain paradigms for a radical kind of love that seeks the liberation and well-being of others.  These insights on love carry epistemological and methodological implications for critical pedagogy.  Such implications can be identified by placing these insights about love in conversation with Paulo Feire's "pedagogy of love," as discussed by Antonia Darder.  Also, bell hooks' cultural critiques and emphasis on engaged pedagogy can illumine other implications that relate to cultural experiences.  The ultimate goal is to illustrate how love, rooted in biblical and philosophical foundations, motivates cross-cultural and interfaith engagement, and encourages emancipatory action

    NASA/DOD Aerospace Knowledge Diffusion Research Project. Paper 28: The technical communication practices of Russian and US aerospace engineers and scientists

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    As part of Phase 4 of the NASA/DoD Aerospace Knowledge Diffusion Research Project, two studies were conducted that investigated the technical communication practices of Russian and U.S. aerospace engineers and scientists. Both studies had the same five objectives: first, to solicit the opinions of aerospace engineers and scientists regarding the importance of technical communication to their professions; second, to determine the use and production of technical communication by aerospace engineers and scientists; third, to seek their views about the appropriate content of the undergraduate course in technical communication; fourth, to determine aerospace engineers' and scientists' use of libraries, technical information centers, and on-line databases; and fifth, to determine the use and importance of computer and information technology to them. A self administered questionnaire was distributed to Russian aerospace engineers and scientists at the Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) and to their U.S. counterparts at the NASA Ames Research Center and the NASA Langley Research Center. The completion rates for the Russian and U.S. surveys were 64 and 61 percent, respectively. Responses of the Russian and U.S. participants to selected questions are presented in this paper

    Blue emitting gold nanoclusters templated by poly-cytosine DNA at low pH and poly-adenine DNA at neutral pH

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    Blue fluorescent gold nanoclusters were prepared in the presence of poly-cytosine DNAs at low pH and poly-adenine at neutral pH using citrate as the reducing agent; various buffer conditions affecting the synthesis have been explored.University of Waterloo || Canadian Foundation for Innovation || Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council || Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation |

    NASA/DOD Aerospace Knowledge Diffusion Research Project. Paper 21: Technological innovation and technical communications: Their place in aerospace engineering curricula. A survey of European, Japanese, and US Aerospace Engineers and Scientists

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    Aerospace engineers and scientists from Western Europe, Japan, and the United States were surveyed as part of the NASA/DoD Aerospace Knowledge Diffusion Research Project. Questionnaires were used to solicit their opinions regarding the following: (1) the importance of technical communications to their profession; (2) the use and production of technical communications; and (3) their views about the appropriate content of an undergraduate course in technical communications. The ability to communicate technical information effectively was very important to the aerospace engineers and scientists who participated in the study. A considerable portion of their working week is devoted to using and producing technical information. The types of technical communications used and produced varied within and among the three groups. The type of technical communication product used and produced appears to be related to respondents' professional duties. Respondents from the three groups made similar recommendations regarding the principles, mechanics, and on-the-job communications to be included in an undergraduate technical communications course for aerospace majors

    Field dependence of the temperature at the peak of the ZFC magnetization

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    The effect of an applied magnetic field on the temperature at the maximum of the ZFC magnetization, MZFCM_{ZFC}, is studied using the recently obtained analytic results of Coffey et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 80}(1998) 5655) for the prefactor of the N\'{e}el relaxation time which allow one to precisely calculate the prefactor in the N\'{e}el-Brown model and thus the blocking temperature as a function of the coefficients of the Taylor series expansion of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The present calculations indicate that even a precise determination of the prefactor in the N\'{e}el-Brown theory, which always predicts a monotonic decrease of the relaxation time with increasing field, is insufficient to explain the effect of an applied magnetic field on the temperature at the maximum of the ZFC magnetization. On the other hand, we find that the non linear field-dependence of the magnetization along with the magnetocrystalline anisotropy appears to be of crucial importance to the existence of this maximum.Comment: 14 LaTex209 pages, 6 EPS figures. To appear in J. Phys.: Condensed Matte