64 research outputs found

    Accurate Learning with Few Atlases (ALFA): an algorithm for MRI neonatal brain extraction and comparison with 11 publicly available methods

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    Accurate whole-brain segmentation, or brain extraction, of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a critical first step in most neuroimage analysis pipelines. The majority of brain extraction algorithms have been developed and evaluated for adult data and their validity for neonatal brain extraction, which presents age-specific challenges for this task, has not been established. We developed a novel method for brain extraction of multi-modal neonatal brain MR images, named ALFA (Accurate Learning with Few Atlases). The method uses a new sparsity-based atlas selection strategy that requires a very limited number of atlases ‘uniformly’ distributed in the low-dimensional data space, combined with a machine learning based label fusion technique. The performance of the method for brain extraction from multi-modal data of 50 newborns is evaluated and compared with results obtained using eleven publicly available brain extraction methods. ALFA outperformed the eleven compared methods providing robust and accurate brain extraction results across different modalities. As ALFA can learn from partially labelled datasets, it can be used to segment large-scale datasets efficiently. ALFA could also be applied to other imaging modalities and other stages across the life course

    Translocation and spread of piscivorous fishes in the Burdekin River, north-eastern Australia

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    The distribution of the biogeographically distinctive fish fauna of the Burdekin River, north-eastern Australia, is largely determined by the presence of a large waterfall located at the lower quarter of the river’s length. Downstream of the falls, assemblages are characterised by the presence of piscivorous fishes whereas such species are largely absent from upstream reaches. Sleepy cod (Oxyeleotris lineolatus), a large piscivorous gudgeon, was first introduced into the upper reaches of the Burdekin River in 1980 and other releases, both official and unofficial, have occurred subsequently. The population remained small and restricted to the site of introduction for a decade, but expanded in size and distribution after the occurrence of a large flood and entry into a prolonged period of drought. This gudgeon is now present in every tributary system of the Burdekin Basin. Despite the occurrence of substantial temporal variation in fish abundance due to a highly variable flow regime, negative impacts on one species, a small gudgeon (Mogurnda adspersa), are evident. Both deliberate and accidental releases of other species into the upper Burdekin River have also occurred, often to satisfy recreational fishing demand. Such species are typified by large size and piscivorous habit, characteristics alien and inimical to the native fish fauna. It is hypothesised that these piscivorous species may have even greater impact than O. lineolatus in some tributary systems of the upper Burdekin River
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