244 research outputs found

    Trade regimes and GATT: resource-intensive vs. knowledge intensive growth

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    Trading blocks can help or hinder the liberalization of world trade. A determining factor is whether trade within the block is organized around traditional comparative advantages, or around economies of scale. Regional free trade agreements such as NAFTA can be a substitutes for global free trade when they are based on traditional comparative advantages; then each regional market develops market power and incentives to impose tariffs on the rest of the word. Alternatively, regional trade agreements can be complementary to global free trade. This occurs when the blocks are organized around the exploitation of economies of scale and based on knowledge-intensive sectors. I establish that external economies of scale produce incentives for expanded trade; they can defeat the standard argument for "optimal tariffs" and mitigate another negative feature of trading blocks: their tendency to divert trade from efficient to inefficient sources. The emergence of regional blocks organized around economies of scale can therefore lead to increasingly open international markets. I discuss policy implications for the EU and for free trade in the Americas

    Family Reunification or Point-Based Immigration System? The Case of the United States and Mexico

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    While the immigration policy in the United States is mainly oriented to family reunification, in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. it is a points-based immigration system which main objective is to attract high skilled immigrants. This paper compares both immigration policies through the transition for the United States and Mexico. I find that: (i) the point system increases the average years of the immigrants by 3.5 years; (ii) the Mexican immigrants suffer a 10% reduction in their effective hours of labor when they move to the United States; (iii) migration reduces inequality, more significantly if the immigration policy is the point system and increases output per capita differences between both countries; (iv) the offspring of the immigrants invest more in human capital than the United States natives; (v) the earnings ratio immigrants to the United States natives is lower under the quota system than under the point system but along the transition it reverses converging at the steady state

    Writing Russia's future: paradigms, drivers, and scenarios

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    The development of prediction and forecasting in the social sciences over the past century and more is closely linked with developments in Russia. The Soviet collapse undermined confidence in predictive capabilities, and scenario planning emerged as the dominant future-oriented methodology in area studies, including the study of Russia. Scenarists anticipate multiple futures rather than predicting one. The approach is too rarely critiqued. Building on an account of Russia-related forecasting in the twentieth century, analysis of two decades of scenarios reveals uniform accounts which downplay the insights of experts and of social science theory alike

    The global financial crisis and developing countries

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    When the global financial crisis broke out in earnest in September 2008, it quickly became clear that developing countries would also be affected, but that the impacts would vary markedly. The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) coordinated a multi-country study over January-March 2009 involving developing country teams in 10 countries. This showed that, while the transmission mechanisms were similar in each (trade, private capital flows, remittances, aid), the effects varied by country, and much was not yet visible. As such, further country-specific monitoring was required. Most findings suggested that, as a result of time lags, the worst effects were yet to come. This synthesis of the effects of the global financial crisis on developing countries updates the description of the economic and social situation during the course of the crisis in 11 countries

    Magnetic resonance imaging of brain angiogenesis after stroke

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    Stroke is a major cause of mortality and long-term disability worldwide. The initial changes in local perfusion and tissue status underlying loss of brain function are increasingly investigated with noninvasive imaging methods. In addition, there is a growing interest in imaging of processes that contribute to post-stroke recovery. In this review, we discuss the application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess the formation of new vessels by angiogenesis, which is hypothesized to participate in brain plasticity and functional recovery after stroke. The excellent soft tissue contrast, high spatial and temporal resolution, and versatility render MRI particularly suitable to monitor the dynamic processes involved in vascular remodeling after stroke. Here we review recent advances in the field of MR imaging that are aimed at assessment of tissue perfusion and microvascular characteristics, including cerebral blood flow and volume, vascular density, size and integrity. The potential of MRI to noninvasively monitor the evolution of post-ischemic angiogenic processes is demonstrated from a variety of in vivo studies in experimental stroke models. Finally, we discuss some pitfalls and limitations that may critically affect the accuracy and interpretation of MRI-based measures of (neo)vascularization after stroke

    XIAP Protection of Photoreceptors in Animal Models of Retinitis Pigmentosa

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    BACKGROUND: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a blinding genetic disorder that is caused by the death of photoreceptors in the outer nuclear layer of the retina. To date, 39 different genetic loci have been associated with the disease, and 28 mutated genes have been identified. Despite the complexity of the underlying genetic basis for RP, the final common pathway is photoreceptor cell death via apoptosis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, P23H and S334ter rhodopsin transgenic rat models of RP were used to test the neuroprotective effects of anti-apoptotic gene therapy. Adeno-associated viruses (AAV) carrying the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) or green fluorescent protein (GFP) were delivered subretinally into the eye of transgenic rat pups. Histological and functional measures were used to assess neuroprotection. XIAP is known to block apoptosis by inhibiting the action of caspases-3, -7 and -9. The results show that XIAP gene therapy provides long-term neuroprotection of photoreceptors at both structural and functional levels. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our gene therapy strategy targets the apoptotic cascade, which is the final common pathway in all forms of retinitis pigmentosa. This strategy holds great promise for the treatment of RP, as it allows for the broad protection of photoreceptors, regardless of the initial disease causing mutation