603 research outputs found

    Mismeasurement of the CPI

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    In this paper, we investigate several key problems in Japanese economic statistics. We use CPI mismeasurements and biases as an example to explore the roots of the problems and also to offer guidelines for improvements. We emphasize 3 major shortcomings shared by many official statistics in Japan: (1) long delays in adjustments, (2) lack of proper coordination, and 3) insufficient information disclosure. In the analysis of CPI bias, we limit our focus to potential biases due to aggregation, survey methodology and sample selection procedures. We estimate that, in recent years, the commodity CPI inflation rate is biased upward by at least 0.5% per year, even if we assume away the potential bias associated with the quality adjustment, delay in incorporating changes in consumption basket, and other important unresolved problems.

    Difference in the Physics Education in Lower Secondary Level between Japan and Germany - A Comparative Study between the Recent Textbooks -

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     ドイツ・ザクセン邦のギムナジウム中級段階の教科物理と日本の中学校の教科理科における物理分野に焦点を当て, 教科書などを手がかりにし, 比較を行い,期間・広がり・詳しさにおいて,違いを見いだした。ドイツでは第6学年から5年間にわたり通年で,日本では第7学年から3年間各学年限られた期間だけ学習されている。週授業時間数の合計はドイツの方が多い。ドイツでは,電磁気学・波動・力学・熱力学・天文学・原子物理学の分野があるが,日本では,電磁気学・力学・波動しかない。ドイツでは,内容に繰り返しと連続性があり,日本ではほとんどない。索引の密度を比較すると,ドイツは日本より大きい。実験に関しては,日本では代表的な実験を授業の中で実施するよう位置付けられているのに対し,ドイツでは多様な実験から自主的に選び実施することができるようになっていることで違っている

    Four-dimensional CP1+^1+ U(1) lattice gauge theory for 3D antiferromagnets: Phase structure, gauge bosons and spin liquid

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    In this paper we study the lattice CP1^1 model in (3+1) dimensions coupled with a dynamical compact U(1) gauge field. This model is an effective field theory of the s=12s={1 \over 2} antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin model in three spatial dimensions. By means of Monte Carlo simulations, we investigate its phase structure. There exist the Higgs, Coulomb and confinement phases, and the parameter regions of these phases are clarified. We also measure magnetization of O(3) spins, energy gap of spin excitations, and mass of gauge boson. Then we discuss the relationship between these three phases and magnetic properties of the high-TcT_{\rm c} cuprates, in particular the possibility of deconfined-spinon phase. Effect of dimer-like spin exchange coupling and ring-exchange coupling is also studied.Comment: 4pages, 10 figure

    Seismic Ground Settlement and Deformation Behavior of Reclaimed Lands in the 1995 Kobe Earthquake

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    After the 1995 Kobe Earthquake, particular attention has been paid on the settlement observed at reclaimed lands located at between Osaka and Kobe, in reference to their geological characteristics. In this paper, the ground surface elevations before and after the 1995 Kobe Earthquake were compared to evaluate the seismic ground settlement of reclaimed lands. Calculated settlements by using an available empirical formula were compared with measured ones. A further study was carried out to investigate the seismic ground settlement calculated by using a numerical simulation program called “FLIP” at a selected reclaimed land. In reference to the data available from published papers on seismic ground settlement as measured, attempts were made to identify in a practical manner such settlement with the degree of the earthquake recorded at each reclaimed lands as well as the grain size and N value of the filled layer there. The proposed method for estimating seismic ground settlement caused by earthquake is estimated for its applicability and accuracy by using a simulation program

    Lateral Loading Tests in The Pit for a Large-Diameter Deep Pile

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    Although the ground supporting the foundation can be regarded as three-dimensional nonlinear continuous body, in design, grounds are modeled as linear elastic springs. However, in reality, grounds exhibit nonlinear load-displacement (ρ-δ) characteristics. In Specifications for Highway Bridges (Japan Road Association, 1994), ground reaction coefficient is defined as the secant slope of noticeable displacement and load intensity on ρ-δ curve corrected according to width of foundation. For the purpose of examining the scale effect of large-diameter pile, this paper presents a study on scale effect of lateral ground reaction coefficient based on results of lateral loading tests performed using large loading plate in the pit of a large-diameter deep pile

    Le Genji monogatari : un roman en wabun

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    Présentation par Terada Sumie Les années 2008 et 2009 représentent une période tourmentée pour les enseignants – chercheurs français, et la présentation du livre Le Roman du Genji : opacité et transparence – scènes, langage poétique, temps et narration reflète cette tranche de l’histoire qui a une lourde signification pour beaucoup d’entre nous. Dans son discours d’ouverture du colloque qui a eu lieu en mars 2008, Anne Bayard-Sakai oppose le travail à long terme de notre équipe, centré sur Le..

    Analytical Evaluation for Seismic Behavior of Shore Structures on Liquefied Area During Earthquakes

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    In this paper, focusing on the caisson type quay wall, which is a typical gravity type of shore structures, the seismic behavior of the structures was discussed when the liquefaction occurs, by applying the dynamic response analysis and a simplified prediction method which was proposed by the authors. Firstly, a simplified and reasonable method for predicting the seismic behavior of shore structures during earthquakes was proposed. In the proposed analytical method, the structure is replaced by a simplified model, and the ground contacting the structure by subgrade springs. There are two types of subgrade springs employed as elasto-plastic spring and liquefied spring. Secondly, the seismic behavior of shore structures in liquefied areas was evaluated through case study by dynamic response analysis. As the result, it was elucidated that the residual horizontal displacement of structures depends on the maximum horizontal acceleration acting at the center of structures, and the duration of earthquake motion is closely related to the residual horizontal displacement. It is also confirmed that the residual horizontal displacement of irregular seismic wave is 1/3 to 2/3 times smaller than that of regular seismic wave. After then, in order to confirm the applicability of the proposed simplified prediction method, a case study was performed to compare the result of the simplified analysis with that of the dynamic response analysis. As the result, the relationships between the horizontal acceleration at ground surface and the residual horizontal displacement by both analyses without liquefaction showed a similar trend, while those with liquefaction showed different trends, which was due to the difference of evaluating the semi-liquefaction, It was confirmed that the proposed simplified prediction method was applicable to predicting the actual seismic behavior of shore structures with good accuracy by adequately adjusting the reduction ratio of liquefied spring in the semi-liquefaction condition