46 research outputs found

    Flashover Characteristics on the Gap of Rod to Plane Applied Bipolar Impulse Voltage

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    This paper describes the fifty percent flashover voltage and the V-t curve for a rod-plane gap applied bipolar impulse voltage, and the behaviour of the space charge in the gap. In the distribution line, the bipolar impulse voltage had been observed frequently when lightning hit near it. Then, the bipolar impulse wave used in the experiment was decided as the composite voltage wave made from the preceding wave of positive (or negative) polarity, 20/500 μsec. and the following wave of negative (or positive) polarity, 2/60 μsec. The connecting time of the abovementioned two pulses was decided as 20±5 μsec.. The test gap was the rod-plane gap with a gap length of 6.0cm, and the rod diameter of 1.0cm as a non-uniform field, mainly. As for the experimental results, when the applied preceding impulse voltage was positive polarity and a corona occurred, the fifty percent flashover voltage was up by 15%. And, when the preceding impulse voltage was negative polarity and with a corona, the fifty percent flashover voltage was down by 10%. The space charge phenomena as the cause given by the abovementioned results were observed by using an image converter camera

    Socio-economic Change of a Banjara Village Naharkheda in Vindhya Range

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    The purpose of this article is to clarify the socio-economic structure of a Banjara Caste Village, Naharkheda in Indore District, Madhya Pradesh, which did not enjoyed the effect of a dam construction near by. Naharkheda is located in Vindhya Range remote from the District center and used to be suffering from droughts. In addition, the villager belongs to one of lower caste groups, so it was thought that they never developed without public aids. The following results were obtained 1) Naharkheda was a forest revenue village till 1962. Beside the cultivation, they were able to enjoy 'Nistar Right' which was a privilege to use forest resources. After a loss of the right due to the transfer to a revenue village in 1962, they came to economically depend on agriculture and animal husbandry. 2) There was so small portion of irrigated land that cultivation was mainly conducted in Karif season. Judging from the introduction of commercial crops and improved seeds, the authors thought their will to agriculture was high. Another important economic activity was to rear milch animals for selling milk. Especially the number of she-buffalo has been increasing for the last 30years. But, once a drought happened, both crops and animals were always damaged because there was no irrigation facility in the village. 3) According to the expansion of agricultural activities, the villagers input a lot of money to purchase fertilizers, agricultural chemicals and fodder etc.. Furthermore, whenever they were suffering from a drought, they had to purchase livestock to compensate for their losses. They borrowed money from private money lenders with high interest with the result that they owed a lot of debts. 4) The largest project which has ever been conducted in Naharkheda was a construction of Choral Dam financially supported by the World Bank. This project aimed to irrigate 3,900 hectares of agricultural land in 27 villages in Mhow and Indore Tahsil. Though Naharkheda was one of the most adjacent villages to the dam, water supply for agricu インド干ばつ常習地域の村落変

    Babhulgaon - Maratha's Village Developing by Irrigation Rush and Sugarcane Cultivation

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    In this paper authors tried to elucidate a salient features of imbalanced regional growth in drought-prone area of central part: of Maharashtra, where peoples have long been suffering from persistent severe droughts. Babhulgaon selected by authors as a sample survey village is classified agroclimatically into semi-arid zone with annual rainfalls less than 500mm. Babhulgaon comes under the jurisdiction of Malshiras taluku, with population of 1331 and household of 183, out of which 130 households belong to Maratha community. Although almost of all parts of this taluka are being well irrigated by Nira canal system, constructed in 1885 at the time of British rules, Babhulgaon has long been less favored with locational conditions and could not keep pace with developmental processes in these flourishing sugar producing areas before mid- 1970's, not only because village was not covered by command areas of Nira canal system, but also because village is situated at the upland with 20-40m high above Bima river bed, thus the villagers could not use its abundant water resources. Before 1974, most prevalent mode of agriculture was dry farming with few cases of well irrigation, producing meagre amount of jowar, baira, beans and other anti-drought crops. Epoch-making new era in Babhulgaon with irrigation project in 1974. Lift up with height of 20m was installed beside Bima river. Irrigation water is firstly pumped up to the terrace on which main settlement is located, then it flows down. By doing so, 60 ha of land on terrace was brought under irrigation. In 1984 irrigation water was bifurcated from Ujjni canal system. From these sources, water is pumped up by pipeline to dryland on the higher terrace and private wells were also dugged for increasing acreage of sugarcane alongside the distributary channels. It means that substantial amount of water is filled indirectly by distributary channels. For it runs above the wells, ground water level in each well is to naturally heighted. Maharashtra government supplies limited amount o インド干ばつ常習地域の村落変

    Weak hydrogen bonding motifs of ethylamino neurotransmitter radical cations in a hydrophobic environment: infrared spectra of tryptamine(+)-(N-2)(n) clusters (n <= 6)

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Size-selected clusters of the tryptamine cation with N2 ligands, TRA+–(N2)n with n = 1–6, are investigated by infrared photodissociation (IRPD) spectroscopy in the hydride stretch range and quantum chemical calculations at the ωB97X-D/cc-pVTZ level to characterize the microsolvation of this prototypical aromatic ethylamino neurotransmitter radical cation in a nonpolar solvent. Two types of structural isomers exhibiting different interaction motifs are identified for the TRA+–N2 dimer, namely the TRA+–N2(H) global minimum, in which N2 forms a linear hydrogen bond (H-bond) to the indolic NH group, and the less stable TRA+–N2(π) local minima, in which N2 binds to the aromatic π electron system of the indolic pyrrole ring. The IRPD spectrum of TRA+–(N2)2 is consistent with contributions from two structural H-bound isomers with similar calculated stabilization energies. The first isomer, denoted as TRA+–(N2)2(2H), exhibits an asymmetric bifurcated planar H-bonding motif, in which both N2 ligands are attached to the indolic NH group in the aromatic plane via H-bonding and charge–quadrupole interactions. The second isomer, denoted as TRA+–(N2)2(H/π), has a single and nearly linear H-bond of the first N2 ligand to the indolic NH group, whereas the second ligand is π-bonded to the pyrrole ring. The natural bond orbital analysis of TRA+–(N2)2 reveals that the total stability of these types of clusters is not only controlled by the local H-bond strengths between the indolic NH group and the N2 ligands but also by a subtle balance between various contributing intermolecular interactions, including local H-bonds, charge–quadrupole and induction interactions, dispersion, and exchange repulsion. The systematic spectral shifts as a function of cluster size suggest that the larger TRA+–(N2)n clusters with n = 3–6 are composed of the strongly bound TRA+–(N2)2(2H) core ion to which further N2 ligands are weakly attached to either the π electron system or the indolic NH proton by stacking and charge–quadrupole forces

    Evaluation of Cellulolytic and Hemicellulolytic Abilities of Fungi Isolated from Coffee Residue and Sawdust Composts

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    This study focused on the evaluation of cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic fungi isolated from sawdust compost (SDC) and coffee residue compost (CRC). To identify fungal isolates, the ITS region of fungal rRNA was amplified and sequenced. To evaluate enzyme production, isolates were inoculated onto wheat bran agar plates, and enzymes were extracted and tested for cellulase, xylanase, β-glucanase, mannanase, and protease activities using different azurine cross-linked (AZCL) substrates. In total, 18 isolates from SDC and 29 isolates from CRC were identified and evaluated. Four genera (Aspergillus, Galactomyces, Mucor, and Penicillium) and five genera (Aspergillus, Coniochaeta, Fusarium, Penicillium, and Trichoderma/Hypocrea) were dominant in SDC and CRC, respectively. Penicillium sp., Trichoderma sp., and Aspergillus sp. displayed high cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic activities, while Mucor isolates exhibited the highest β-glucanase and mannanase activities. The enzyme analyses revealed that Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Mucor isolates significantly contributed to the degradation of SDC, whereas Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Trichoderma isolates had a dominant role in the degradation of CRC. Notably, isolates SDCF5 (P. crustosum), CRCF6 (P. verruculosum), and CRCF2 and CRCF16 (T. harzianum/H. lixii) displayed high activity regarding cellulose and hemicellulose degradation, which indicates that these species could be beneficial for the improvement of biodegradation processes involving lignocellulosic materials

    Studies on the Protein Pruduction of Forage Crops

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    飼料作物の乾物集生産と品質(飼料の栄養価値)の両者を改善し、蛋白質生産の向上を図るために、①各葉蛋白画分に着目しつつ、乾物生産、蛋白質含有率、葉蛋白質生産の相互関係を明らかにし、②圃場条件下で、葉蛋白質生産速度を向上させるための肥培管理法を検討し、③西南暖地において最適の肥培管理をした場合の最高葉蛋白質生産量を推定し、④さらに、葉蛋白質生産量の草種間比較を行った。その結果は次の通りである。 (1) ある時点の葉蛋白質増加速度を葉蛋白質生産速度(PPR)と呼び、それを葉の乾物生産速度(L-GR)とその生産された乾物の蛋白質含有率(pN%)とに解析した。これらの概念は葉蛋白質生産性の把握とその草種間差異の解析に有効である。 (2) 地上部窒素のうち、茎部では非蛋白態窒素の割合が多く、地上部の蛋白態窒素の70%以上は葉部に存在し、また、光合成を司る酵素蛋白質はほとんど葉部に存在する。そして葉蛋白質画分のうち、タロロプラスト態蛋白質画分と光合成能との間こ正の相関が認められた。 (3) 光合成能は葉蛋白質密度の上昇に伴って、ソルガム、シコクビエ、オオクサキビ、ローズグラスで各々6.5、7.0、6.0、5.0mgN/cm²まで上昇するが.これらの値以上に葉蛋白質密度が上昇しても光合成能は上昇せず一定の高い値に保たれる。一方、飼料としての品質面からみれば、タロロプラスト態蛋白質や細胞質蛋白質の増大は消化率を向上させ、栄養価値を高めるので、飼料作物においては光合成能を向上させるために必要な値以上に、葉蛋白質密度を高め、葉蛋白質生産量を向上させることが、品質を高める上で重要である。 (4) ソルガムのPPRは窒素供給不足、日射量不足、低温によって低下した。このPPRの低下は、光不足の場合は主としてL-GRの低下に窒素供給不足と低温の場合は主としてpN%の低下に起因した。植物体集積窒素の葉部への分配割合は窒素供給不足、日射量の減少、低温で低下した。葉部全窒素中の蛋白態窒素の割合は日射量の減少、窒素の多量供給により低下した。しかし、増加葉蛋白質のクロロプラスト態蛋白質、細胞質蛋白質および構造性蛋白質への分配割合は窒素供給の増加、窒素源、光、温度によってあまり影響されなかった。ただし、窒素が著しく不足すると、クロロプラスト態蛋白質と細胞質蛋白質への分配割合が低下した。 (5)ソルガムのPPRの最大値および刈取りまでの平均葉蛋白質生産速度([PPR])は密植・多窒素条件で高く、370本/m²・240kgN/haにおいて、[PPR]は183mgN/m²/日であり、1回刈(発芽後46日目)の葉蛋白質生産量84kgN/haであった。その場合の乾物生産量は12.6l/haであり、葉蛋白質含有率(地上部乾物に対する葉の蛋白態窒素の割合)は0.67%であった。この場合、生育中期(栄養生長中期)からpN%が2%以下に低下した結果.葉蛋白質密度、LAI増加速度、L-GRとCGRが順次低下した。それに対して、栽植密度は同じとし、さらに基肥として240kgN/haの窒素を増加した場合は、生育中期以降もpN%が高く維持され、葉蛋白質密度が上昇し、L-CR、CGRがより長期間高く維持され、PPRが高く維持され、葉蛋白質生産量が増加した。すなわち、栽培期間120日間で3回の刈取りの[PPR]の平均は258mgN/m²/日で、その間の合計葉蛋白質生産量は310kgN/haとなり、その場合の乾物生産量は29t/haであり、葉蛋白質含有率は1.1%に上昇した。 (6)本研究のソルガムの最高収量は、刈取り毎のCGRおよび"quivclent yield"で示すと各々34g/m²/日と45.9g glucose/m²/日となり、それらを指標とした世界の記録的高収例(各々28.4g/m²/日/14.2g glucose/m²/日[収穫部位のみで収穫指数0.50])と比較して高かった。 (7)ソルガムで認められた上記の傾向は他の草種においても基本的にはあてはまる。ただし、シコクビエでは700個体/m²、ローズグラスでは3400個体/m²以上の栽植密度にすると、生育初期から相互遮へいによる光不足と土壌の窒素供給速度が制限因子となり、pN%が低下した。 (8)西南暖地で最適な肥培管理だをした場合の各草種の葉蛋白質生産可能水準量を、本研究で得られた刈取り毎のL-GR、pN%およびLAI、刈取り時の葉蛋白質密度の最大値を用いて推定した結果、その値はソルガム、シコクビエ、ローズグラス、イタリアンライグラスで各々420、550、240、576kgN/haであり、その場合の乾物生産量は各々35、35、26、32t/haと推定された。なお、栽培可能期間はソルガム、シコクビエ、ローズグラスでは6月~9月であり、イタリアンライグラスでは10月~5月であるので.年間の葉蛋白質生産可能水準量はイタリアンライグラスとシコクビエの組合せで最も多く、1026kgN/haで、その乾物生産量は67t/haと推定された。 (9)シコクビエやイタリアライグラスが高い蛋白質生産性を示す要因は、シコクビエではL-GR、 イタリアンライダラスではpN%が特に高いことと、両草種とも葉/茎乾物重比が高い点にある。 (10)葉蛋白質生産性の高い草種は、葉面積拡大速度が高く、葉が厚く、葉蛋白質密度が高く、窒素吸収能が高く、植物体集積窒素の葉部への分配割合と増加葉蛋白質のクロロプラスト態蛋白質や細胞質蛋白質への分配割合が高く、窒素吸収や葉蛋白質生産呼吸効率も高い。 (11)以上を総合すると、日射量が多く、適温で、窒素供給が十分であれば、葉蛋白質が盛んに合成され、そのためにクロロプラスト態蛋白質や細胞質蛋白質が増大し、葉蛋白質生産量が増大する。また、葉蛋白質生産が向上すると、まず乾物生産が向上L、さらに葉蛋白質生産が向上すると、葉蛋白質含有率が上昇して品質が改薄されると結論できる。実際栽培で葉蛋白質生産量を増大させるためには、PPRを高め、刈取り時までPPRを高く維持して[PPR]を向上させることが必要であり、そのための条件は各草種とも密植・多窒素条件で、早期に刈取り・再生長させることであるが、さらにそれぞれの草種については以下のような条件を満足させれば良い。(a)ソルガムでは350~400本/m²程度に密植にし、葉/茎乾物重比を高め、葉を厚くし、増加葉蛋白質のクロロプラスト態蛋白質や細胞質蛋白質への分配割合を高め、窒素吸収能を高める。(b) シコクビエやオオクサキビではL-GRが高く、窒素吸収能も高いので、特に窒素供給条件を良くする。シコクビエでは栽植密度を700個体/m²程度とする。(C)ローズグラスでは3400個体/m²程度の栽植密度とし、葉を厚くして葉蛋白質密度を高め、葉部集積窒素の同化を促進して、葉部全窒素の蛋白質割合を高める。In the production of forage crops, especially warm sesson grasses, it is necessary to improve not only the dry matter production but also the nutritive value for animals (quality of forage crops). Nitrogen nutrition of leaves is closely related to both the dry matter production and quality of forage crops. The purpose of this study is to clarify the conditions for the establishment of techniques to produce efficiently the leaf protein fraction which contributes to the improvement of photosynthetic rate and quality of forage crops. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) The leaf protein of sorghum (Sorghum vulgare PERS, Sweet Sioux IV) was 70-804000f the total protein produced during its growth period. The leaf protein was fractionated into chloroplastic, cytoplasmic and structural protein. The chloroplastic protein was about 5027777707400f the whole leaf protein, and it was found out that its content per plant varied greatly with the change in the growth environments. Accordingly, it was considered that the chloroplastic protein may be responsible mainly for variation in photsynthetic rate and leaf expansion rate. 2) When the forage crops are grown under the conditions of optimum temperature and adequate supply of solar energy and nitrogen, chloroplastic and cytoplasmic protein can be vigorously synthesized in them, and as the result, the total leaf protein remarkably increases. In sorghum, African millet (Eleusine corocana GARTN ), Fall panic (Panicum dichotemiflorum MICHX, Kagawa native) and Rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana KUNTH, Fords Katambora). photosynthetic rate and leaf-area expansion rate increased linearly with the increasing rate of leaf protein density (the amount of leaf protein per unit leaf area) at the range of 0-6.5, 0-7.0, 0-6.0 and 0-5.0 mg N/dm² respectively, but had a tendency to be constant at the range of the leaf protein density above them. Therefore, the dry matter and protein production in sorghum, African millet, Fall panic and Rhodesgrass will be improved by increasing the leaf protein density at the range of the abovementioned values, and especially the protein production will mainly increase if the range of the leaf protein density can be kept over the above-mentioned values. 3) As nitrogen tends to be insufficient for crop growth in the field, it is necessary to increase not only plant density but also nitrogen application rate in order to increase leaf protein production by grasses. High value of mean crop growth rate (34 g/m²d) and leaf protein yield (310 Kg N/ha) were attained in this study by the sorghum which was grown under the conditions of high plant density (370 plant/m²) and heavy nitrogen application (480 Kg N/m² ). 4) The possible maximum yields of leaf protein of the four grasses were estimated by using the data which was obtained in the fields experiments. The maximium yield of leaf protein of African millet (550 Kg N/ha) and that of Italianryegrass( 576 Kg N/ha) are higher than those of sorghum (420 Kg N/ha) and Rhodesgrass (240 Kg N/ha). African millet and Italian-ryegrass showed higher value than sorghum and Rhodesgrass in the following parameters; leaf-stem ratio, thickness of leaf, nitrogen uptake ability, leaf protein density, proportion of protein-N to total-N in leaf, and proportion of chloroplastic and cytoplasmic protein to total leaf protein. The conditions to maximize leaf protein production in sorghum and Rhodesgrass which were made clear on the basis of the above-mentioned characteristics of each forage crop are: Sorghum: To increase leaf-stem ratio, thickness of leaf, nitrogen uptake ability, and proportion of chloroplastic and cytoplasmic protein to total leaf protein. Rhodesgrass: To increase thickness of leaf, leaf protein density, and proportion of protein-N to total-N in leaf


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    貧栄養土壌のマサ土における土壌微生物バイオマスの形成に必要な無機養分を比較検討するために、土壌培養実験を行った。処理は、N、P、K、S、Ca、Mg全てを添加した完全区と完全区から各要素を除いた-N、-P、-K、-S、-Ca、-Mg区の7処理区を設け、マサ土を最大容水量の60%に水分調整した後、各処理区とも無機養分と1Kg土壌当たり1000MgCをグルコースで同時に添加し、25℃で10日間培養し、5日目と10日目の微生物バイオマス量と土壌呼吸量を測定した。微生物バイオマスは、養分添加によって5日目まで増加しその後低下したが、5日目、10日目のいずれにおいても、同様な処理間差異が認められた。すなわち微生物バイオマス量は、完全区で最も高く、Mg、K、Ca、S、P、N欠如区の順に低下し、各処理区の完全区に対する相対バイオマス量は、Mg、K、Ca、S、P、N欠如区で各々91-97、80-91、74-81、67-72、62-66、52-55%とN、P、S、Ca欠如区で著しく低かった。また微生物バイオマス活性はバイオマス量の多い区ほど低い傾向が認められた。これらの結果から、マサ土における土壌微生物バイオマスの形成には、CやNばかりでなく、P、S、Caなどの供給が必要であることが明らかとなった。An incubation experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of several mineral nutrients application on the soil microbial biomass formation in a granitic regosol of Japan which have very low chemical fertility. Several nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S) application treatment was assigned as a control plot and each nutrient reduction treatment was considered as (-N), (-P), (-K), (-Ca), (-Mg) and (-S) plot. These mineral nutrients of each plot were applied as the nutrient solution with 1000 mg C kg-1 soil (glucose) to the regosol and the amount of microbial biomass was compared with the control. The amount of microbial biomass C markedly increased with each nutrient application, and the maximum values of microbial biomass of each plot were significantly different among the nutrients applied. While, the specific respiration of microbial biomass was decreased with increasing microbial biomass C. Relative values of microbial biomass C of each plot over the control was quite similar at 5 days and 10 days after nutrients application, it was the lowest at -N plot (52-55%) followed by -P (62-65%), -S (67-72%), -Ca (74-81%), -K (80-91%) and -Mg (91-96%) plot, respectively. From these results, it was concluded that not only C and N but also P, S and Ca application was essentially required for microbial biomass formation in the granitic regosol of Japan


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    スリランカとトーゴー産のリン鉱石に5Mのクエン酸、シュウ酸、酒石酸溶液を1:2の割合で加え、3日間反応させた。シュウ酸と酒石酸で処理したリン鉱石は容易に乾燥し、ほとんど全てのリン酸が水溶性となった。クエン酸で処理したリン鉱石は乾燥しにくく、また水溶性リン酸の割合も全リン酸の50%程度であった。これら有機酸で処理したリン鉱石のリン源としての有効性を、イタリアンライグラスを供試作物とし、マサ土(花崗岩風化土壌)を用いた土耕ポット試験で過燐酸石灰と比較した。クエン酸処理したスリランカ産リン鉱石を除き、他の全ての有磯酸処理リン鉱石は播種後168日目のイタリアンライグラスの乾物収量を過燐酸石灰と同程度に増加させた。酒石酸で処理したトーゴー産リン鉱石におけるリンの回収率は58%で、過燐酸石灰(52%)や酒石酸処理スリランカ産リン鉱石(53%)より有意に高かった。有機酸処理したリン鉱石を与えた区の跡地土壌の可給態リン(Olsen P)濃度とpHは、過燐酸石灰施与区や無リン酸区(対照区)より有意に高かった。実験期間を通じてイタリアンライグラスの生育と養分吸収に及ぼす有機酸処理リン鉱石施与の悪影響は認められなかった。以上の結果から、酸性土壌に生育する作物に対し、少なくとも酒石酸処理したリン鉱石のリン源として有効性は過燐酸石灰より良好であると判断された。Two phosphate rocks (PRs) from Sri Lanka and Togo were acidulated with 5 M of citric, oxalic or tartaric acid at 2:1 acid:rock ratio for three days. The resulting materials treated with oxalic and tartaric acid were easily dried up and nearly all the P was in water soluble form. The PRs treated with citric acid were rather difficult to dry and contained about 50% of the total P in water soluble form. The effectiveness of the materials as phosphorus sources were compared with that of single superphosphate in acidic granitic regosol with Italian ryegrass as the test crop. All the acid treatments were as effective as single superphosphate in increasing the dry matter yield of Italian ryegrass at 168 days after planting except the citric-acid treated Sri Lanka PR. Phosphorus recovery by the plants from tartaric-acid treated Togo PR was 58%, which was significantly greater (P<0.05) than those from single superphosphate (52%) and tartaric-acid treated Sri Lanka PR (53%). Significantly higher levels of available P (OLSEN P) and pH were found in the cropped soils which received the organic-acid treated PRs than those of the soils which received single superphosphate and control at the end of the experiment. No adverse effect of the organic-acid treated PRs on the growth and nutrient uptake by Italian ryegrass was observed throughout the growth period. These results indicate that at least the tartaric-acid treated PRs could be better sources of P to crops growing on acid soils than single superphosphate

    Comparison of the Recovery Rates of N, S and P in Added Organic Matter and Chemical Fertilizer in Regosols and Andosols

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    有機物の無機化に伴う草類への窒素 (N), リン (P), イオウ (S) 供給を添加有機物の N, P, S 利用率の有機物間,要素間差異とその化学肥料対照区 (対照区) に対する割合から解析するため,N, P, S 含量および炭素 (C)/N 比の著しく異なる,鶏糞堆肥,牛糞堆肥,イタリアンライグラス残根 (残根) を残積性未熟土 (鉱質土) と黒ボク土に添加し,シコクビエ (Eleusine coracana G_) を栽培し,シコクビエによる N, P, S 吸収量から添加有機物の N, P, S 利用率を算出した.また,添加有機物中の N, P, S 量に相当する各要素量を試薬で添加した化学肥料対照区を設け,同様の方法で N, P, S 利用率を算定し,比較検討した.その結果,1) 添加有機物の N 利用率は鶏糞堆肥と牛糞堆肥で 9.1%, 残根で -0.2% と残根で著しく低かったのに対して,対照区の N 利用率はいずれの有機物でも1回刈りで約 60% ,その後 80% 前後と同程度に上昇した.したがって,添加有機物の N 利用率の対照区に対する割合は 12% 以下と著しく低く,その有機物間差異は添加有機物の利用率の場合と同様の傾向を示した.2) 添加有機物の S 利用率は鶏糞堆肥,牛糞堆肥,残根でおのおの 23, 9, 9% と鶏糞堆肥で高く,牛糞堆肥と残根で低かった.また,対照区の S 利用率は2回刈りで 40% 程度,4回刈りでも残根では 95% と高かったが,鶏糞堆肥,牛糞堆肥では約 60% と低く,鶏糞堆肥,牛糞堆肥では S 利用率が N の場合よりも過小評価されやすい.この場合,添加有機物のS 利用率の対照区に対する割合が重要となり,その値は鶏糞堆肥と牛糞堆肥でおのおの 36, 14% とN利用率よりも高かった.3) 鉱質土に有機物を添加した場合の添加有機物のP利用率は,鶏糞堆肥,牛糞堆肥,残根でおのおの 35, 58, 44% であり,対照区ではおのおの 23, 51Comparative study was performed to estimate and compare the recovery rates of N, S and P in added organic matter or chemical fertilizer source in a greenhouse experiment. Fermented poultry manure, cattle manure compost and root residue of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L. cv. Waseyutaka) were used as the organic matter source, while ammonium nitrate, potassium phosphate and potassium sulfate served as chemical source for N, S and P respectively. Treatments consisted of two soil types (regosols and andosols), three kinds of organic matter sources. chemical fertilizer source in a factorial experiment. Wagner pots of size (1/5,000 a) were filled with soil and organic matter or equivalent chemical contents provided as fertilizer and the control which contained soil and other mineral nutrients, except for the element under investigation. Depending on the source, the concentrations of N, S, P and C/N ratio of organic matter varied considerably. African millet (Eleusine coracana G_, Snow Brand) was used as an estimate of the mineral recovery. 1) The recovery rates of N and S in added organic matter, especially in root residue which had high C/N ratio were extremely lower than those of the chemical fertilizer. Furthermore it was observed that application of organic matter with a high C/N ratio, such as root residue may result in N and S deficiency in grasses. 2) Generally, the recovery rates of P in organic manure application, especially poultry manure, were higher than that of chemical fertilizer. This was more pronounced in the andosols which have low pH and high phosphate absorption coefficient