14 research outputs found

    The muscles and nerves that are related to acupuncture points.

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    <p>Summarizes deeply-dyed sites of acupuncture point injection in cadavers.</p><p>Deep dyeing was observed in each muscle; nerves innervating the muscles are shown, as are the origin levels of the innervating nerves.</p><p>The muscles and nerves that are related to acupuncture points.</p

    A summary of <i>katakori</i> patient backgrounds.

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    <p>A summary of <i>katakori</i> patient backgrounds, findings at each acupuncture point (presence or absence of PTs or TrPs), response during MAPI (presence or absence of an LTR), extent of symptom improvement after MAPI (PRS), and duration (days) of symptom improvement after MAPI. The acupuncture names in the table are written based on the WHO notations.</p><p>Abbreviations: PT tender point, TrP trigger point, LTR local twitch response, MAPI multi-acupuncture point injection</p><p>A summary of <i>katakori</i> patient backgrounds.</p

    Photographs (a-e) and schematic illustrations (f-j) of the injection sites in BL-10 (a and f), GB-21 (b and g), LI-16 (c and h), SI-14 (d and i), and BL-38 (e and j) in a cadaver.

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    <p>Arrows and arrowheads indicate the suprascapular artery and nerve, respectively. Tr: Fascia of trapezius, Sc: Fascia of semispinalis capitis, Rma: Fascia of rectus capitis posterior major, Rmi: Fascia of rectus capitis posterior minor, Su: Fascia of supraspinatus, Rh: Fascia of rhomboid, Sca: Bone of scapula.</p

    Schema of the injection sites for BL-10, GB-21, LI-16, SI-14, and BL-38.

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    <p>The red circles in the figure show the acupuncture point sites as follows: BL-21, outer margin of the suboccipital trapezius muscle; GB-21, midpoint of the transverse process of the seventh cervical vertebra (C7) and the outer margin of the acromion; LI-16, the outer margin of the supraspinatous fossa; SI-14, medial side of the superior angle of the scapula; and BL-38, medial margin midpoint of the scapula.</p

    Location of predicted kinase and LRR domains of PpKLRs in the <i>P. patens</i> genome.

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    <p>Numbers indicate the putative start and end of each domain in the <i>P. patens</i> genome. Scaffold numbers and locations were obtained from the Phytozome database (Ver 9.1).</p>1)<p>Annotated as a kinase-LRR single sequence.</p

    Alignment of conserved Ser/Thr kinase regions of the PpKLRs.

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    <p>The amino acid sequences were predicted from the Phytozome database (See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0095118#pone-0095118-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>). Bars indicate conserved Ser/Thr kinase regions: sub-domain VIB (DLKXXN) and sub-domain VIII (G(T/S)XX(Y/F)XAPE) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0095118#pone.0095118-Rudrabhatla1" target="_blank">[32]</a>. The numbers indicate the putative kinase domain positions in the aa sequence. Shaded residues indicate similar amino acids.</p

    Phylogenetic analysis of PpXB3s and E3 proteins of other plants.

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    <p>Sequence names correspond to E3 protein sequences listed in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0095118#pone.0095118.s006" target="_blank">Table S4</a>. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by the neighbor-joining method. Numbers at the nodes indicate bootstrap values from 1,000 replicates.</p

    Locations and characteristics of <i>TIR-NL</i> genes in the <i>P. patens</i> genome.

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    <p>The numbers indicate the putative TIR-NL regions in the <i>P. patens</i> genome. Scaffold numbers and locations were obtained from the Phytozome database (Ver 9.1). C-terminal domains were predicted by Pfam.</p>1)<p>Annotated as a single sequence (TIR-NBS-LRR).</p

    Yeast two hybrid analysis of PpKLR36, PpKLR39, PpKLR40, and PpKLR43 (AD) with PpXB3-1 and PpXB3-2 (DBD).

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    <p>Y2H analysis of PpXB3-1 with PpKLR36, PpKLR39, PpKLR40, and PpKLR43 was performed three times and produced the same results. This figure shows a representative example. PpKLR kinases and PpXB3s were expressed with the activation domain (AD) and DNA-binding domain (DBD) in yeast, respectively. Detection of the interactions and elimination of false positive results required that the test was made more stringent by application of 40 mM 3-AT in the culture medium. (A) Yeast cells were spotted on SD-W, L, H medium plates. (B) Yeast cells were spotted on SD-W, L, H medium with 40 mM 3-AT plates.</p