154 research outputs found

    ttHttH Anomalous Coupling in Double Higgs Production

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    We study the effects of top-Higgs anomalous coupling in the production of a pair of Higgs boson via gluon fusion at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The introduction of anomalous ttHttH coupling can alter the hadronic double Higgs boson cross section and can lead to characteristic changes in certain kinematic distributions. We perform a global analysis based on available LHC data on the Higgs to constrain the parameters of ttHttH anomalous coupling. Possible overlap of the predictions due to anomalous ttHttH coupling with those due to anomalous trilinear Higgs coupling is also studied. We briefly discuss the effect of the anomalous ttHttH coupling on the HZHZ production via gluon fusion which is one of the main backgrounds in the HHγγbbˉHH \to \gamma\gamma b {\bar b} channel.Comment: 22 pages, 22 figures, 4 tables. Text reorganized, main results unchanged, new plots and references added. Journal versio

    Phenomenology of flavorful composite vector bosons in light of BB anomalies

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    We analyze the flavor structure of composite vector bosons arising in a model of vectorlike technicolor, often called hypercolor (HC), with eight flavors that form a one-family content of HC fermions. Dynamics of the composite vector bosons, referred to as HC rho in this paper, are formulated together with HC pions by the hidden local symmetry (HLS), in a way analogous to QCD vector mesons. Then coupling properties to the standard model (SM) fermions, which respect the HLS gauge symmetry, are described in a way that couplings of the HC rhos to the left-handed SM quarks and leptons are given by a well-defined setup as taking the flavor mixing structures into account. Under the present scenario, we discuss significant bounds on the model from electroweak precision tests, flavor physics, and collider physics. We also try to address B anomalies in processes such as B -> K(*) mu+ mu- and B -> D(*) tau nu, recently reported by LHCb, Belle, (ATLAS, and CMS in part.) Then we find that the present model can account for the anomaly in B -> K(*) mu+ mu- consistently with the other constraints while it predicts no significant deviations in B -> D(*) tau nu from the SM, which can be examined in the future Belle II experiment. The former is archived with the form C9 = -C10 of the Wilson coefficients for effective operators of b -> s mu+ mu-, which has been favored by the recent experimental data. We also investigate current and future experimental limits at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and see that possible collider signals come from dijet and ditau, or dimuon resonant searches for the present scenario with TeV mass range. To conclude, the present b -> s mu+ mu- anomaly is likely to imply discovery of new vector bosons in the ditau or dimuon channel in the context of the HC rho model. Our model can be considered as a UV completion of conventional U(1)' model.Comment: 62 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, typos modified, published versio

    CP-violating phase on magnetized toroidal orbifolds

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    We study the CP-violating phase of the quark sector in the U(8)U(8) flavor model on T2/ZN(N=2,3,4,6)T^2/Z_N \, (N=2,3,4,6) with non-vanishing magnetic fluxes, where properties of possible origins of the CP violation are investigated minutely. In this system, a non-vanishing value is mandatory in the real part of the complex modulus parameter τ\tau of the two-dimensional torus. On T2T^2 without orbifolding, underlying discrete flavor symmetries severely restrict the form of Yukawa couplings and it is very difficult to reproduce the observed pattern in the quark sector including the CP-violating phase δCP\delta_{\rm CP}. In cases of multiple Higgs doublets emerging on T2/Z2T^2/Z_2, the mass matrices of the zero-mode fermions can be written in the Gaussian textures by choosing appropriate configurations of vacuum expectation values of the Higgs fields. When such Gaussian textures of mass matrices are realized, we show that all of the quark profiles, which are mass hierarchies among the quarks, quark mixing angles, and δCP\delta_{\rm CP} can be simultaneously realized.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures, 4 tables (v2, published version from JHEP

    Seesaw mechanism in magnetic compactifications

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    In this paper, we explore a new avenue to a natural explanation of the observed tiny neutrino masses with a dynamical realization of the three-generation structure in the neutrino sector. Under the magnetized background based on T2/Z2T^2/Z_2, matter consists of multiply-degenerated zero modes and the whole intergenerational structure is dynamically determined. In this sense, we can conclude that our scenario is favored by minimality, where no degree of freedom remains to deform the intergenerational structure by hand freely. Under the consideration of brane-localized Majorana-type mass terms for an SU(2)LSU(2)_L singlet neutrino, it is sufficient to introduce one Higgs doublet for reproducing the observed neutrino data. In all reasonable flux configurations with three right-handed neutrinos, phenomenologically acceptable parameter configurations are found.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables; published version from JHEP (v2