42 research outputs found

    Suppression of Matrix Metalloproteinase Production in Nasal Fibroblasts by Tranilast, an Antiallergic Agent, In Vitro

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    Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory disease characterized by nasal wall remodeling with intense infiltration of eosinophils and mast cells/basophils. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), MMP-2 and MMP-9, are the major proteolytic enzymes that induce airway remodeling. These enzymes are also important in the migration of inflammatory cells through basement membrane components. We evaluated whether tranilast (TR) could inhibit MMP production from nasal fibroblasts in response to tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) stimulation in vitro. Nasal fibroblasts (NF) were established from nasal polyp tissues taken from patients with allergic rhinitis. NF (2 × 10(5) cells/mL) were stimulated with TNF-α in the presence of various concentrations of TR. After 24 hours, the culture supernatants were obtained and assayed for MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 levels by ELISA. The influence of TR on mRNA expression of MMPs and TIMPs in cells cultured for 12 hours was also evaluated by RT-PCR. TR at more than 5 × 10(−5) M inhibited the production of MMP-2 and MMP-9 from NF in response to TNF-α stimulation, whereas TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 production was scarcely affected. TR also inhibited MMP mRNA expression in NF after TNF-α stimulation. The present data suggest that the attenuating effect of TR on MMP-2 and MMP-9 production from NF induced by inflammatory stimulation may underlie the therapeutic mode of action of the agent in patients with allergic diseases, including allergic rhinitis

    Support for UNRWA's survival

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    The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) provides life-saving humanitarian aid for 5·4 million Palestine refugees now entering their eighth decade of statelessness and conflict. About a third of Palestine refugees still live in 58 recognised camps. UNRWA operates 702 schools and 144 health centres, some of which are affected by the ongoing humanitarian disasters in Syria and the Gaza Strip. It has dramatically reduced the prevalence of infectious diseases, mortality, and illiteracy. Its social services include rebuilding infrastructure and homes that have been destroyed by conflict and providing cash assistance and micro-finance loans for Palestinians whose rights are curtailed and who are denied the right of return to their homeland

    頭頸部領域および食道領域の各種症状に対する食道運動機能の関与について : High Resolution Manometry を用いた検討

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    頭頸部領域および食道領域における各種症状に対する食道運動機能の関与を検討した.2007年9月から2012年6月までに,咽喉頭異常感などの頭頸部領域の症状および嚥下困難感,胸痛,胸やけなどの食道領域に関連した症状を主訴に,当科を受診した261例(男性138例,女性123例,平均年齢56.8±17.1才)を対象とし,健康関連QOL(Health Related Quality of Life: HRQL)の測定と食道内圧検査を施行した.健康関連QOLの検討では,咽喉頭違和感,嚥下困難感,胸やけ等の各症状を訴えた患者で,身体的QOL,精神的QOL を表すPCS(physical component summary)あるいはMCS(mental component summary)が低下し,健常者と比較して有意にQOLの低下を認めた.食道内圧検査による食道運動機能異常は,全対象患者中62.0%に認めた.各症状別に食道運動機能障害の内訳を見ると,咽喉頭違和感ではIEM(ineffective esophageal motility)(31.8%),嚥下困難感は食道アカラシア(56.6%),喉のつかえ感は食道アカラシア(35.5%),胸やけはIEM(39.4%),胸痛は食道アカラシア(50.0%),噫気はIEM(50.0%)を最も多く認めた.咽喉頭違和感,嚥下困難感,喉のつかえ感,胸やけ,胸痛などの頭頚部および食道症状を有するものの,器質的疾患を認めない患者のQOLは障害されており,その病態の一つとして食道運動機能異常の存在を念頭に置き,診療にあたることが重要である.There are many cases of patients presenting at the hospital complaining of dysphagia or chest pain. At that time organic diseases are not always detected in these patients;previously several studies showed esophageal motility dysfunction was one of the important factors in the development of these symptoms. However, there have been few reports investigating the relationship between esophageal motility dysfunction and these symptoms. Between September 2007 and June 2012, 216 patients (138 men,123 women;mean age 56.8±17.1 years old) were admitted complaining of the following symptoms:dysphagia, globus sensation, or heart burn and non-cardiac chest pain,but without any organic diseases related symptoms. They all underwent high-resolution esophageal manometry (HRM) and completed a questionnaire regarding their health-related quality of life (HRQOL). The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between these symptoms and esophageal motility dysfunction and QOL. In our series, 62% of patients with non-obstructive dysphagia, globus sensation, heartburn and unexplained (non-cardiac) chest pain have an esophageal motility disorder (Achalasia 31.5%, IEM 26.4%, Diffuse esophageal spasm 4.6%;nutcracker esophagus 2.8% and Impaired ECJ relaxation 0.5%). SF-8 score of PCS(Physical Component Summary) in all of the symptoms were significantly lower in comparison with the matched healthy control. SF-8 score of MCS(Mental Component Summary) with globus sensation and esophageal dysphagia were significantly lower in comparison with the matched healthy control. The patients complaining of several symptoms located in the pharynx or esophagus have impaired quality of life and esophageal motility dysfunctions.It is important to consider these issues while examining these patients

    Establishment of home care patient support system: Okayama Central Hospital experience

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    We established a system to serve aged and disabled people within their neighborhood area. This system consists of visiting nursing service and an institutional care unit, both of which were directed by a managing bureau called the “Life assistance bureau”. This bureau investigates the needs of patients, negotiates with the government, supervises members and is authorized to plan budget and personnel affairs. Activities in one representative case handled by this bureau are reported