509 research outputs found

    Design of Bluetooth Compatible Temperature and Photoplethysmogram (PPG) Monitoring System

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    A Bluetooth Compatible Temperature and Photoplethysmogram (PPG) Monitoring System is designed to allow continuous monitoring of body temperature and heart beat per minute (BPM) of the user. The system is specifically designed to all Bluetooth compatible Android device user to convenient the user and to alert the responsible person when an emergency happens especially to the patient or the elderly. The system integrates both Digital Temperature sensor (DS1820) and Photoplethysmogam pulse sensor using Arduino and sends all the detected information to the Android device via the Bluetooth Module (HC-06). All the data that send using the system have all verified by using another certified Digital Thermometer and OMRON HEM-7203 Automated Blood Pressure Monitor. Under the optimal condition where the sensors have successfully detected the information, the percentage error of temperature and beat per minute are 1.92% and 4.44% respectively. For temperature, the percentage error is caused mainly because the DS1820 have ±0.5℃ increment while the temperature sensor has ±0.1℃ increment. Also, DS1820 does not have a proper temperature insulation to the surrounding. For heart pulses, the system displayed almost perfect plotting of PPG data, however, the comparison of BPM does not seem to be perfect because the OMRON Blood Pressure Monitor using the different concept to detect a puls

    Logistic Regression to Predict Termite Occurrences with Environmental Variables in Primary Forest and Oil Palm Ecosystem: The Case Study in Sabah, Malaysia

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    AbstractThe aim of this research was to study the relationship between presence of termite and environmental variables in primary forest and adjacent oil palm plantation located in Sabah province, Malaysia. Termite sampling was conducted with manually dug and sorted soil pits (25cm × 25cm × 10cm) at a minimum extent of 64 m and lag of 2 m. Logistic regression technique was used to analyze the collected data. In general, termite species richness and relative abundances are lower in oil palm plantation in comparison with primary forest. The result showed that probability of termite occurrences in primary forest are mainly related to dead woods, trees and non-predatory ants. Likewise, probability of termite occurrences in oil palm plantation was affected with the appearance of dead woods, pruned stacked fronds, non- predatory ants and earthworms. This result indicated that pruned stacked fronds and dead woods play an important role of recovery of termite assemblages in oil palm plantation

    9th International conference on biosience, biochemistry & bioinformatics 2018

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    Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4 (TRPM4) is overexpressed in activated B-cell-like subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (ABC-DLBCL) associated with poor survival. In this study, its functions in the disease and the potency of its inhibitor 9-phenanthrol were investigated. The biological functions associated with TR.PM4 mRNA expression were examined through Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) in ABC-DLBCL cases (n=15). The cytotoxicity of 9-phenanthrol in three ABC-DLBCL cell lines (SUDHL2, OCI-LY3, OCI-LYIO) was tested at six different concentrations (0.0InM, 0.1 nM, InM, lOnM, 25nM, 50nM). GSEA results showed that cell cycle gene sets conferred the highest number of gene sets representing 42% (n=21/50) of the top 50 most significantly enriched gene sets ranked according to false discovery rate (FDR; all 50 gene sets had FDRO.OI), followed by DNA replication (n=8/50; 16%) and RNA processing (n=8/50; 16%), suggesting the roles of TRPM4 in cell cycle progression and cellular division of ABC-DLBCL. In terms of the cytotoxicity effects of 9-phenanthrol, the resulting GI50 for all ABC-DLBCL cell lines ranged from 19nM-41,88nM. In conclusion, TRPM4 is potentially involved in the cell cycle progression and cellular division of ABC-DLBCL cells, and the TRPM4 inhibitor 9-phenanthrol was cytotoxic against ABC-DLBCL cells

    Molecular mechanism of the actin-associated protein hip1r on malignant 8-cell migration

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    Cancer research at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has been increasingly active in recent years. Many young researchers who recently started their service in USM work on cancer. The inaugural Next Generation Researchers Cancer Symposium organized by the Centre for Research Initiative - Clinical and Health Sciences (CRI-CHS) is thus initiated to bring together these young researchers with diverse expertise from various faculties in USM, to share and discuss various aspects of cancer research and new research tools. The meeting is aimed to provide an active platform for communication, knowledge-sharing and collaboration among these young researchers and also to initiate research interactions with senior academic members. a. To provide a platform for meaningful and active interactions between researchers working on cancer b. To address on types of research funding available c. To discuss the role and expectations of a researcher in an academic institution

    Design of Bluetooth Compatible Temperature and Photoplethysmogram (PPG) Monitoring System

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    A Bluetooth Compatible Temperature and Photoplethysmogram (PPG) Monitoring System is designed to allow continuous monitoring of body temperature and heart beat per minute (BPM) of the user. The system is specifically designed to all Bluetooth compatible Android device user to convenient the user and to alert the responsible person when an emergency happens especially to the patient or the elderly. The system integrates both Digital Temperature sensor (DS1820) and Photoplethysmogam pulse sensor using Arduino and sends all the detected information to the Android device via the Bluetooth Module (HC-06). All the data that send using the system have all verified by using another certified Digital Thermometer and OMRON HEM-7203 Automated Blood Pressure Monitor. Under the optimal condition where the sensors have successfully detected the information, the percentage error of temperature and beat per minute are 1.92% and 4.44% respectively. For temperature, the percentage error is caused mainly because the DS1820 have ±0.5℃ increment while the temperature sensor has ±0.1℃ increment. Also, DS1820 does not have a proper temperature insulation to the surrounding. For heart pulses, the system displayed almost perfect plotting of PPG data, however, the comparison of BPM does not seem to be perfect because the OMRON Blood Pressure Monitor using the different concept to detect a puls

    Critical Success Factors for Limited Service Hotels in Malaysia

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    Critical success factors were used originally in Information technology areas when it was first introduced but has since been applied generically in other industries. This study explores the critical success factors for limited service hotels in Malaysia from both customer and hotel operator/ business owners’ perspective. The literature presents information from tourism in general and in Malaysia, definition of limited service hotels and its relevance to the hospitality industry in Malaysia, critical success factors and its application in various industries. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to collect primary data. 61 online survey respondents and 5 hotel operators/ business owners (through individual interviews) participated in the study. The importance performance analysis (IPA) method was used to evaluate the findings from the survey and interview results. The critical success factors used in this research are divided into 9 main categories; Core Product: Hotel, Core Product: Room, Service Quality, Human Resources, Location, Strategic Control, Pricing, Promotion and Use of Internet. Research results reveal that overall customers and hotel operators were in agreement that the identified CSFs were all deemed relevant and important with emphasis given to factors related to Core Product: Hotel and Room, Service Quality, Location, Pricing and the Use of Internet. Recommendations were provided to help hotel operators in identifying the right customers, managing social media, implementation of gamification CRM solutions, implementation of revenue/ yield management solutions and the importance of providing free internet

    Phylogenetic Tree Analysis of the Cold-Hot Nature of Traditional Chinese Marine Medicine for Possible Anticancer Activity

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    Traditional Chinese Marine Medicine (TCMM) represents one of the medicinal resources for research and development of novel anticancer drugs. In this study, to investigate the presence of anticancer activity (AA) displayed by cold or hot nature of TCMM, we analyzed the association relationship and the distribution regularity of TCMMs with different nature (613 TCMMs originated from 1,091 species of marine organisms) via association rules mining and phylogenetic tree analysis. The screened association rules were collected from three taxonomy groups: (1) Bacteria superkingdom, Phaeophyceae class, Fucales order, Sargassaceae family, and Sargassum genus; (2) Viridiplantae kingdom, Streptophyta phylum, Malpighiales class, and Rhizophoraceae family; (3) Holothuroidea class, Aspidochirotida order, and Holothuria genus. Our analyses showed that TCMMs with closer taxonomic relationship weremore likely to possess anticancer bioactivity.We found that the cluster pattern ofmarine organisms with reported AA tended to cluster with cold nature TCMMs. Moreover, TCMMs with salty-cold nature demonstrated properties for softening hard mass and removing stasis to treat cancers, and species withinMetazoa orViridiplantae kingdomof cold natureweremore likely to contain AA properties.We propose that TCMMs from these marine groups may enable focused bioprospecting for discovery of novel anticancer drugs derived from marine bioresources

    Automated Comparison of Structural Durability Analyses of Automotive Structures

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    AbstractA software environment designed with respect to fast analyses and ease-of-use, allows to speed up the development process using an automated comparison of experimental and numerical fatigue analysis. The automated process prevents errors, is significantly faster and allows the validation of the FEA result.To demonstrate the user benefit a battery mounting assembly in a passenger car was chosen. Using the software environment, differences between the numerical analysis and the test were evaluated. While a simple comparison of the fatigue analysis results suggested a good fit, the detailed report led to a reevaluation of the finite element model

    Field measurement of airborne particulate matters concentration in a hospital's operating room

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    In a hospital operating room, adequate air flow and cleanliness are crucial to protect the patient from surgical site infection (SSI) during a procedure. The probability of the patient to get the infection is related to the concentration of bacteria carrying particles inside the room. This paper presents a field measurement study to quantify the concentration of particulate matters (PM) in a hospital operating room which complies with the ISO Class 7 requirements. The operating room was equipped with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters and a vertical laminar air flow (LAF) system. The measurements were conducted at three height levels from the floor namely 1.2 m, 1.8 m and 2.4 m. The data was logged at a rest condition, in accordance to the ISO 14644-1 requirements. A HPC300 particle counter was used to measure the concentrations of particulate matters namely PM0.5, PM1 and PM5. The results show that the concentrations of all particulate matters were higher at the height level of 1.2 m compared to other height levels. The concentration of PM0.5 was relatively higher than PM1 and PM5 in the vicinity of operating table