11,105 research outputs found

    Capacity Utilization, Income Distribution, and the Urban Informal Sector: An Open-Economy Model

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    Developing economies worldwide have experienced rapid informal sector expansion in response to formal sector unemployment. However, the macroeconomic eects of formal-informal sector dualism have been widely overlooked. This paper develops a two-sector, structuralist, macroeconomic model to analyze the impact of urban informal sector activity on export-led growth policy. The model uses stylized facts from the Johannesburg informal sector and is applicable to countries where informal sector production is concentrated in low-wage goods and commercial services. The paper finds that trade-os between capacity utilization and reduced income inequality could be magnified when the existence of an urban informal sector is incorporated.informal sector, South Africa, macroeconomic policy

    Advanced C and D techniques and application study

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    A study was conducted to identify a broad base of payload control and display requirements for space missions. The subjects discussed are: (1) functional requirements and allocation analysis, (2) control and display generic device matrix, (3) control functional requirements, and (4) display functional requirements. Specific applications of payload control and display requirements for various disciplines are defined

    Analysis of Automobile Advertisements in American Magazines

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    The automobile is one of the most important products in American consumer culture. Throughout the history of the automobile industry in America, advertising has been an important strategy for marketing automobiles and their features to consumers on a mass scale. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how print (magazine) automobile advertisements have changed through time (1960-2013) and across different genres of magazines: general (National Geographic, New Yorker), male-oriented (Esquire), female-oriented (Cosmopolitan), and ethnic (Ebony). The trends that we examined included: numbers and proportions of car advertisements, relative numbers of domestic and foreign car advertisements, and the mix of automobile features. We found that the total number of car advertisements per magazine peaked in the late 1990s overall, with differences among the magazine genres. The number of advertisements for cars produced by American manufacturers peaked in the mid-1990s. The number of foreign car advertisements significantly increased after 1975, with Japanese cars leading this group. We discuss the trends in advertising parameters over time and across magazine genres in light of changes in buyer attitudes, including attitudes towards the environment

    Constraints on the sound speed of dark energy

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    We have studied constraints on the equation of state, ww, and speed of sound, c_s, of the dark energy from a joint analysis of data from the cosmic microwave background, large scale structure and type-Ia supernovae. We find that current observations have no significant sensitivity to c_s. However, there is a slight difference between models in which there are no dark energy perturbations and models in which dark energy behaves as a fluid. Assuming that there are no dark energy perturbations shifts the allowed region for ww to slightly higher values. At present models with and without dark energy perturbations provide roughly equally good fits to observations, but the difference is potentially important for future parameter estimations. Finally, we have also performed error forecasts for future measurements of c_s.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Revte

    Basic Biomedical Scientists: The Rediscovered Library Users

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