18 research outputs found
Association of HLA class I with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection
BACKGROUND: The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system is widely used as a strategy in the search for the etiology of infectious diseases and autoimmune disorders. During the Taiwan epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), many health care workers were infected. In an effort to establish a screening program for high risk personal, the distribution of HLA class I and II alleles in case and control groups was examined for the presence of an association to a genetic susceptibly or resistance to SARS coronavirus infection. METHODS: HLA-class I and II allele typing by PCR-SSOP was performed on 37 cases of probable SARS, 28 fever patients excluded later as probable SARS, and 101 non-infected health care workers who were exposed or possibly exposed to SARS coronavirus. An additional control set of 190 normal healthy unrelated Taiwanese was also used in the analysis. RESULTS: Woolf and Haldane Odds ratio (OR) and corrected P-value (Pc) obtained from two tails Fisher exact test were used to show susceptibility of HLA class I or class II alleles with coronavirus infection. At first, when analyzing infected SARS patients and high risk health care workers groups, HLA-B*4601 (OR = 2.08, P = 0.04, Pc = n.s.) and HLA-B*5401 (OR = 5.44, P = 0.02, Pc = n.s.) appeared as the most probable elements that may be favoring SARS coronavirus infection. After selecting only a "severe cases" patient group from the infected "probable SARS" patient group and comparing them with the high risk health care workers group, the severity of SARS was shown to be significantly associated with HLA-B*4601 (P = 0.0008 or Pc = 0.0279). CONCLUSIONS: Densely populated regions with genetically related southern Asian populations appear to be more affected by the spreading of SARS infection. Up until recently, no probable SARS patients were reported among Taiwan indigenous peoples who are genetically distinct from the Taiwanese general population, have no HLA-B* 4601 and have high frequency of HLA-B* 1301. While increase of HLA-B* 4601 allele frequency was observed in the "Probable SARS infected" patient group, a further significant increase of the allele was seen in the "Severe cases" patient group. These results appeared to indicate association of HLA-B* 4601 with the severity of SARS infection in Asian populations. Independent studies are needed to test these results
Rasd1 Modulates the Coactivator Function of NonO in the Cyclic AMP Pathway
All living organisms exhibit autonomous daily physiological and behavioural rhythms to help them synchronize with the environment. Entrainment of circadian rhythm is achieved via activation of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways. NonO (p54nrb) is a multifunctional protein involved in transcriptional activation of the cAMP pathway and is involved in circadian rhythm control. Rasd1 is a monomeric G protein implicated to play a pivotal role in potentiating both photic and nonphotic responses of the circadian rhythm. In this study, we have identified and validated NonO as an interacting partner of Rasd1 via affinity pulldown, co-immunoprecipitation and indirect immunofluorescence studies. The GTP-hydrolysis activity of Rasd1 is required for the functional interaction. Functional interaction of Rasd1-NonO in the cAMP pathway was investigated via reporter gene assays, chromatin immunoprecipitation and gene knockdown. We showed that Rasd1 and NonO interact at the CRE-site of specific target genes. These findings reveal a novel mechanism by which the coregulator activity of NonO can be modulated
Genomic Insights into the Formation of Human Populations in East Asia
厦门大学人类学研究所、厦门大学生命科学学院细胞应激生物学国家重点实验室王传超教授课题组与哈佛医学院David Reich教授团队合作,联合全球43个单位的85位共同作者组成的国际合作团队通过古DNA精细解析东亚人群形成历史。研究人员利用古DNA数据检验了东亚地区农业和语言共扩散理论,综合考古学、语言学等证据,该研究系统性地重构了东亚人群的形成、迁徙和混合历史。这是目前国内开展的东亚地区最大规模的考古基因组学研究,此次所报道的东亚地区古人基因组样本量是以往国内研究机构所发表的样本量总和的两倍,改变了东亚地区尤其是中国境内考古基因组学研究长期滞后的局面。
该研究是由王传超教授团队与哈佛医学院(David Reich教授)、德国马普人类历史科学研究所(Johannes Krause教授)、复旦大学现代人类学教育部重点实验室(李辉教授和金力院士)、维也纳大学进化人类学系(Ron Pinhasi副教授)、南洋理工大学人文学院(Hui-Yuan Yeh助理教授)、俄罗斯远东联邦大学科学博物馆(Alexander N Popov研究员)、西安交通大学(张虎勤教授)、蒙古国国家博物馆研究中心、乌兰巴托国立大学考古系、华盛顿大学人类学系、台湾成功大学考古所、加州大学人类学系等全球43个单位的85位共同作者组成的国际合作团队联合完成的。厦门大学人类学研究所、厦门大学生命科学学院细胞应激生物学国家重点实验室为论文第一完成单位。厦门大学人类学研究所韦兰海副教授、胡荣助理教授、郭健新博士后、何光林博士后和杨晓敏硕士参与了研究工作。The deep population history of East Asia remains poorly understood due to a lack of ancient DNA data and sparse sampling of present-day people1,2. We report genome-wide data from 166 East Asians dating to 6000 BCE-1000 CE and 46 present-day groups. Hunter-gatherers from Japan, the Amur River Basin, and people of Neolithic and Iron Age Taiwan and the Tibetan plateau are linked by a deeply-splitting lineage likely reflecting a Late Pleistocene coastal migration. We follow Holocene expansions from four regions. First, hunter-gatherers of Mongolia and the Amur River Basin have ancestry shared by Mongolic and Tungusic language speakers but do not carry West Liao River farmer ancestry contradicting theories that their expansion spread these proto-languages. Second, Yellow River Basin farmers at ~3000 BCE likely spread Sino-Tibetan languages as their ancestry dispersed both to Tibet where it forms up ~84% to some groups and to the Central Plain where it contributed ~59-84% to Han Chinese. Third, people from Taiwan ~1300 BCE to 800 CE derived ~75% ancestry from a lineage also common in modern Austronesian, Tai-Kadai and Austroasiatic speakers likely deriving from Yangtze River Valley farmers; ancient Taiwan people also derived ~25% ancestry from a northern lineage related to but different from Yellow River farmers implying an additional north-to-south expansion. Fourth, Yamnaya Steppe pastoralist ancestry arrived in western Mongolia after ~3000 BCE but was displaced by previously established lineages even while it persisted in western China as expected if it spread the ancestor of Tocharian Indo-European languages. Two later gene flows affected western Mongolia: after ~2000 BCE migrants with Yamnaya and European farmer ancestry, and episodic impacts of later groups with ancestry from Turan.We thank David Anthony, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Katherine Brunson, Rowan Flad, Pavel Flegontov,Qiaomei Fu, Wolfgang Haak, Iosif Lazaridis, Mark Lipson, Iain Mathieson, Richard Meadow,Inigo Olalde, Nick Patterson, Pontus Skoglund, Dan Xu, and the four reviewers for valuable comments. We thank Naruya Saitou and the Asian DNA Repository Consortium for sharing genotype data from present-day Japanese groups. We thank Toyohiro Nishimoto and Takashi Fujisawa from the Rebun Town Board of Education for sharing the Funadomari Jomon samples, and Hideyo Tanaka and Watru Nagahara from the Archeological Center of Chiba City who are excavators of the Rokutsu Jomon site. The excavations at Boisman-2 site (Boisman culture), the Pospelovo-1 site (Yankovsky culture), and the Roshino-4 site (Heishui Mohe culture) were funded by the Far Eastern Federal University and the Institute of History,Archaeology and Ethnology Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; research on Pospelovo-1 is funded by RFBR project number 18-09-40101. C.C.W was funded by the Max Planck Society, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC 31801040), the Nanqiang Outstanding Young Talents Program of Xiamen University (X2123302), the Major project of National Social Science Foundation of China (20&ZD248), a European Research Council (ERC) grant to Dan Xu (ERC-2019-ADG-883700-TRAM) and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (ZK1144). O.B. and Y.B. were funded by Russian Scientific Foundation grant 17-14-01345. H.M. was supported by the grant JSPS 16H02527. M.R. and C.C.W received funding from the ERC under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant No 646612) to M.R. The research of C.S. is supported 30 by the Calleva Foundation and the Human Origins Research Fund. H.L was funded NSFC (91731303, 31671297), B&R International Joint Laboratory of Eurasian Anthropology (18490750300). J.K. was funded by DFG grant KR 4015/1-1, the Baden Württemberg Foundation, and the Max Planck Institute. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry radiocarbon dating work was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) (BCS-1460369) to D.J.K. and B.J.C. D.R. was funded by NSF grant BCS-1032255, NIH (NIGMS) grant GM100233, the Paul M. Allen Frontiers Group, John Templeton Foundation grant 61220, a gift from Jean-Francois Clin, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Molecular studies of the circadian control candidate genes in the mouse Smith-Magenis syndrome syntenic region.
The Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) is a contiguous gene syndrome which is associated with the deletion in chromosome 17 p11.2. The common clinical features of SMS patients include mental retardation, delayed speech and motor development, behavior problems, sleep disturbance, minor craniofacial abnormalities, short stature, and brachydactyly. Recent works in circadian clock have addressed possible molecular links
between the endogenous circadian clock and cell cycle regulation. One of the interesting
phenotype Associated with SMS is sleep disturbance. RASDl and RAIl are located in the SMS critical region and have, recently, been implicated in contributing to the sleep disturbance phenotypes in SMS. In this proposal, we aim to determine the cellular roles of these two genes by identifying the interacting proteins and studying the transcription regulatory elements.
Thymine DNA glycosylase (Tdg) and angiogenic factor with G-patch and FHA domain
(Iggfl) were identified as Rail interacting proteins while NonD and. Tubb5 were identified as Rasd1 interacting protein. Furthermore, we have identified functional retinoic acid receptors binding site in the Rail promoter first intron region and functional glucocorticoid response
element (GRE) consensus sequence ~2kb downstream of Rasdl
Final report of _M52080035.
Investigate the variation of deletion using polymorphic markers D15S541, D15S542, D15S5432, D15S11, D15S986, D15S165 and D15S126 to determine the state of hemizygosity in the patients and and parents
Rasd1 interacts with Ear2 (Nr2f6) to regulate renin transcription
The Rasd1 protein is a dexamethasone induced monomeric Ras-like G protein that oscillates in the
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Previous studies have shown that Rasd1 modulates multiple signaling cascades.
However, it is still unclear exactly how Rasd1 carries out its function. Studying protein-protein interactions involving
Rasd1 may provide insights into its biological functions in different contexts.
Results: To further explore the molecular function of Rasd1, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen and
identified Ear2, a negative regulator of renin transcription, as an interaction partner of Rasd1. We validated the
interaction in vitro and in transfected COS-7 cells. We further confirmed the interaction of endogenous Rasd1 and
Ear2 from HEK293T cell and mouse brain extract. Rasd1 inhibited transcriptional repression by Ear2 on a renin
promoter-luciferase reporter construct both in the presence and absence of all-trans-retinoic acid. Moreover, realtime
RT-PCR showed upregulation of endogenous renin transcription in As4.1 cells over-expressing Rasd1. We
demonstrated that the ligand binding domain of Ear2 is required for physical and functional interaction between
the two proteins. In addition, we demonstrated that shRNA-mediated knockdown of Rasd1 results in further
repression of Ear2-mediated renin transcription, whereas induction of Rasd1 by dexamethasone counteracts the
effects of shRNA-mediated Rasd1 knockdown. Finally, our study showed that Rasd1 missense mutations not only
attenuate their physical interaction with Ear2 but also abolish their ability to counteract repression of renin
transcription mediated by Ear2.
Conclusions: Our study provides evidence for physical and functional interactions between Rasd1 and Ear2. The
results suggest that their interactions are involved in renin transcriptional regulation. These findings not only reveal
a novel role for Rasd1-medated signaling but also provide the basis for potential intervention of renin expression.Published versio
Primary malignant melanoma of the vagina with repeated local recurrences and brain metastasis
Malignant melanoma of the vagina, a very rare malignancy, has a notoriously aggressive behavior associated with a high risk of local recurrence and distant metastasis. At present, there are various treatment options for this disease but no standard guideline. We describe a case of a 54-year-old woman with a locally advanced melanoma of the vagina, who underwent radical surgery, biochemotherapy with interferon-α-2b, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and repeat excision of local recurrent lesions and brain metastasis. In conclusion, malignant melanoma of the vagina has a high risk for local recurrence. Repeated local excision followed by biochemotherapy is a tolerable treatment