718 research outputs found

    Continent-Ocean Transition or Boundary? : Crowd-sourced seismic interpretations of the East-India Passive Margin

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    AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank the full SEISMIX 2016 organization team and participants for facilitating and taking part in the experiment in Aviemore (Scotland). ION is thanked for supplying the seismic profile used in the experiments. Dr. Eagles and Dr. Pérez-Díaz are thanked for kindly sharing the interpretations of the E-India margin. JA is funded by “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” fellow-ship IJC2018-036074-I and “Ramón y Cajal” fellowship RYC2021-033872-I, funded by MCIN/AEI/https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. We thank the reviewers for their constructive comments, and Jonathan Aitchison for the editorial guidance.Peer reviewedPostprintPublisher PD

    Climate change alters impacts of extreme climate events on a tropical perennial tree crop

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    Anthropogenic climate change causes more frequent and intense fluctuations in the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Understanding the effects of ENSO on agricultural systems is crucial for predicting and ameliorating impacts on lives and livelihoods, particularly in perennial tree crops, which may show both instantaneous and delayed responses. Using cocoa production in Ghana as a model system, we analyse the impact of ENSO on annual production and climate over the last 70 years. We report that in recent decades, El Niño years experience reductions in cocoa production followed by several years of increased production, and that this pattern has significantly shifted compared with prior to the 1980s. ENSO phase appears to affect the climate in Ghana, and over the same time period, we see corresponding significant shifts in the climatic conditions resulting from ENSO extremes, with increasing temperature and water stress. We attribute these changes to anthropogenic climate change, and our results illustrate the big data analyses necessary to improve understanding of perennial crop responses to climate change in general, and climate extremes in particular

    Occupational safety and health considerations of returning to work after cancer

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    Increasing numbers of people undergo a return to work (RTW) after a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Although there is evidence available in relation to managing the RTW process, at the current time, there is limited information available in relation to any safety and health issues associated with this process. Using a systematic review and organisational case studies, this project aimed to understand the health and safety implications of returning to work or staying in work during treatment, to identify what employers can do to facilitate this process for cancer survivors and to develop guidance for IOSH from the work carried out. The systematic review identified that understanding the potential changes in individual capacity (both physical and mental) are essential, as are the role of the line manager, being able to offer flexibility in returning to work, and understanding that the process can be long term. The case studies aimed to identify good practice and found that different aspects can impact on the RTW or continuation to work, including using risk assessments of work tasks rather than job roles, and considering the impact of physical and psychological demands. Different factors need to be considered within the risk assessment, including the impact of fatigue, risks of infection, work planning and breaks in the working day, the inclusion of emergency planning, and flexibility in start times or workplace. The work has also highlighted a number of evidence gaps, including: the lack of an evidence base for safety, health or ergonomic interventions; a lack of information in relation to manual workers and their RTW needs; a lack of information on those who have had to change jobs or on their future employability; and a need for more in-depth, longer-term research. Content for an IOSH OH Toolkit on RTW after cancer was also produced as part of this work

    Landscape and management influences on smallholder agroforestry yields show shifts during a climate shock

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    Sustaining yields for smallholder perennial agriculture under a rapidly changing climate regime may require consideration of landscape features and on-farm management decisions in tandem. Optimising landscape and management may not be possible for maximising yields in any one year but maintaining heterogeneous landscapes could be an important climate adaptation strategy. In this study, we observed elevation, forest patch and shade management gradients affecting smallholder coffee (Coffea arabica) yields in a ‘normal’ year versus the 2015/16 El Niño. We generally found a benefit to yields from having leguminous shade trees and low canopy openness, while maintaining diverse shade or varying canopy openness had more complex influences during a climate shock. The two years of observed climate shock were dominated by either drought or high temperatures, with yield responses generally negative. Climate projections for East Africa predict more erratic rainfall and higher temperatures, which will disproportionately impact smallholder farmers

    Landscape and management influences on smallholder agroforestry yields show shifts during a climate shock

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    Sustaining yields for smallholder perennial agriculture under a rapidly changing climate regime may require consideration of landscape features and on-farm management decisions in tandem. Optimising landscape and management may not be possible for maximising yields in any one year but maintaining heterogeneous landscapes could be an important climate adaptation strategy. In this study, we observed elevation, forest patch and shade management gradients affecting smallholder coffee (Coffea arabica) yields in a ‘normal’ year versus the 2015/16 El Niño. We generally found a benefit to yields from having leguminous shade trees and low canopy openness, while maintaining diverse shade or varying canopy openness had more complex influences during a climate shock. The two years of observed climate shock were dominated by either drought or high temperatures, with yield responses generally negative. Climate projections for East Africa predict more erratic rainfall and higher temperatures, which will disproportionately impact smallholder farmers.</p

    Reappraisal of the magma-rich versus magma-poor rifted margin archetypes

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    Abstract Rifted margins are commonly defined as magma-poor or magma-rich archetypes based on their morphology. We re-examine the prevailing model inferred from this classification that magma-rich margins have excess decompression melting at lithospheric breakup compared with steady-state seafloor spreading, while magma-poor margins have inhibited melting. We investigate the magmatic budget related to lithospheric breakup along two high-resolution long-offset deep reflection seismic profiles across the SE Indian (magma-poor) and Uruguayan (magma-rich) rifted margins. Resolving the magmatic budget is difficult and several interpretations can explain our seismic observations, implying different mechanisms to achieve lithospheric breakup and melt production for each archetype. We show that the Uruguayan and other magma-rich margins may indeed involve excess decompression melting compared with steady-state seafloor spreading but could also be explained by a gradual increase with an early onset relative to crustal breakup. A late onset of decompression melting relative to crustal breakup enables mantle exhumation characteristic of magma-poor margin archetypes (e.g. SE India). Despite different volumes of magmatism, the mechanisms suggested at lithospheric breakup are comparable between both archetypes. Considerations on the timing of decompression melting onset relative to crustal thinning may be more important than the magmatic budget to understand the evolution and variability of rifted margins.</jats:p

    The vitamin D receptor polymorphism in the translation initiation codon is a risk factor for insulin resistance in glucose tolerant Caucasians

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    BACKGROUND: Although vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms have been shown to be associated with abnormal glucose metabolism, the reported polymorphisms are unlikely to have any biological consequences. The VDR gene has two potential translation initiation sites. A T-to-C polymorphism has been noted in the first ATG (f allele), abolishing the first translation initiation site and resulting in a peptide lacking the first three amino acids (F allele). We examined the role of this polymorphism in insulin sensitivity and beta cell function. This study included 49 healthy Caucasian subjects (28 females, age 28 ± 1 years old, body mass index 24.57 ± 0.57 kg/m(2), waist-hip ratio 0.81 ± 0.01 cm/cm). They were all normotensive (less than 140/90 mmHg) and glucose tolerant, which was determined by a standard 75-gm oral glucose tolerance test. Their beta cell function (%B) and insulin sensitivity (%S) were calculated based on the Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA). Their genotypes were determined by a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Phenotypes were compared between genotypic groups. RESULTS: There were 18 FF, 21 Ff, and 10 ff subjects. Since only 10 ff subjects were identified, they were pooled with the Ff subjects during analyses. The FF and Ff/ff groups had similar glucose levels at each time point before and after a glucose challenge. The Ff/ff group had higher insulin levels than the FF group at fasting (P=0.006), 30 minutes (P=0.009), 60 minutes (P=0.049), and 90 minutes (P=0.042). Furthermore, the Ff/ff group also had a larger insulin area under the curve than the FF group (P=0.009). While no difference was noted in %B, the Ff/ff group had a lower %S than the FF group (0.53 vs. 0.78, P=0.006). A stepwise regression analysis confirmed that the Fok I polymorphism was an independent determinant for %S, accounting for 29.3% of variation in %S when combined with waist-hip ratio. CONCLUSIONS: We report that the Fok I polymorphism at the VDR gene locus is associated with insulin sensitivity, but has no influence on beta cell function in healthy Caucasians. Although this polymorphism has been shown to affect the activation of vitamin D-dependent transcription, the molecular basis of the association between this polymorphism and insulin resistance remains to be determined

    Gliese 12 b, a temperate Earth-sized planet at 12 parsecs discovered with TESS and CHEOPS

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    We report on the discovery of Gliese 12 b, the nearest transiting temperate, Earth-sized planet found to date. Gliese 12 is a bright (V = 12.6 mag, K = 7.8 mag) metal-poor M4V star only 12.162 ± 0.005 pc away from the Solar system with one of the lowest stellar activity levels known for M-dwarfs. A planet candidate was detected by TESS based on only 3 transits in sectors 42, 43, and 57, with an ambiguity in the orbital period due to observational gaps. We performed follow-up transit observations with CHEOPS and ground-based photometry with MINERVA-Australis, SPECULOOS, and Purple Mountain Observatory, as well as further TESS observations in sector 70. We statistically validate Gliese 12 b as a planet with an orbital period of 12.76144 ± 0.00006 d and a radius of 1.0 ± 0.1 R⊕, resulting in an equilibrium temperature of ∼315 K. Gliese 12 b has excellent future prospects for precise mass measurement, which may inform how planetary internal structure is affected by the stellar compositional environment. Gliese 12 b also represents one of the best targets to study whether Earth-like planets orbiting cool stars can retain their atmospheres, a crucial step to advance our understanding of habitability on Earth and across the galaxy

    Gliese 12 b, a temperate Earth-sized planet at 12 parsecs discovered with TESS and CHEOPS

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    We report on the discovery of Gliese 12 b, the nearest transiting temperate, Earth-sized planet found to date. Gliese 12 is a bright (V = 12.6 mag, K = 7.8 mag) metal-poor M4V star only 12.162 ± 0.005 pc away from the Solar system with one of the lowest stellar activity levels known for M-dwarfs. A planet candidate was detected by TESS based on only 3 transits in sectors 42, 43, and 57, with an ambiguity in the orbital period due to observational gaps. We performed follow-up transit observations with CHEOPS and ground-based photometry with MINERVA-Australis, SPECULOOS, and Purple Mountain Observatory, as well as further TESS observations in sector 70. We statistically validate Gliese 12 b as a planet with an orbital period of 12.76144 ± 0.00006 d and a radius of 1.0 ± 0.1 R⊕, resulting in an equilibrium temperature of ∼315 K. Gliese 12 b has excellent future prospects for precise mass measurement, which may inform how planetary internal structure is affected by the stellar compositional environment. Gliese 12 b also represents one of the best targets to study whether Earth-like planets orbiting cool stars can retain their atmospheres, a crucial step to advance our understanding of habitability on Earth and across the galaxy