51 research outputs found

    Framework for the Development of Financial Literacy Baseline Surveys: A First International Comparative Analysis

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    There is growing concern, across a wide range of countries, about the levels of financial capability of consumers. A large number of initiatives are therefore being developed to address this issue; and countries are increasingly rolling out national strategies on financial capability. To do this effectively requires evidence on the areas where financial capability in the population is low and an identification of the extent to which these should be addressed by financial education and/or consumer protection measures. Yet there is remarkably little robust information in this area and none that is comparable across countries. This report is aimed at informing the work of the OECD International Network on Financial Education (INFE) in this field, by 1) elaborating a set of draft good practice guidelines for the design of national financial literacy surveys and; 2) proposing guidelines for the design of a core set of good practice questions for embedding within any national surveys aimed at measuring financial literacy levels. Cadre pour le développement des connaissances financières à un niveau international : Première étude comparative internationale De nombreux pays s‘inquiètent de plus en plus des niveaux de compétences financières des consommateurs. Un grand nombre d‘initiatives sont mises en place pour augmenter les niveaux de connaissances financières et les pays se sont attelés à ces enjeux et ont commencé à développer des stratégies nationales en matière de capacité financière. Pour que cette démarche soit efficace, il faut recueillir des données dans les domaines où les connaissances financière de la population sont faibles et identifier jusqu‘à quel point des mesures en matière d‘éducation financière et/ou de protection des consommateurs peuvent aborder ces difficultés. Or, il existe extrêmement peu d‘information solide dans ce domaine et elle ne s‘avère pas comparable entre les pays. Le but de ce rapport est d‘informer sur les travaux que mène le réseau international sur l‘éducation financière de l‘OCDE (INFE) sur cette question à travers 1) l‘élaboration d‘un projet de bonnes pratiques pour la conception d‘enquêtes nationales sur les niveaux de capacité financière ; et 2) la proposition de lignes directrices pour l‘établissement d‘un ensemble de questions fondamentales de base à intégrer dans toute enquête nationale visant à mesurer le niveau de compétence financière des consommateurs, s‘appuyant sur des bonnes pratiques en la matière.budgets, saving, financial literacy, financial capability, spending, financial planning, financial literacy survey, consumer protection, financial education, dépenses, enquête des connaissances financières, protection des consommateurs, planification financière, capacité financière, connaissance financière, épargne, éducation financière, budget

    Financial advice - An overview of research on pre-purchase financial advice for consumers

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    Financialisation of social welfare places a considerable responsibility on individuals to select financial products that are appropriate to their needs. At the same time, liberalisation of financial markets has made those choices more complex to make and there is growing evi-dence from countries that have undertaken surveys of financial capability that consumers are unsophisticated when it comes to buying financial products. Most do not shop around for the best and most appropriate deal, indeed few even collect information on a range of products

    Commercial and technical

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    Assessing the Levels of Financial Capability and Financial Well-being in Norway. A summary report

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    Denne rapporten handler om ‘financial well-being’ — økonomisk trygghet på norsk. Rapporten gir et oversiktsbilde av økonomisk trygghet i Norge i 2017, basert på en tidligere rapport: Kempson E, Poppe C. SIFO rapport 3-2018. Understanding Financial Well-Being and Capability. A Revised Model and Comprehensive Analysis. Oslo: Consumption Research Norway (SIFO), Oslo Metropolitan University. Analysene viser at økonomisk trygghet påvirkes direkte av tre grupper av variabler: måten man bruker penger på, grad av økonomisk kontroll, og egenskaper ved det sosiale miljøet. Resultatene sammenlignes også med andre land, og plasserer Norge som en kontekst med utpreget høy grad av generell økonomisk trygghet. Rapporten peker likevel på kritiske aspekter av norske husholdningers økonomiske atferd, herunder lav grad av kontrollert forbruk, og gir anbefalinger for å konsolidere og forbedre allerede høye nivåer av økonomisk trygghet. This report provides an overview of financial well-being in Norway in 2017, based on a previous report: Kempson E, Poppe C. SIFO Report 3-2018. Understanding Financial Well-Being and Capability. A Revised Model and Comprehensive Analysis. Oslo: Consumption Research Norway (SIFO), Oslo Metropolitan University. The analysis show that financial well-being is directly influenced by three groups of variables: money use behaviours, financial confidence and control, and aspects of people’s social environment. The results are also compared with other countries, placing Norway as a high-score context. Still, the report points at critical aspects of the financial behaviour of Norwegian households, including a relatively low score on spending restraint, and offers policy advice to consolidate and improve already high levels of general financial well-being