8 research outputs found

    Sleep Spindles as Biomarker for Early Detection of Neurodegenerative Disorders

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    The present invention relates to the use of sleep spindles as a novel biomarker for early diagnosis of synucleinopathies, in particular Parkinson's disease (PD). The method is based on automatic detection of sleep spindles. The method may be combined with measurements of one or more further biomarkers derived from polysomnographic recordings.</p

    Relationship between electrical resistence of the living tissue and tree-ring width in silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) on Ravnik (Slovenia)

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    Na Ravniku smo sistematično raziskali 40 različno prizadetih jelk (Abies alba Mill.). Ugotovili smo, da je zveza med električno upornostjo živih tkiv (ER) in širino branike, nastale v istem letu, obratnosorazmerna in ni tesna. Višina odčitka se med leti spreminja in je v veliki meri odvisna od klime v preučevanem letu. S poškodovanostjo se je variabilnost odčitkov povečevala in to neodvisno od klimatskih razmer v preučevanem letu. Velika variabilnost odčitkov vodi ob nepoznavanju ekoloških dejavnikov v preučevanem letu k napačni ocenitvi fiziološkega stanja drevesa.On the research plot Ravnik 40 systematically selected silver firs (Abies alba Mill.) were analysed. It was established that the relationship between electrical resistance of living tissues (ER) and tree-ring formed in the year of measuring was negative and not high (r2=0,47). Year to year variation of ER is highly variable and is strongly influenced by climate. The variability of ER measurements increases with decreasing tree vitality and is independent of the climate. High variability together with improper interpretation of ecological factors can lead to false assessment of physiological tree condition