69 research outputs found

    The barium iron ruthenium oxide system

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    In the system BaFe(1-x)Ru(x)O(3-y), three phases, separated by immiscibility gaps, are present: an Fe-rich phase (x = 0 to 0.75) with hexagonal BaTiO3 structure (6H; sequence (hcc)2), a Ru-rich phase (x = 0.9) of hexagonal 4H-type (sequence (hc)2), and the pure Ru compounds BaRuO3 with rhombohedral 9R structure (sequence (hhc)3). By vibrational spectroscopic investigations in the 6H phase a transition from n-type semiconduction (Fe-rich compounds with complete O lattice) can be detected. The 4H and 9R stacking polytypes are good, metal-like conductors. The lattice parameters are given

    Zweifarben-Emission im neuen Wirtsgitter Sr3La2?W2O12

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    Dreifarben-Emission in dreifach aktivierten Wirtsgittern

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    Zweifarben-Emission in doppelt aktivierten Wirtsgittern

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    Hole-ion Mixed Conduction of Orientation-Controlled BaPrO 3−δ

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