11 research outputs found

    Lithographically defined synthesis of transition metal dichalcogenides

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    Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) promise to revolutionize optoelectronic applications. While monolayer exfoliation and vapor phase growth produce extremely high quality 2D materials, direct fabrication at wafer scale remains a significant challenge. Here, we present a method that we call ‘lateral conversion’, which enables the synthesis of patterned TMD structures, with control over the thickness down to a few layers, at lithographically predefined locations. In this method, chemical conversion of a metal-oxide film to TMD layers proceeds by diffusion of precursor propagating laterally between silica layers, resulting in structures where delicate chalcogenide films are protected from contamination or oxidation. Lithographically patterned WS2 structures were synthesized by lateral conversion and analyzed in detail by hyperspectral Raman imaging, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The rate of conversion was investigated as a function of time, temperature, and thickness of the converted film. In addition, the process was extended to grow patterned MoS2, WSe2, MoSe2 structures, and to demonstrate unique WS2/SiO2 multilayer structures. We believe this method will be applicable to a variety of additional chalcogenide materials, and enable their incorporation into novel architectures and devices


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    As the miniaturization of electronic circuits reach physical limits, new materials and physical phenomenon need to be exploited to further increase device density and efficiency. A number of approaches have been proposed. One of the common approaches in the scientific community is the search to understand and practically fabricate novel materials and devices at the nanoscale. In this work, we present several nanofabrication processes and unique synthetic methods that we have developed to achieve novel 1D and 2D semiconducting, dielectric, and ferroelectric materials, relevant for the integration in advanced nanoscale devices. In particular, single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were synthesized and integrated into bottom- and top-gate field effect transistors. We demonstrated a novel CNT surface pretreatment method that enables uniform and conformal ALD coating of suspended nanotubes with various dielectric materials. Obtained all-oxide TiO2-Al2O3 compound high-k dielectric showed an improved dielectric permittivity. Another class of semiconductor that we investigated, was transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) layered thin film materials. We developed a novel synthetic method that we termed “lateral conversion,” which was used to grow WS2, WSe2, MoS2 and MoSe2 van der Waals materials. In this method, a metal-oxide layer is converted into TMD material using a chalcogenation reaction that propagates laterally between two inert silica layers. The method results in a multilayer structure with TMD material covered by a capping layer that protects it from the environment, contamination, and oxidation. It was shown that the technique provides control over the TMD position, shape, and thickness with sub-micron precision, at wafer scale. A third class of materials that was studied in this work are hafnia-based ferroelectric thin films. The ability to integrate ferroelectric thin films into electronic devices with atomic layer deposition (ALD) has been a long-standing dream. With the discovery of ferroelectric properties in ALD hafnium oxide, the realization of some advanced architecture devices became one step closer. Here, ALD was used to synthesize Hf0.5Zr0.5O2, with precisely tuned stoichiometry. Next, the crystallization of initially amorphous Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 was performed using widely researched rapid thermal annealing (RTA), as well as by using intense pulsed ion beams (IPIBs), which was done for the first time for such application. RTA-produced ferroelectric thin films, showed successful orthorhombic phase stabilization and annealing-temperature-dependent remnant polarization, whereas early IPIBs experiments demonstrated the ability to crystallize HfO2, ZrO2 and Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 thin films, inducing different crystallographic phases

    Conformal High-K Dielectric Coating of Suspended Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Atomic Layer Deposition

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    As one of the highest mobility semiconductor materials, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been extensively studied for use in field effect transistors (FETs). To fabricate surround-gate FETs— which offer the best switching performance—deposition of conformal, weakly-interacting dielectric layers is necessary. This is challenging due to the chemically inert surface of CNTs and a lack of nucleation sites—especially for defect-free CNTs. As a result, a technique that enables integration of uniform high-k dielectrics, while preserving the CNT’s exceptional properties is required. In this work, we show a method that enables conformal atomic layer deposition (ALD) of high-k dielectrics on defect-free CNTs. By depositing a thin Ti metal film, followed by oxidation to TiO2 under ambient conditions, a nucleation layer is formed for subsequent ALD deposition of Al2O3. The technique is easy to implement and is VLSI-compatible. We show that the ALD coatings are uniform, continuous and conformal, and Raman spectroscopy reveals that the technique does not induce defects in the CNT. The resulting bilayer TiO2/Al2O3 thin-film shows an improved dielectric constant of 21.7 and an equivalent oxide thickness of 2.7 nm. The electrical properties of back-gated and top-gated devices fabricated using this method are presented


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    Silver nanowire (AgNW) networks have attracted particular attention as transparent conductive films (TCF) due to their high conductivity, flexibility, transparency, and large scale processing compatible synthesis. As-prepared AgNW percolating networks typically suffer from high contact resistance, requiring additional post-synthetic processing. In this report, large area irradiation with 200 ns short intense pulsed ion beam (IPIB) was used to anneal and enhance the conductivity of AgNW network, deposited on temperature-sensitive polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate..


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    Silver nanowire (AgNW) networks have attracted particular attention as transparent conductive films (TCF) due to their high conductivity, flexibility, transparency, and large scale processing compatible synthesis. As-prepared AgNW percolating networks typically suffer from high contact resistance, requiring additional post-synthetic processing. In this report, large area irradiation with 200 ns short intense pulsed ion beam (IPIB) was used to anneal and enhance the conductivity of AgNW network, deposited on temperature-sensitive polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate. A TCF sheet resistance shows irradiation dose dependence, decreasing by four orders of magnitude and reaching a value of 70 Ω/sq without damaging the polymer substrate, which retained a transparency of 94%. The IPIB irradiation fused AgNW network into the PET substrate, resulting in a great adhesion enhancement. Heat transfer simulations show that the heat originates at the near-surface layer of the TCF and lasts an ultra-short period of time. Obtained experimental and simulation results indicate that the irradiation with IPIBs opens new perspectives in the low-temperature annealing of nanomaterials deposited on temperaturesensitive substrates