6 research outputs found

    Young people's characteristics in the baseline profile (N = 389) and cohort (N = 901) samples by study arm.

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    <p>Abbreviations: RA = Research Assistant; GP = General Practitioner; PN = Practice Nurse; Totals vary due to missing responses; Note: Profile refers to the cross-sectional sample of young people recruited from practices prior to randomisation whereas the cohort sample were the subjects of the trial recruited post randomisation and followed up at three and 12 months. see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0137581#pone.0137581.s002" target="_blank">S1 File</a>.</p><p>* 312 young people in the intervention arm and 485 young people in comparison arm were seen by the study enrolled GP only; 65 young people in the intervention arm and 34 young people in comparison arm were seen by the study enrolled PN only; 5 young people in the comparison arm were seen by both the study enrolled GP and PN.</p><p>† Intra-cluster correlation (ICC) estimated for health risk factors of cohort at exit interview for each arm using one way analysis of variance; ICC values not shown were truncated at zero.</p><p><sup>‡‡</sup> Sensitive question only asked of young people aged 17 years old or greater (Cohort: N = 316 in intervention group and N = 411 in comparison group; Profile: N = 138 in intervention group and N = 165 in comparison group).</p><p>‡ Young people could present with multiple reasons, 90% young people present with one reason and 10% with two or three reasons for encounter coded by ICPC-2 [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0137581#pone.0137581.ref048" target="_blank">48</a>].</p><p>Young people's characteristics in the baseline profile (N = 389) and cohort (N = 901) samples by study arm.</p

    Baseline characteristics of general practices, general practitioners (GPs) and practice nurses (PNs).

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    <p>Totals vary due to missing responses.</p><p>* Australian Bureau of Statistics [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0137581#pone.0137581.ref036" target="_blank">36</a>]</p><p>† Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0137581#pone.0137581.ref046" target="_blank">46</a>]</p><p><sup>‡</sup> One community health centre consisted of two PNs only and would refer to the GP when needed</p><p><sup>§</sup> 3 GPs in the intervention arm and 5 in comparison arm had some missing demographic data</p><p><sup>||</sup> All 42 PNs were female; 3 PNs in the intervention arm and 5 in comparison arm had some missing demographic data.</p><p>Baseline characteristics of general practices, general practitioners (GPs) and practice nurses (PNs).</p

    Trial Profile of practices and cohort sample.

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    <p>* Young people were ineligible if they were: unable to speak English; physically or mentally unwell; or, under 18 years old, judged by clinician to be incompetent to make an informed decision for participation in minimal risk research and unable or unwilling to obtain parental consent. † Never had contact (wrong phone number, too many attempted phone calls, or responded more than three weeks post consultation and were therefore too delayed to participate). ‡ A small number of young people completed the baseline survey and 12 month follow-up CATI but did not complete the three month CATI because they were too busy, away or not contactable during this time. § Denominator used to calculate the percentage is the total number of young people who consented and completed exit interview. ¶ One practice had no young people complete the 12-month CATI.</p

    Clinicians detection of risk-taking behaviours of the young person at the consultation measured at the “Exit interview” in the cohort sample of young people (N = 901).

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    <p>Abbreviations: OR = Odd ratio; CI = Confidence Interval; <i>P</i> = P-value; STIs = sexually transmitted infections; Totals vary due to missing responses.</p><p>* Detection of risk factors: YP reported that the issue was raised and/or discussed during the last consultation and reported having the health risk; issues discussed at previous consultations were coded as “No.”</p><p>§ Estimated OR adjusted for SES of the practice location, practice billing type, sex and age of young people, recruitment method of young people.</p><p>† Intra-cluster correlation (ICC) estimated using one way analysis of variance; ICC values not shown were truncated at zero.</p><p>‡ Estimated OR calculated using marginal logistic regression using generalised estimating equations with robust standard errors to adjust for clustering at the clinic level.</p><p>** Analysis does not adjust for clustering at the clinic level because estimated ICC for fitted model was negative.</p><p><sup>††</sup> Sensitive question only asked of young people aged 17 years old or greater (N = 313 in intervention group and N = 405 in comparison group).</p><p>Clinicians detection of risk-taking behaviours of the young person at the consultation measured at the “Exit interview” in the cohort sample of young people (N = 901).</p

    Young people's health risks, three and 12 months post-intervention in the cohort sample of young people.

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    <p>Abbreviations: RD = Risk difference; OR = Odd ratio; CI = Confidence Interval; <i>P</i> = P-value; STI = sexually transmitted infection; Discrepancies in totals due to missing responses.</p><p>‡ Estimated OR adjusted for socio-economic status of the practice location, practice billing type, sex and age of young people, recruitment method of young people and where indicated long term health risks measured at exit interview.</p><p>* Estimated RD calculated using generalised linear regression with identity link function using generalised estimating equations with robust standard errors to adjust for clustering.</p><p>† Estimated OR calculated using marginal logistic regression using generalised estimating equations with robust standard errors to adjust for clustering at the clinic level.</p><p>§ Adjusted for presence of this health risk in the 12 months preceding recruitment (long term health risk), measured by self-report at exit interview; Note: Illicit drug use includes cannabis use or/and other illicit drugs.</p><p>** Not adjusted for clustering at the clinic level because the estimated ICC for fitted model was negative.</p><p>Young people's health risks, three and 12 months post-intervention in the cohort sample of young people.</p