1,466 research outputs found

    Isolation of Isotrichophycin C and Trichophycins G–I from a Collection of Trichodesmium thiebautii

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    The trichophycin family of compounds are chlorinated polyketides first discovered from environmental collections of a bloom-forming Trichodesmium sp. cyanobacterium. In an effort to fully capture the chemical space of this group of metabolites, the utilization of MS/MS-based molecular networking of a Trichodesmium thiebautii extract revealed a metabolome replete with halogenated compounds. Subsequent MS-guided isolation resulted in the characterization of isotrichophycin C and trichophycins G–I (1–4). These new metabolites had intriguing structural variations from those trichophycins previously characterized, which allowed for a comparative study to examine structural features that are associated with toxicity to murine neuroblastoma cells. Additionally, we propose the absolute configuration of the previously characterized trichophycin A (5). Overall, the metabolome of the Trichodesmium bloom is hallmarked by an unprecedented amount of chlorinated molecules, many of which remain to be structurally characterized

    Use of Anticoagulant Rodenticides in Single-Family Neighborhoods Along an Urban-Wildland Interface in California

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    Urbanization poses many threats for many wildlife species. In addition to habitat loss and fragmentation, non-target wildlife species are vulnerable to poisoning by rodenticides, especially acutely toxic second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs). Although such poisonings are well documented for birds and mammals worldwide, the pathways by which these widely available compounds reach non-target wildlife have not been adequately studied, particularly in urban landscapes. Long-term studies of wild carnivores in and around Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, a national park north of Los Angeles, have documented \u3e85% exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides among bobcats, coyotes, and mountain lions. To investigate potential mechanisms of transfer of chemicals from residential users of rodenticides to non-target wildlife in the Santa Monica Mountains in Los Angeles County, California, we distributed surveys to residents in two study areas on the north (San Fernando Valley) and south (Bel Air-Hollywood Hills) slopes of these mountains. We assessed knowledge of residents about the environmental effects of rodenticides, and for information about individual application of chemicals. We asked for the same information from pest control operators (PCOs) in both study areas. Forty residents completed the survey in the San Fernando Valley area, and 20 residents completed the survey in Bel Air-Hollywood Hills. Despite the small number of total responses, we documented a number of important findings. Homeowners (as opposed to gardeners or PCOs) were the primary applicators of rodenticides, predominantly SGARs, and awareness of the hazards of secondary poisoning to wildlife was not consistent. Some residents reported improperly applying rodenticides (e.g., exceeding prescribed distances from structures), and in one instance a respondent reported observing dead animals outside after placing poison inside a structure. Improper application of SGARs that ignores label guidelines occurs in neighborhoods along the urban–wildland interface, thereby providing a transmission pathway for chemical rodenticides to reach native wildlife. Moreover, the responses suggest that even on-label use (e.g. placing poisons inside) can create risk for non-target wildlife

    g9/2g_{9/2} neutron strength in the N=29N=29 isotones and the 52^{52}Cr(d,pd,p)53^{53}Cr reaction

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    We performed a measurement of the 52^{52}Cr(d,p)53(d,p)^{53}Cr reaction at 16 MeV using the Florida State University Super-Enge Split-Pole Spectrograph (SE-SPS) and observed 26 states. While all of the states observed here had been seen in previous (d,p)(d,p) experiments, we changed five LL assignments from those reported previously and determined LL values for nine states that had not had such assignments made previously. The g9/2g_{9/2} neutron strength observed in 53^{53}Cr in the present work and in the N=29N=29 isotones 49^{49}Ca, 51^{51}Ti, and 55^{55}Fe via (d,p)(d,p) reactions is much smaller than the sum rule for this strength. Most of the observed L=4L=4 strength in these nuclei is located in states near 4 MeV excitation energy. The remaining g9/2g_{9/2} strength may be located in the continuum or may be fragmented among many bound states. A covariant density functional theory calculation provides support for the hypothesis that the g9/2g_{9/2} neutron orbit is unbound in 53^{53}Cr. The (α,3\alpha,^3He) reaction may provide a more sensitive probe for the missing g9/2g_{9/2} neutron strength. In addition, particle-γ\gamma coincidence experiments may help resolve some remaining questions in this nucleus.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2212.0438

    Small Water Bodies in Great Britain and Ireland: Ecosystem function, human-generated degradation, and options for restorative action

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    © 2018 Small, 1st and 2nd-order, headwater streams and ponds play essential roles in providing natural flood control, trapping sediments and contaminants, retaining nutrients, and maintaining biological diversity, which extend into downstream reaches, lakes and estuaries. However, the large geographic extent and high connectivity of these small water bodies with the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem makes them particularly vulnerable to growing land-use pressures and environmental change. The greatest pressure on the physical processes in these waters has been their extension and modification for agricultural and forestry drainage, resulting in highly modified discharge and temperature regimes that have implications for flood and drought control further downstream. The extensive length of the small stream network exposes rivers to a wide range of inputs, including nutrients, pesticides, heavy metals, sediment and emerging contaminants. Small water bodies have also been affected by invasions of non-native species, which along with the physical and chemical pressures, have affected most groups of organisms with consequent implications for the wider biodiversity within the catchment. Reducing the impacts and restoring the natural ecosystem function of these water bodies requires a three-tiered approach based on: restoration of channel hydromorphological dynamics; restoration and management of the riparian zone; and management of activities in the wider catchment that have both point-source and diffuse impacts. Such activities are expensive and so emphasis must be placed on integrated programmes that provide multiple benefits. Practical options need to be promoted through legislative regulation, financial incentives, markets for resource services and voluntary codes and actions

    Social, Structural and Behavioral Determinants of Overall Health Status in a Cohort of Homeless and Unstably Housed HIV-Infected Men

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    Background: Previous studies indicate multiple influences on the overall health of HIV-infected persons; however, few assess and rank longitudinal changes in social and structural barriers that are disproportionately found in impoverished populations. We empirically ranked factors that longitudinally impact the overall health status of HIV-infected homeless and unstably housed men. Methods and Findings: Between 2002 and 2008, a cohort of 288 HIV+ homeless and unstably housed men was recruited and followed over time. The population was 60 % non-Caucasian and the median age was 41 years; 67 % of study participants reported recent drug use and 20 % reported recent homelessness. At baseline, the median CD4 cell count was 349 cells/ml and 18 % of eligible persons (CD4,350) took antiretroviral therapy (ART). Marginal structural models were used to estimate the population-level effects of behavioral, social, and structural factors on overall physical and mental health status (measured by the SF-36), and targeted variable importance (tVIM) was used to empirically rank factors by their influence. After adjusting for confounding, and in order of their influence, the three factors with the strongest negative effects on physical health were unmet subsistence needs, Caucasian race, and no reported source of instrumental support. The three factors with the strongest negative effects on mental health were unmet subsistence needs, not having a close friend/confidant, and drug use. ART adherence.90 % ranked 5th for its positive influence on mental health, and viral loa

    Coastal oceanography and sedimentology in New Zealand, 1967-91.

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    This paper reviews research that has taken place on physical oceanography and sedimentology on New Zealand's estuaries and the inner shelf since c. 1967. It includes estuarine sedimentation, tidal inlets, beach morphodynamics, nearshore and inner shelf sedimentation, tides and coastal currents, numerical modelling, short-period waves, tsunamis, and storm surges. An extensive reference list covering both published and unpublished material is included. Formal teaching and research programmes dealing with coastal landforms and the processes that shape them were only introduced to New Zealand universities in 1964; the history of the New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research parallels and chronicles the development of physical coastal science in New Zealand, most of which has been accomplished in last 25 years

    Re-evaluating pretomanid analogues for Chagas disease:Hit-to-lead studies reveal both in vitro and in vivo trypanocidal efficacy

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    Phenotypic screening of a 900 compound library of antitubercular nitroimidazole derivatives related to pretomanid against the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi (the causative agent for Chagas disease) identified several structurally diverse hits with an unknown mode of action. Following initial profiling, a first proof-of-concept in vivo study was undertaken, in which once daily oral dosing of a 7-substituted 2-nitroimidazooxazine analogue suppressed blood parasitemia to low or undetectable levels, although sterile cure was not achieved. Limited hit expansion studies alongside counter-screening of new compounds targeted at visceral leishmaniasis laid the foundation for a more in-depth assessment of the best leads, focusing on both drug-like attributes (solubility, metabolic stability and safety) and maximal killing of the parasite in a shorter timeframe. Comparative appraisal of one preferred lead (58) in a chronic infection mouse model, monitored by highly sensitive bioluminescence imaging, provided the first definitive evidence of (partial) curative efficacy with this promising nitroimidazooxazine class

    Semileptonic Branching Fraction of Charged and Neutral B Mesons

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    An examination of leptons in Υ(4S){\Upsilon (4S)} events tagged by reconstructed BB decays yields semileptonic branching fractions of b=(10.1±1.8±1.4)%b_-=(10.1 \pm 1.8\pm 1.4)\% for charged and b0=(10.9±0.7±1.1)%b_0=(10.9 \pm 0.7\pm 1.1)\% for neutral BB mesons. This is the first measurement for charged BB. Assuming equality of the charged and neutral semileptonic widths, the ratio b/b0=0.93±0.18±0.12b_-/b_0=0.93 \pm 0.18 \pm 0.12 is equivalent to the ratio of lifetimes. A postscript version is available through World-Wide-Web in http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS/1994Comment: 9 pages (in REVTEX format) Preprint CLNS94-1286, CLEO 94-1

    Precision Measurement of the Ds+Ds+D_s^{*+}- D_s^+ Mass Difference

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    We have measured the vector-pseudoscalar mass splitting M(Ds+)M(Ds+)=144.22±0.47±0.37MeVM(D_s^{*+})-M(D_s^+) = 144.22\pm 0.47\pm 0.37 MeV, significantly more precise than the previous world average. We minimize the systematic errors by also measuring the vector-pseudoscalar mass difference M(D0)M(D0)M(D^{*0})-M(D^0) using the radiative decay D0D0γD^{*0}\rightarrow D^0\gamma, obtaining [M(Ds+)M(Ds+)][M(D0)M(D0)]=2.09±0.47±0.37MeV[M(D_s^{*+})-M(D_s^+)]-[M(D^{*0})-M(D^0)] = 2.09\pm 0.47\pm 0.37 MeV. This is then combined with our previous high-precision measurement of M(D0)M(D0)M(D^{*0})-M(D^0), which used the decay D0D0π0D^{*0}\rightarrow D^0\pi^0. We also measure the mass difference M(Ds+)M(D+)=99.5±0.6±0.3M(D_s^+)-M(D^+)=99.5\pm 0.6\pm 0.3 MeV, using the ϕπ+\phi\pi^+ decay modes of the Ds+D_s^+ and D+D^+ mesons.Comment: 18 pages uuencoded compressed postscript (process with uudecode then gunzip). hardcopies with figures can be obtained by sending mail to: [email protected]

    Observation of a New Charmed Strange Meson

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    Using the CLEO-II detector, we have obtained evidence for a new meson decaying to D0K+D^0 K^+. Its mass is 2573.21.6+1.7±0.8±0.52573.2^{+1.7}_{-1.6}\pm 0.8\pm 0.5 {}~MeV/c2c^2 and its width is 164+5±316^{+5}_{-4}\pm 3~MeV/c2c^2. Although we do not establish its spin and parity, the new meson is consistent with predictions for an L=1L=1, S=1S=1, JP=2+J_P=2^+ charmed strange state.Comment: 9 pages uuencoded compressed postscript (process with uudecode then gunzip). hardcopies with figures can be obtained by sending mail to: [email protected]