3 research outputs found

    Análise morfológica e topográfica das células ganglionares da retina do caititu (Tayassu tajacu)

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    In the Amazon there are several different wild animals species, becoming this way a good environment to investigated about compared physiology. Among this species, the caititu, Tayassu tajacu, stood out. This animals is located in central America and Latin America. There are many publications around morphology of sexual organs, meat and blood of the catitu. Although, regarding studies about visual’s morphology are scarce. Facing this reality, the present study investigated a morphology and topography of ganglion cells of Tayassu tajacu’s retina. Were used six retina, from eight animals, Both sexes of the species Tayassu tajacu. The caititu born and raised in captivity in the Brazilian company of research known as Embrapa/Pará. Were slaughtered according to the rules of animals ‘s management to subsequent removal and attachment of eyes. The retinas were dissected and stained using Nissl technique to ganglion cells of view, displaced amacrine, red blood cells, microglia cells and components of vascularization. A count of ganglion cells was made a long the horizontal and vertical axis. Being the number of ganglion cells by field converted into density values. The different regions of the retina were analyzed as the cellular density, obtaining the medium value of the density 351,822 ± 31,434 CG/mm². Verified different of the density between the studies regions : The dorsal region had a medium density and standard deviation 894 ± 44 CG/mm², the ventral region 894 ± 1 CG/mm²; the nasal region 1.403 ± 43; the temporal region with 1596 ± 251. The average peak density located approximately 3.13 mm from the dorsal direction and 6.77 mm in the temporal direction of the optic nerve, was 6767 GC / mm². Check there are two specialized regions, the visual streak region and the area temporalis. The visual streak located in the horizontal direction of the nasal region to temporal, presenting higher cellular density, possibly providing better panoramic vision from the environment and detecting the objects in the horizontal direction. Already the temporalis area, located within the visual range, provides increased visual acuity and spatial resolution, the environment that they live. These results allow to start comparisons between morphophysiological the retina of peccaries with other animal species.Na Amazônia habitam diversas espécies de animais silvestres, tornando-a um importante local de investigação sobre fisiologia comparada. Dentre estas espécies, destacamos o caititu Tayassu tajacu, animal distribuído na América Central e Latina. Existem várias publicações acerca da morfologia de órgãos sexuais, carne e sangue do caititu. Porém, no que diz respeito ao estudo sobre a morfofisiologia visual do caititu, as publicações ainda são escassas. Diante dessa realidade, o presente estudo investigou a morfologia e topografia das células ganglionares da retina do Tayassu tajacu. Foram utilizadas seis retinas, provenientes de oito animais de ambos os sexos da espécie Tayassu tacaju. Os caititus, criados e mantidos em cativeiro na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Brasileira - Embrapa/Pará, foram abatidos de acordo com as normas de manejo animal para posterior retirada e fixação dos olhos. As retinas foram dissecadas e coradas utilizando a técnica de Nissl para visualização de células ganglionares, amácrinas deslocadas, hemácias, micróglia e células componentes da vascularização. A contagem de células ganglionares foi realizada ao longo do eixo horizontal e vertical, sendo o número de células ganglionares por campo convertido em valores de densidade. Diferentes regiões da retina foram analisadas quanto à densidade celular, obtendo-se como valor médio de densidade 351,822 ± 31,434 CG/mm². Verificaram-se diferenças de densidade entre as regiões estudadas: a região dorsal teve densidade média e desvio padrão de 894 ± 44 CG/mm²; a região ventral 894 ± 1 CG/mm²; a região nasal 1.403 ± 43; e a região temporal com 1596 ± 251. O pico de densidade a média, localizado a aproximadamente 3,13 mm de distância no sentido dorsal e 6,77 mm no sentido temporal do nervo óptico, foi de 6.767 CG/mm². Verificaram-se duas regiões especializadas, a faixa visual e a area temporalis. A faixa visual, localizada no sentido horizontal da região nasal para temporal, apresentou alta densidade celular, possivelmente proporcionando melhor visão panorâmica do ambiente e detecção de objetos em movimento no horizonte. Já a area temporalis, localizada dentro da faixa visual, proporciona maior acuidade visual e resolução espacial, do meio em que vivem Os resultados deste trabalho permitem iniciar comparações morfofisiológicas da retina dos caititus com a de outras espécies animais

    Postural Adjustments in HTLV-1 Infected Patients during a Self-Initiated Perturbation

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    Background: Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infection can be associated with tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP/HAM), which causes neurological myelopathy and sensory and muscle tone alterations, leading to gait and balance impairments. Once trunk perturbation is predicted, the motor control system uses anticipatory and compensatory mechanisms to maintain balance by recruiting postural muscles and displacement of the body’s center of mass. Methods: Twenty-six participants (control or infected) had lower limb muscle onset and center of pressure (COP) displacements assessed prior to perturbation and throughout the entire movement. Results: Semitendinosus (ST) showed delayed onset in the infected group compared to the control group. The percentage of trials with detectable anticipatory postural adjustment was also lower in infected groups in the tibialis anterior and ST. In addition, COP displacement in the infected group was delayed, had a smaller amplitude, and took longer to reach the maximum displacement. Conclusions: HTLV-1 infected patients have less efficient anticipatory adjustments and greater difficulty recovering their postural control during the compensatory phase. Clinical assessment of this population should consider postural stability during rehabilitation programs

    Ganglion cells and displaced amacrine cells density in the retina of the collared peccary (Pecari tajacu).

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    In the present study, we investigated the topographical distribution of ganglion cells and displaced amacrine cells in the retina of the collared peccary (Pecari tajacu), a diurnal neotropical mammal of the suborder Suina (Order Artiodactyla) widely distributed across central and mainly South America. Retinas were prepared and processed following the Nissl staining method. The number and distribution of retinal ganglion cells and displaced amacrine cells were determined in six flat-mounted retinas from three animals. The average density of ganglion cells was 351.822 ± 31.434 GC/mm2. The peccary shows a well-developed visual streak. The average peak density was 6,767 GC/mm2 and located within the visual range and displaced temporally as an area temporalis. Displaced amacrine cells have an average density of 300 DAC/mm2, but the density was not homogeneous along the retina, closer to the center of the retina the number of cells decreases and when approaching the periphery the density increases, in addition, amacrine cells do not form retinal specialization like ganglion cells. Outside the area temporalis, amacrine cells reach up to 80% in the ganglion cell layer. However, in the region of the area temporalis, the proportion of amacrine cells drops to 32%. Thus, three retinal specializations were found in peccary's retina by ganglion cells: visual streak, area temporalis and dorsotemporal extension. The topography of the ganglion cells layer in the retina of the peccary resembles other species of Order Artiodactyla already described and is directly related to its evolutionary history and ecology of the species