1,537 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a risk assessment system for heritage railway earthworks

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    There are currently over 100 heritage railways in the UK carrying 6.8 million passengers on 15 million passenger journeys and contributing an estimated £579 million to the UK economy. Many of these lines include significant earthworks, which present a considerable risk to their safe operation. In the last decade there have been major slips at several heritage railways causing major disruption to operations and a serious threat to business continuity. This research describes the application of a risk assessment system based on that used by Network Rail but specifically adapted for heritage railway conditions. Adaptations include significant alterations to the consequence categories used in prioritization of earthwork issues and a simple low-cost method of implementation based on paper forms and Excel spreadsheets. Use of the system on two heritage railways, the Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway and the Strathspey Railway is evaluated by means of discussion with railway engineering staff and civil engineering volunteers. It is concluded that whilst the system represents a realistic and useful approach to management of earthwork assets, the system could not be used by heritage railway volunteer staff without targeted training. Such training, however, would be straightforward to provide, perhaps under the auspices of the Heritage Railway Association

    www.Obscenity.com: an Analysis of Obscenity and Indecency Regulation of the Internet

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    This comment explores the constitutionality of federal regulations as applied to Internet content and alternatives to government regulation. Part II provides background on the Internet, First Amendment obscenity and indecency law as applied to communications media, and past and current legislation enacted to regulate Internet content. Part III analyzes the constitutionality of COPA, and discusses why other alternatives are more effective and preferable to government regulation. Part IV concludes that protecting children from harmful Internet content is the responsibility of parents, and therefore, Internet regulation should begin at home

    A Historical Overview of Art and Music-Based Activities in Social Work with Groups: Nondeliberative Practice and Engaging Young People’s Strengths

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    This article provides a historical overview of the use of art and music-based activities in social work with groups. The authors review archival, empirical, and theoretical literature that explores the use and effectiveness of these activities in the recreation movement and group work practice from the late 19th to mid-20th centuries, the Hull House settlement in Chicago from the late 19th to mid-20th centuries, and in recent group practice in social work and related fields. Findings suggest that art and music-based activities encourage and facilitate nondeliberative practice and allow for important opportunities to engage young people’s strengths

    Haiti Funders Forum: Feasibility Study

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    The Hauser Institute conducted a new study exploring the value, parameters, and sustainability of a Haiti Funders Forum. In collaboration with The Haiti Fund at the Boston Foundation and with support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, researchers Paula Johnson and Colleen Kelly conducted a series of conversations with funder network leaders, individual interviews with Haiti funders, and a survey of a broad range of funders and other constituents to analyze and assess the potential activities and operational issues of a forum. The creation of a Haiti Funders Forum would aim to increase the effectiveness of philanthropy in Haiti by promoting information sharing, networking, and collaboration among grantmakers and social investors and through advocacy for increased philanthropy to and within the country. The report summarizes the findings and makes recommendations on a Forum's values, mission, and goals; functions and activities; and institutional and operational aspects

    The colour of life: novel visualisations of population Lifestyles

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    Colour permeates our daily lives, yet we rarely take notice of it. In this work we utilise the SenseCam (a visual lifelogging tool), to investigte the predominant colours in one million minutes of human life that a group of 20 individuals encounter throughout their normal daily activities. We also compare the colours that different groups of people are exposed to in their typical days. This information is presented in using a novel colour-wheel visualisation which is a new means of illustrating that people are exposed to bright colours over longer durations of time during summer months, and more dark colours during winter months

    Stress Urinary Incontinence in Female Athletes

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    Objective: The purpose of this study is to educate allied health professionals and female athletes of the anatomy of the pelvic floor, and the pathology, etiology, and prevalence of stress urinary incontinence in female athletes. Background: Urinary incontinence is not a life-threatening or dangerous condition, but it is socially embarrassing, may cause the individual to remove herself from social situations, and decrease quality of life. While typically associated with parous women who had vaginal delivery, research has shown prevalence of the condition in physically active women of all ages. Stress urinary incontinence has shown to lead to withdrawal from participation in high-impact activities such as gymnastics, aerobics, and running. It may be considered a barrier for life-long athletics participation in women. Description: An in-depth introduction to the cause and origin of stress urinary incontinence including review of the female pelvic floor anatomy and prevalence of stress urinary incontinence in the female athletic population. Clinical Advantages: Athletic trainers and other allied health professionals will develop an understanding of the multiple mechanisms that cause stress urinary incontinence. Clinician competency of the dynamics and mechanism of urinary incontinence prepares the individual to learn diagnostics, prevention, pharmacological intervention, and treatment of this pathology

    De la prosperidad al propósito: Perspectivas sobre la filantropía y la inversión social entre las personas de alto nivel patrimonial en América Latina

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    Siglos de tradiciones religiosas, normas culturales, historias políticas y condiciones económicas han moldeado el entorno actual de la filantropía privada y la inversión social en América Latina. Si bien las personas de alto nivel patrimonial de la región tienen una larga trayectoria de donaciones benéficas, el surgimiento relativamente reciente de democracias estables, crecimiento económico y acumulación de riqueza personal han sentado las bases para la aceleración de las actividades filantrópicas. Al mismo tiempo, en algunos países, las reducciones en los servicios gubernamentales, la desigualdad severa y la pobreza persistente han recalcado la necesidad de inversión social privada para la promoción del desarrollo social y económico.Este estudio describe el entorno filantrópico y las importantes e inspiradoras inversiones sociales de las personas de alto nivel patrimonial en seis países latinoamericanos: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Perú. También ofrece una mirada nueva al alma y al ejercicio de la filantropía en la región, con la esperanza de que sirva para alentar a otros a invertir capital filantrópico privado en el bien común

    Da Prosperidade ao Propósito: Perspectivas sobre a Filantropia e Investimento Social Privado na América Latina

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    Séculos de tradições religiosas, normas culturais, histórias políticas e condições econômicas moldaram o ambiente atual para doações e investimentos sociais privados na América Latina. Embora as pessoas com patrimônio elevado da região tenham uma longa história de fazer doações à caridade, o surgimento relativamente recente de democracias estáveis, o crescimento econômico firme e a acumulação de patrimônio pessoal criaram as bases para uma maior atividade filantrópica. Ao mesmo tempo, cortes nos serviços públicos, as desigualdades e a pobreza persistente em alguns países ressaltaram a necessidade de investimentos sociais privados, para alavancar o desenvolvimento social e econômico.Este estudo descreve o ambiente filantrópico e ilustra os importantes e inspiradores investimentos sociais de pessoas com patrimônio elevado em seis países da América Latina; Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, México e Peru. Ele dá novas percepções sobre a alma e a prática de filantropia na região e, em termos otimistas, ajudará a encorajar outras pessoas a investirem capital filantrópico privado para o bem público