5,828 research outputs found

    Integrating power flow modelling with building simulation

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    The inclusion of photovoltaic facades and other local sources of both heat and power within building designs has given rise to the concept of embedded generation: where some or all of the heat and power demands are produced close to the point of use. This paper describes recent work to simulate the heat and power flows associated with both an embedded generation system and the building it serves. This is achieved through the development of an electrical power flow model and its integration within the ESP-r simulation program

    Comparison of video and toy reinforcers to motivate infants/toddlers for hearing tests

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    This paper is a study of the effectiveness between video and toy reinforcer types to motivate infants/toddlers for hearing tests. No significant differences were found between age groups or gender. Toy reinforcers were found to produce on average two more threshold estimates compared to video reinforcers. Variety, color and animation of animals may have contributed to this difference

    Developing and testing a generic micro-combined heat and power model for simulations of dwellings and highly distributed power systems

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    This paper elaborates an approach to the modelling of domestic micro-combined heat and power (μ-CHP) using a building simulation tool that can provide a detailed picture of the environmental performance of both the μ-CHP heating system and the dwelling it serves. The approach can also provide useful data for the modelling of highly distributed power systems (HDPS). At the commencement of the work described in this paper no μ-CHP device model that was compatible with a building simulation tool was available. The development of such a model is described along with its calibration and verification. The simulation tool with the device model was then applied to the analysis of a dwelling with a Stirling engine-based heating system. Different levels of thermal insulation and occupancy types were modelled. The energy and environmental performance of the μ-CHP device was quantified for each case; additionally, the potential for its participation in the control and operation of an HDPS was assessed. Analysis of the simulation results indicated that the parasitic losses associated with the μ-CHP system balance of plant reduced the overall heating system efficiency by up to 40 per cent. Performance deteriorated with increasing levels of insulation in the dwelling, resulting in reduced thermal efficiency and increased cycling, though overall fuel use was reduced. The analysis also indicated that the device was generally available to participate in HDPS control for greater than 90 per cent of the simulation time. The potential length of the participation time ranged from 1 to 800+min and depended upon the state of the μ-CHP system thermal buffer and prevailing heat loads. Probabilities for different participation times and modes were calculated

    The role of DSM + C to facilitate the integration of renewable energy and low carbon energy technologies

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    Recent legislation and building regulations have aiming to reduce the energy demands of buildings and include renewable based micro-generation technologies. Due to the variations in energy delivery from these technologies, optimised control over building plant and loads is essential if we are to achieve a good demand-supply match and achieve a reduction in energy demands. This paper reports on research being undertaken as part of the UK EPSRC SuperGen Future Networks programme, specifically relating to the development of algorithms for simulating dynamic demand side control strategies to identify demand-supply matching options when deploying building integrated renewable energy and low carbon technologies. The development of demand side management and control (DSM+c) is a means to improve the dynamic demand-supply match taking account of the available demand side management capacity and time of occurrence. The principle of the developed DSM+c algorithms is to maximise the available control capacity which will enable a better demand-supply match while minimising any impact on users. This paper will demonstrate the application of DSM+c to improve the energy efficiency of a building (e.g. reduced total capacity), restructure the demand pattern via load shifting and switching (e.g. on/off or proportional control) to one more favourable to building integrated renewables. The impact of different control strategies on demand profile restructuring will be demonstrated using simulation to alter the settings of the DSM+c parameters - such as priority, methods and periods - for a given demand profile. The paper will conclude by presenting the outcomes from a case study using the decision support/design tool, MERIT where the developed DSM+c algorithms have been implemented to better facilitate the match between demand and building integrated clean energy supply technologies at the individual multi-familiy building level

    The implementation of discrete demand management algorithms within energy systems modelling

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    Traditionally, demand side management (DSM) programs have been driven by utilities. With the prospect of growth in the utilization of building-integrated micro-generation, DSM offers opportunities for additional energy savings and CO2 emission reductions through better utilisation of local renewable energy resources. This paper examines the feasibility of using discreet demand management (DDM) to improve the supply/demand match. For many combinations of micro-generation and DDM controls, it is necessary to know the environmental conditions (i.e. temperatures and lighting levels) within the buildings being modelled. One method would be to embed all the renewable energy technologies and DDM algorithms within a detailed simulation program. An alternative method, investigated in this study, involves coupling two existing tools: a dynamic building simulation program (ESP-r) and a demand/supply matching program (MERIT) that incorporates DDM algorithms and renewable energy system technologies. These two programs interact at the time-step level and exchange calculated parameters (relating to loads, supply potentials and prevailing environmental conditions) to enable an evaluation of DDM techniques in terms of energy saving and occupant impact. This paper describes the technique and presents simulation results relating to a number of building cases

    Creating Social Networks: Resettlement Center for Burmese Refugees

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    The refugee resettlement program in the United States must encourage both the formation of refugee communities and integra­tion within the larger community. I propose a multiuse building to strengthen refugee communities [bonding social networks] and connect refugees to the larger community [bridging social networks]. Both of these connections are essential for refugees to become integrated in a community. The building will be run by Lutheran Social Services who currently assists in the resettle­ment of refugees in the Springfield, Massachusetts area, with assistance in funding from the Wilson-Fish Discretionary Grant Program which provides financial support for alternative models of resettlement. In order to encourage the formation of bonding social networks, the building includes temporary refugee housing [20 units from one to four bedrooms] and communal spaces [community room and kitchen, cultivation areas, small religious space]. In order to build bridging social networks with the outside community, the program includes a small school for language and vocational training, Lutheran Social Services offices, retail spaces, a rentable event hall, and an exterior event space/market

    Moving Through Collective Adversity: Lessons from Posttraumatic Growth Research for Appreciative Inquiry Practice

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    Tedeschi and Calhoun (1996, 2004) developed the theory of Posttraumatic Growth to explain the experience of growth after trauma. Their work primarily focuses on the individual experience. More recently, Gilpin-Jackson (2014, 2020) and Saul (2014) explored the experience of transformation, healing, and recovery after collective trauma. Appreciative Inquiry was introduced in the late 1980s as a strengths-based approach to organizational change (Cooperrider & Srivastva, 1987). The Appreciative Inquiry method guides an organization through the change process by first selecting the “affirmative topic” to be addressed and then proceeding through a “4-D Cycle” of Discovery, Dream, Design, and Destiny (Cooperrider & Whitney, 2005, p.16). Key findings from the Posttraumatic Growth and collective trauma literature, identifying the factors that enable growth and recovery, can inform and adapt the 4-D Appreciative Inquiry model for use in trauma and adversity contexts. This article argues that the model can be revised to successfully address trauma and adversity through the addition of a new phase or activity: meaning making. The potential for meaning making to create transformative change after collective adversity is demonstrated with examples from the Kalamazoo County Land Bank’s work in Michigan over the last decade

    Has there been a turning point in the numbers of AIDS and HIV antibody positive cases in Ireland?

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    Significant developments in the prevention and treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) have taken place in recent years. Changes in the size of the HIV and AIDS epidemic need to be monitored to assess these developments and plan future services. This paper describes temporal trends in the incidence of HIV and AIDS in Ireland, describing separately the major risk groups, and to explore possible associations between these trends with developments in care. The annual numbers of HIV and AIDS in Ireland were analysed to determine whether there has been a turning point in incidence. There has been an overall decrease in the numbers of AIDS cases since 1993, with both homosexual and intravenous drug users (IDU) risk groups exhibiting a decrease. For HIV antibody positive individuals, overall numbers have remained constant. However, there has been an upward trend in the heterosexual risk group and a downward trend in the IDU risk group. Thus both AIDS and HIV numbers exhibit turning points. Declines in HIV and AIDS incidence in the homosexual and IDU risk groups are indirectly attributable to health safety and treatment programmes. The increase in HIV antibody positive cases among heterosexuals may reflect a relapse in safe sex behaviour

    A ducted wind turbine simulation model for building simulation

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    Power production is shifting away from centralized generation plants to production of heat and power at the point of demand. A technology that may play a part in this shift is the ducted wind turbine (DWT). The emergence of small building integrated micro turbines opens up the possibility of utilizing the differential pressures occurring around buildings for local power production. This paper describes work to develop and test a simple mathematical model of a ducted wind turbine and its integration within a building simulation tool. A case study in which the simulation model will be used to analyse of the likely power output from a building incorporating ducted wind turbines within the façade is also presented

    The role of built environment energy efficiency in a sustainable UK energy economy

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    Energy efficiency in the built environment can make significant contributions to a sustainable energy economy. In order to achieve this, greater public awareness of the importance of energy efficiency is required. In the short term, new efficient domestic appliances, building technologies, legislation quantifying building plant performance, and improved building regulations to include installed plant will be required. Continuing these improvements in the longer term is likely to see the adoption of small-scale renewable technologies embedded in the building fabric. Internet-based energy services will see low-cost building energy management and control delivered to the mass market in order that plant can be operated and maintained at optimum performance levels and energy savings quantified. There are many technology options for improved energy performance of the building fabric and energy systems and it's not yet clear which will prove to be the most economic. Therefore, flexibility is needed in legislation and energy-efficiency initiatives