188 research outputs found

    Real-time beam-profile monitor for a medical cyclotron

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    Introduction Measuring the beam profile on a medical cyclo-tron in real time can aid in improved tuning of the cyclotron and give important information for a smooth operation. Typically the beam profile is measured by an autoradiography technique or even by a scintillator that can be viewed in real time [1, 2]. Another method is to use collimators in front of the target to assess the beam center-ing [3]. All these methods have potential draw-backs including; an inability to monitor the beam in real time for the radiograph, exhibiting a non-linear correlation in signal response to the power deposited for a scintillator, and not providing a 2-dimensional profile of the complete beam for collimators. Our goal was to design a realtime, linear, 2-dimensional beam-profile monitor that is able to withstand the high power of a PET cyclotron. Material and Methods The beam-profile monitor (PM) is designed for the TR13, a 13MeV negative hydrogen-ion cyclotron at TRIUMF. The design follows the concept of a ‘harp’ monitor, widely used at TRIUMF for tuning proton and radioactive ion beams, and is installed on the extraction port without separation from the tank vacuum. The TR13 monitor is designed to withstand a 13 MeV proton beam with a beam current of up to 25 µA, has an active area of 10 by 10 mm and does not affect the 10-7 torr tank vacuum. The device consists of a water-cooled Faraday cup made out of aluminium for low activation and two orthogonal rows of eight tungsten electrodes each mounted on a water-cooled support frame. Electrodes are spaced 1 mm apart from each other, see FIG. 1. The electrodes are electrically isolated from each other and each has a current pickup soldered to it. The material and the shape of the electrodes are optimized to withstand the deposited power of the proton beam. A voltage of -90 V is applied to the electrodes to repel secondary electrons and prevent crosstalk between neighbouring electrodes. The electrode current is amplified using a custom current amplifier, and read by an ADC. From there, the current data is displayed on a PC. This allows one to observe changes of the beam profile in real time. The electronics are designed to read out all sixteen channels in parallel, or, if only a limited number of ADC channels are available, to cycle through the different channels. In our current setup all sixteen channels are read out simultaneously. Results and Conclusion The beam-profile monitor provides a real-time representation of the proton beam, see FIG. 2. The data can also be recorded and analyzed at a later time. The linearity of the monitor has been measured up to 30 µA of proton beam current [4]. With the use of the monitor, it was possible to increase the output of the ion source into the target by 50% in comparison to the standard tune

    Magnetospectroscopy of symmetric and anti-symmetric states in double quantum wells

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    The experimental results obtained for the magneto-transport in the InGaAs/InAlAs double quantum wells (DQW) structures of two different shapes of wells are reported. The beating-effect occurred in the Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations was observed for both types of the structures at low temperatures in the parallel transport when magnetic field was perpendicular to the layers. An approach to the calculation of the Landau levels energies for DQW structures was developed and then applied to the analysis and interpretation of the experimental data related to the beating-effect. We also argue that in order to account for the observed magneto-transport phenomena (SdH and Integer Quantum Hall effect), one should introduce two different quasi-Fermi levels characterizing two electron sub-systems regarding symmetry properties of their states, symmetric and anti-symmetric ones which are not mixed by electron-electron interaction.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figure

    Ancient origins determine global biogeography of hot and cold desert cyanobacteria

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    Factors governing large-scale spatio-temporal distribution of microorganisms remain unresolved, yet are pivotal to understanding ecosystem value and function. Molecular genetic analyses have focused on the influence of niche and neutral processes in determining spatial patterns without considering the temporal scale. Here, we use temporal phylogenetic analysis calibrated using microfossil data for a globally sampled desert cyanobacterium, Chroococcidiopsis, to investigate spatio-temporal patterns in microbial biogeography and evolution. Multilocus phylogenetic associations were dependent on contemporary climate with no evidence for distance-related patterns. Massively parallel pyrosequencing of environmental samples confirmed that Chroococcidiopsis variants were specific to either hot or cold deserts. Temporally scaled phylogenetic analyses showed no evidence of recent inter-regional gene flow, indicating populations have not shared common ancestry since before the formation of modern continents. These results indicate that global distribution of desert cyanobacteria has not resulted from widespread contemporary dispersal but is an ancient evolutionary legacy. This highlights the importance of considering temporal scales in microbial biogeography

    The deuteron: structure and form factors

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    A brief review of the history of the discovery of the deuteron in provided. The current status of both experiment and theory for the elastic electron scattering is then presented.Comment: 80 pages, 33 figures, submited to Advances in Nuclear Physic

    Structure determination of the (1×2) and (1×3) reconstructions of Pt(110) by low-energy electron diffraction

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    The atomic geometry of the (1×2) and (1×3) structures of the Pt(100) surface has been determined from a low-energy electron-diffraction intensity analysis. Both structures are found to be of the missing-row type, consisting of (111) microfacets, and with similar relaxations in the subsurface layers. In both reconstructions the top-layer spacing is contracted by approximately 20% together with a buckling of about 0.17 Å in the third layer and a small lateral shift of about 0.04 Å in the second layer. Further relaxations down to the fourth layer were detectable. The surface relaxations correspond to a variation of interatomic distances, ranging from -7% to +4%, where in general a contraction of approximately 3% for the distances parallel to the surface occurs. The Pendry and Zanazzi-Jona R factors were used in the analysis, resulting in a minimum value of RP=0.36 and RZJ=0.26 for 12 beams at normal incidence for the (1×2) structure, and similar agreement for 19 beams of the (1×3) structure. The (1×3) structure has been reproducibly obtained after heating the crystal in an oxygen atmosphere of 5×10-6 mbar at 1200 K for about 30 min and could be removed by annealing at 1800 K for 45 min after which the (1×2) structure appeared again. Both reconstructed surfaces are clean within the detection limits of the Auger spectrometer. CO adsorption lifts the reconstruction in both structures. After desorption at 500 K the initial structures appear again, indicating that at least one of the reconstructions does not represent the equilibrium structure of the clean surface and may be stabilized by impurities

    Interaction Between Marginal Zinc and High Fat Supply on Lipid Metabolism and Growth of Weanling Rats

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    The impact of a moderate Zn deficiency on growth and plasma and liver lipids was investigated in two 4-week experiments with male weanling rats fed fat-enriched diets. Semisynthetic, approximately isocaloric diets containing 3% soybean oil were supplemented with either 7 or 100 mg Zn/kg diet and with 22% beef tallow (BT) or sunflower oil (SF). In Experiment 1, which compared the dietary fat level and the fat source in a factorial design of treatments, all diets were fed ad libitum to 6 × 8 animals, whereas intake of the high-Zn BT and SF diets was restricted in Experiment 2 (5 × 6 rats) to the level of intake of the respective low-Zn diets. The low-Zn SF diet consistently depressed food intake and final live weights of the animals to a greater extent than the other low-Zn diets, while intake and growth were comparable among the animals fed the high-Zn diets. The marginal Zn deficit per se did not alter plasma triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations nor hepatic concentrations of triglyceride, cholesterol and phospholipids. The fatty acid pattern of liver phospholipids did not indicate that chain elongation and desaturation of fatty acids was impaired by a lack of zinc. It was concluded that dietary energy and fat intake, and fat source have a greater effect on plasma and liver lipids than a moderate Zn deficiency. Marginally Zn-deficient diets enriched with sunflower oil as a major energy source cause a greater growth retardation than diets rich in carbohydrates or beef tallow

    Exploring types of focused factories in hospital care: a multiple case study

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    Background: Focusing on specific treatments or diseases is proposed as a way to increase the efficiency of hospital care. The definition of "focus" or "focused factory", however, lacks clarity. Examples in health care literature relate to very different organizations.\ud Our aim was to explore the application of the focused factory concept in hospital care, including an indication of its performance, resulting in a conceptual framework that can be helpful in further identifying different types of focused factories. Thus contributing to the understanding of the diversity of examples found in the literature. - \ud \ud Methods: We conducted a cross-case comparison of four multiple-case studies into hospital care. To cover a broad array of focus, different specialty fields were selected. Each study investigated the organizational context, the degree of focus, and the operational performance. Focus was measured using an instrument translated from industry. Data were collected using both qualitative and quantitative methods and included site visits. A descriptive analysis was performed at the case study and cross-case studies level. - \ud \ud Results: The operational performance per specialty field varied considerably, even when cases showed comparable degrees of focus. Cross-case comparison showed three focus domains. The product domain considered specialty based focused factories that treated patients for a single-specialty, but did not pursue a specific strategy nor adapted work-designs or layouts. The process domain considered delivery based focused factories that treated multiple groups of patients and often pursued strategies to improve efficiency and timeliness and adapted work-designs and physical layouts to minimize delays. The product-process domain considered procedure based focused factories that treated a single well-defined group of patients offering one type of treatment. The strategic focusing decisions and the design of the care delivery system appeared especially important for delivery and procedure based focused factories. - \ud \ud Conclusions: Focus in hospital care relates to limitations on the patient group treated and the range of services offered. Based on these two dimensions, we identified three types of focused factories: specialty based, delivery based, and procedure based. Focus could lead to better operational performance, but only when clear strategic focusing decisions are made