4 research outputs found

    Follow Me: Building an Online Brand

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    Kellie Bowen ’18 scrolls methodically through Facebook on a recent afternoon, Judas Priest screaming through her ear buds. The British band hooked her on heavy metal at age 10, the first time she heard the insistent thump of the bass, howl of the electric guitar and operatic singing of front man Rob Halford. What do you do when you have a deep passion, like Bowen developed for metal? For Bowen, and others in today’s always-on, instantly connected digital world, the choice seemed obvious – create an online platform, connect with like-minded metalheads and motivate others along the way

    Math Mentors

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    A new grant enabled six Linfield College math students to work side-by-side with six local middle schoolers on a series of science fair projects emphasizing mathematics

    Alumni Notes

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    News about Linfield alumn

    Alumni Notes

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    Schedule of upcoming events, brief articles about alumni activities, and a column by the alumni directo