22,908 research outputs found

    Heat-treatment of metal parts facilitated by sand embedment

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    Embedding metal parts of complex shape in sand contained in a steel box prevents strains and warping during heat treatment. The sand not only provides a simple, inexpensive support for the parts but also ensures more uniform distribution of heat to the parts

    Helicopter anti-torque system using fuselage strakes

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    The improvement of the helicopter torque control system is discussed. At low to medium forward speeds helicopter performance is limited by the effectiveness of the means for counteracting main rotor torque and controlling sideslip airloads. These problems may be overcome by mounting strakes on the aft fuselage section. For single rotor helicopters whose main rotor rotates counter-clockwise as viewed from above, one of the strakes would be mounted in the upper lefthand quadrant and the second in the lower left hand quadrant. The strakes alter the air flow around the fuselage by separating the flow so as to produce lateral airloads on the tail boom which oppose main-rotor torque. The upper strake operates in a right crosswind to oppose main rotor torque, and the lower strake has effect in left crosswinds. The novelty of this invention resides in the simple and economical manner in which the helicopter tail boom may be modified by the addition of strakes in order to increase torque control, and reduce the need for supplemental mechanical means of torque control

    Computerized optimization of elastic booster autopilots. Volume 1: Technical manual

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    The philosophy and the mathematical basis of the nonlinear programming algorithm underlying the development of the COEBRA program were given. A User's Manual was given in a separate document. The purpose of this work was to convert the COEBRA program from the CDC 6400/6500 digital computer system to the UNIVAC 1108 at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center and to provide an instruction manual on the use of the program

    Design of a single axis simulator for satellite control system testing and for low torque measurement

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    Single axis simulator design for satellite control system testing and low torque measuremen

    Convergence Rates for Newton’s Method at Singular Points

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    If Newton’s method is employed to find a root of a map from a Banach space into itself and the derivative is singular at that root, the convergence of the Newton iterates to the root is linear rather than quadratic. In this paper we give a detailed analysis of the linear convergence rates for several types of singular problems. For some of these problems we describe modifications of Newton’s method which will restore quadratic convergence

    Helicopter low-speed yaw control

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    A system for improving yaw control at low speeds consists of one strake placed on the upper portion of the fuselage facing the retreating rotor blade and another strake placed on the lower portion of the fuselage facing the advancing rotor blade. These strakes spoil the airflow on the helicopter tail boom during hover, low speed flight, and right or left sidewards flight so that less side thrust is required from the tail rotor
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