974 research outputs found

    The genus Liatris in Indiana

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    In checking specimens of Liatris Schreb. from the herbaria of Dr. Chas. C. Deam and of Butler University, it was found that a considerable degree of confusion and uncertainty has existed with regard to the classification of these plants. This was to be expected, since this genus is one of unusual complexity with many variables and intergradations existing among the various species. Some attempts at classification have been somewhat superficial, placing a number of different types under one species name, while others have drawn the line too closely and made separate species and varieties out of plants which were merely mutations or impoverished individuals

    An ecological study of the Klein woods, Jennings County, Indiana

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    The primeval forest of Indiana was without doubt representative of some of the most magnificent sections of the great eastern deciduous region. In a previous paper (9) we described briefly the fate of our hardwoods, and pointed out that only small tracts of comparatively undisturbed stands remain for observation. Since reports on the early forests are rather vague, and based on superficial observation rather than on quantitative data, it is somewhat difficult to gain from them a true picture of the phytosociology of these forests prior to time of settlement. Qualitative and quantitative studies of the remaining small stands referred to above, however, enable us to set up, or establish a fairly accurate norm with which to compare areas which have been disturbed, and see to what extent this disturbance has progressed. For detailed studies of a number of such stands, the reader is referred to the following literature references (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19)

    A comparative study of three Indiana bogs

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    The topography of the northern half of Indiana is dotted with numerous lakes and bogs. Many of the lakes located north of a line running irregularly southeast from Benton to Randolph counties still have extensive areas of open water, but no natural lakes are found south of this line

    A quadrat study of Meltzer woods, Shelby county, Indiana

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    As one travels eastward on return from a trip through the prairie states, perhaps the most characteristic feature of the landscape which starts him humming the strains of, Back Home Again in Indiana, are the beautiful woodlands along the highways of our state. These woodlands are remnants of the great Eastern deciduous forest upon which the pioneers gazed with amazement as they penetrated the interior of our continent. The botanist and Nature lover of the present day ofttimes wish they could have had the thrill of looking at the stately array of massive-trunked, majestic giants in that forest primeval. There are no quantitative data available to show just what the sociology of this forest was originally, but judging from the remnants of the ancient towering monuments found in some virgin forest areas by Butler ecologists (3, 11, 24), we may assume that trees from 150-200 feet tall with a girth of 20 feet or more were not uncommon. Early settlers and explorers with no particular botanical or ecological interest were impressed with the grandeur of the forest through which they traveled, as may be seen from their journals and other records. Ovid Butler (2) reports that Pierre Joseph Celoron de Blainville, who traveled down the Allegheny and Ohio rivers in 1749, dined one day with twenty-eight other men in a hollow sycamore somewhere in the Ohio Valley

    Multiobjective Routing Through Space And Time: The Mvp And Tdvp Problems

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    This thesis concerns two routing problems, the \u27Multiobjective Vending Problem\u27 (abbreviated to MVP) and the \u27Time Dependent Vending Problem\u27 (abbreviated to TDVP).;To date, most research that deals with the problem of routing to cover a set of demand nodes has utilised a single objective approach, the objective being usually that of minimising distance or travel time. The set of nodes to be visited has been assumed known and specified. The MVP problem definition, based on a multiobjective solution approach, drops the latter assumption. The overall objective becomes that of identifying the trade-off relationship between two objectives, one to minimise some expression of route length, the other to maximise the coverage of nodes.;The study commences by discussing the advantages to utilising a multiobjective approach to optimisation research, stressing its potential role in spatial analysis. A number of general multiobjective research techniques are introduced. The MVP problem is defined mathematically, and a number of different solution approaches are discussed. Given present computing capabilities, solution by a heuristic based on the \u27Constraint Method\u27 is singled out as the most feasible approach to solve large MVP problems. Such a heuristic is designed, and is evaluated on a 25 node problem.;Problems of routing to cover a set of demand points have to date also predominantly focussed on problems where demand is uniform through time. The TDVP problem definition drops this assumption, allowing demand potential at the different nodes to vary with time. Times of arrival at the nodes become an explicit consideration in the problem formulation, the objective being that of identifying the optimal route that maximises demand potential covered. A second heuristic is designed to solve this problem, and is again evaluated on a 25 node problem

    High-Tech Tools for Teaching Physics: the Physics Education Technology Project

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    This article appeared in the Journal of Online Teaching and Learning September 15, 2006.This paper introduces a new suite of computer simulations from the Physics Education Technology (PhET) project, identifies features of these educational tools, and demonstrates their utility. We compare the use of PhET simulations to the use of more traditional educational resources in lecture, laboratory, recitation and informal settings of introductory college physics. In each case we demonstrate that simulations are as productive, or more productive, for developing student conceptual understanding as real equipment, reading resources, or chalk-talk lectures. We further identify six key characteristic features of these simulations that begin to delineate why these are productive tools. The simulations: support an interactive approach, employ dynamic feedback, follow a constructivist approach, provide a creative workplace, make explicit otherwise inaccessible models or phenomena, and constrain students productively

    That\u27s All I Want To Make Me Satisfied

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    The Beech Line in Northwestern Indiana

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    An Indiana beech is without doubt one of the most sensitive indicators of decline in mesphytism in habitat. In the rugged areas of the state it marks the borders between moist northfacing slopes and more xeric south-facing slopes. This was shown by Potzger, Potzger and Friesner for the southern as well as for the eastern part of Indiana. Beech also records the effects which the increase of steepness of slope has on the usual more mesic conditions of north-facing slopes. This characteristic of the species suggested a study of the forests along the eastern periphery of our Indiana prairie area to see if the transition between mesophytic forest and prairie functioned as a progressive change or represented a sudden break between two vegetation types. The senior author is engaged in a study of the original vegetation of the state, using as basis the witness trees noted and recorded by the men who made the original U. S. land survey. The study of distribution of beech along the border of the prairie peninsula is one of several papers dealing with phases of the state-wide survey which seem to warrant more detailed consideration

    Phytosciology of the Cox woods: A remnant of forest primeval in Orange county, Indiana

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    Today Indiana forests are primarily in a stage of secondary succession, and small tracts, comparatively little disturbed by cultural influences, with tree giants which have ahsorbed for centuries the radiant energy of light, and stored it in their massive trunks, have become so large that they arouse interest and curiosity of the public at large

    A comparison of athletic movement among talent-identified juniors from different football codes in Australia: Implications for talent development

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    This studied aimed to compare the athletic movement skill of talent identified (TID) junior Australian Rules football (ARF) and soccer players. The athletic movement skill of 17 TID junior ARF players (17.5 – 18.3 y) was compared against 17 TID junior soccer players (17.9 – 18.7 y). Players in both groups were members of an elite junior talent development program within their respective football codes. All players performed an athletic movement assessment that included an overhead squat, double lunge, single leg Romanian deadlift (both movements performed on right and left legs), a push up and a chin up. Each movement was scored across three essential assessment criteria using a three point scale. Total score for each movement (maximum of nine) and overall total score (maximum of 63) were used as the criterion variables for analysis. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) tested the main effect of football code (two levels) on the criterion variables, whilst a one-way ANOVA identified where differences occurred. A significant effect was noted, with the TID junior ARF players outscoring their soccer counterparts when performing the overhead squat and push up. No other criterion's significantly differed according to the main effect. Practitioners should be aware that specific sporting requirements may incur slight differences in athletic movement skill between TID juniors from different football codes. However, given the low athletic movement skill noted in both football codes, developmental coaches should address the underlying movement skill capabilities of juniors when prescribing physical training in both codes
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