22 research outputs found

    Long-Term Efficacy of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients with Occupational Respiratory Diseases

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    Background: Pulmonary rehabilitation is a well-recognized treatment option in chronic obstructive lung disease improving exercise performance, respiratory symptoms and quality of life. In occupational respiratory diseases, which can be rather cost-intensive due to the compensation needs, very little information is available. Objectives: This study aims at the evaluation of the usefulness of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with occupational respiratory diseases, partly involving complex alterations of lung function and of the sustainability of effects. Methods: We studied 263 patients with occupational respiratory diseases (asthma, silicosis, asbestosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) using a 4-week inpatient rehabilitation program and follow-up examinations 3 and 12 months later. The outcomes evaluated were lung function, 6-min walking distance (6MWD), maximum exercise capacity (Wmax), skeletal muscle strength, respiratory symptoms, exacerbations and associated medical consultations, quality of life (SF-36, SGRQ), anxiety/depression (HADS) and Medical Research Council and Baseline and Transition Dyspnea Index scores. Results: Compared to baseline, there were significant (p < 0.05) improvements in 6MWD, Wmax and muscle strength immediately after rehabilitation, and these were maintained over 12 months (p < 0.05). Effects were less pronounced in asbestosis. Overall, a significant reduction in the rate of exacerbations by 35%, antibiotic therapy by 27% and use of health care services by 17% occurred within 12 months after rehabilitation. No changes were seen in the questionnaire outcomes. Conclusions: Pulmonary rehabilitation is effective even in the complex settings of occupational respiratory diseases, providing sustained improvement of functional capacity and reducing health care utilization. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Is an Individual Prediction of Maximal Work Rate by 6-Minute Walk Distance and Further Measurements Reliable in Male Patients with Different Lung Diseases?

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    Background: In patients with chronic lung diseases, the work rate forendurance training is calculated by the maximal work rate (W-max).Because the assessment bears side effects, a prediction by easieraccessible tests would be of practical use. Objective: We addressed thereliability of predicting W-max on the basis of the 6-min walk distance(6MWD) test and a set of further parameters in patients with differentlung diseases. Methods: Baseline data of a longitudinal study including6MWD, W max, peripheral muscle force, lung function, fat-free mass anddyspnea (Modified Medical Research Council score) of 255 men withoccupational lung diseases (104 asthma, 69 asbestosis, 42 silicosis, 40 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) were evaluated

    Manifestation allergischer Krankheiten bei jungen Erwachsenen in Zusammenhang mit dem Eintritt in das Berufsleben - Untersuchungen zur Abhängigkeit von arbeitsbedingten Faktoren unter Berücksichtigung von Vorerkrankungen, Disposition und außerberuflichen Umweltfaktoren und Ableitung von Vorschlägen zur verbesserten Prävention: Studie in Ost- und Westdeutschland zu beruflichen Allergierisiken - SOLAR II -; Abschlussbericht

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    SOLAR II ist das zweite Follow-up einer bevölkerungsbezogenenden Kohorten-Studie. Diese Studie basiert auf einer Kohorte, die 1995/1996 aus damals 9-11jährigen Kindern aus Dresden und München zusammengestellt wurde. Die inzwischen erwachsenen Teilnehmer wurden nun erneut mit dem Ziel untersucht, Zusammenhänge zwischen beruflichen Expositionen und Allergien und Atemwegserkrankungen zu ermitteln. Ein Schwerpunkt der Auswertung galt der Frage, wie sich aus Risikofaktoren, die bereits in der Kindheit erkennbar sind, vorhersagen lässt, dass sich bei Tätigkeitsbeginn in Berufen mit hoher Exposition eine Allergie oder eine Atemwegserkrankung entwickeln wird. Mit den Ergebnissen der Studie kann nicht begründet werden, Jugendlichen mit Risikofaktoren für allergische Atemwegserkrankungen grundsätzlich von Tätigkeiten mit hohem Expositions-Potenzial abzuraten. Die Autoren sprechen sich aber für eine engmaschige arbeitsmedizinische Betreuung junger Erwachsener aus, die am Beginn einer solchen Tätigkeit stehen

    Study on Occupational Allergy Risks (SOLAR II) in Germany: Design and methods

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>SOLAR II is the 2<sup>nd </sup>follow-up of a population-based cohort study that follows the participants of ISAAC Phase Two recruited in Munich and Dresden in 1995/6. A first follow-up study was conducted 2002 and 2003 (SOLAR I). The aims of SOLAR II were to investigate the course of atopic diseases over puberty taking environmental and occupational risk factors into account. This paper describes the methods of the 2<sup>nd </sup>follow-up carried out from 2007 to 2009 and the challenges we faced while studying a population-based cohort of young adults.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Wherever possible, the same questionnaire instruments were used throughout the studies. They included questions on respiratory and allergic diseases, domestic and occupational exposure and work related stress. Furthermore, clinical examinations including skin prick tests, spirometry and bronchial challenge with methacholine, exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) and blood samples were employed at baseline and 2<sup>nd </sup>follow-up. As information from three studies was available, multiple imputation could be used to handle missing data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 3053 SOLAR I study participants who had agreed to be contacted again, about 50% had moved in the meantime and had to be traced using phone directories and the German population registries. Overall, 2904 of these participants could be contacted on average five years after the first follow-up. From this group, 2051 subjects (71%) completed the questionnaire they received via mail. Of these, 57% participated at least in some parts of the clinical examinations. Challenges faced included the high mobility of this age group. Time constraints and limited interest in the study were substantial. Analysing the results, selection bias had to be considered as questionnaire responders (54%) and those participating in the clinical part of the study (63%) were more likely to have a high parental level of education compared to non-participants (42%). Similarly, a higher prevalence of parental atopy (e.g. allergic rhinitis) at baseline was found for participants in the questionnaire part (22%) and those participating in the clinical part of the study (27%) compared to non-participants (11%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In conclusion, a 12-year follow-up from childhood to adulthood is feasible resulting in a response of 32% of the baseline population. However, our experience shows that researchers need to allocate more time to the field work when studying young adults compared to other populations.</p

    T-TRANS hilft ITS in den Markt: CML analysiert Innovationen bei intelligenten Transportsystemen ITS im Seetransport

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    Das T-TRANS-Projekt zielt darauf ab, Informationen über Innovationsmechanismen im ITS-Bereich bereitzustellen. Außerdem soll die Markteinführung von innovativen Produkten und Dienstleistungen gefördert und damit beschleunigt werden. Um Guidelines zur Erschließung des jeweiligen Marktpotentials erstellen zu können wurden vier Fallstudien aus wichtigen ITS-Bereichen vorausgewählt. Das T-TRANS Konsortium wird jeweils die Merkmale der Innovationskette herausarbeiten, den ITS-Markt analysieren, die Entwicklung der Anwendungen aus den Case Studies beurteilen und Leitlinien für die Kommerzialisierung der Innovation erstellen. Die Fallstudie, die ebenfalls von den Hamburger Forschern geleitet wird, beschäftigt sich mit intelligenten Transporteinheiten im maritimen Bereich wie z. B. dem sogenannten ,,intelligenten Container". Dabei handelt es sich um mit Sensorik sowie Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik ausgerüstete Container, die Informationen zum Standort und Zustand der Ladung in Echtzeit übermitteln sowie mit anderen Containern kommunizieren können

    Durchbiegung horizontaler Moebelteile aus unterschiedlich beschichteten Spanplatten bei statischer Langzeitbelastung

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    TIB Hannover: FR 2861+MF / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Personenbezogene Mobilfunkexposition - ein funktionaler Ansatz

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