456 research outputs found

    Are lines much bigger than line segments?

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    We pose the following conjecture: (*) If A is the union of line segments in R^n, and B is the union of the corresponding full lines then the Hausdorff dimensions of A and B agree. We prove that this conjecture would imply that every Besicovitch set (compact set that contains line segments in every direction) in R^n has Hausdorff dimension at least n-1 and (upper) Minkowski dimension n. We also prove that conjecture (*) holds if the Hausdorff dimension of B is at most 2, so in particular it holds in the plane.Comment: minor corrections, "much" was added in the titl

    Is Lebesgue measure the only σ\sigma-finite invariant Borel measure?

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    R.D.Mauldin asked if every translation invariant σ\sigma-finite Borel measure on \RR^d is a constant multiple of Lebesgue measure. The aim of this paper is to show that the answer is "yes and no", since surprisingly the answer depends on what we mean by Borel measure and by constant. We present Mauldin's proof of what he called a folklore result, stating that if the measure is only defined for Borel sets then the answer is affirmative. Then we show that if the measure is defined on a σ\sigma-algebra \emph{containing} the Borel sets then the answer is negative. However, if we allow the multiplicative constant to be infinity, then the answer is affirmative in this case as well. Moreover, our construction also shows that an isometry invariant σ\sigma-finite Borel measure (in the wider sense) on \RR^d can be non-σ\sigma-finite when we restrict it to the Borel sets

    On the determination of sets by their triple correlation in finite cyclic groups

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    Let GG be a finite abelian group and EE a subset of it. Suppose that we know for all subsets TT of GG of size up to kk for how many x∈Gx \in G the translate x+Tx+T is contained in EE. This information is collectively called the kk-deck of EE. One can naturally extend the domain of definition of the kk-deck to include functions on GG. Given the group GG when is the kk-deck of a set in GG sufficient to determine the set up to translation? The 2-deck is not sufficient (even when we allow for reflection of the set, which does not change the 2-deck) and the first interesting case is k=3k=3. We further restrict GG to be cyclic and determine the values of nn for which the 3-deck of a subset of \ZZ_n is sufficient to determine the set up to translation. This completes the work begun by Gr\"unbaum and Moore as far as the 3-deck is concerned. We additionally estimate from above the probability that for a random subset of \ZZ_n there exists another subset, not a translate of the first, with the same 3-deck. We give an exponentially small upper bound when the previously known one was O(1/n)O(1\bigl / \sqrt{n}).Comment: 17 page

    The Fixed Point of the Composition of Derivatives

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    We give an affirmative answer to a question of K. Ciesielski by showing that the composition f∘gf\circ g of two derivatives f,g:[0,1]→[0,1]f,g:[0,1]\to[0,1] always has a fixed point. Using Maximoff's Theorem we obtain that the composition of two [0,1]→[0,1][0,1]\to[0,1] Darboux Baire-1 functions must also have a fixed point

    Reconstructing geometric objects from the measures of their intersections with test sets

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    Let us say that an element of a given family \A of subsets of Rd\R^d can be reconstructed using nn test sets if there exist T1,...,Tn⊂RdT_1,...,T_n \subset \R^d such that whenever A,B\in \A and the Lebesgue measures of A∩TiA \cap T_i and B∩TiB \cap T_i agree for each i=1,...,ni=1,...,n then A=BA=B. Our goal will be to find the least such nn. We prove that if \A consists of the translates of a fixed reasonably nice subset of Rd\R^d then this minimum is n=dn=d. In order to obtain this result we reconstruct a translate of a fixed function using dd test sets as well, and also prove that under rather mild conditions the measure function f_{K,\theta} (r) = \la^{d-1} (K \cap \{x \in \RR^d : = r\}) of the sections of KK is absolutely continuous for almost every direction θ\theta. These proofs are based on techniques of harmonic analysis. We also show that if \A consists of the magnified copies rE+trE+t (r≥1,t∈Rd)(r\ge 1, t\in\R^d) of a fixed reasonably nice set E⊂RdE\subset \R^d, where d≥2d\ge 2, then d+1d+1 test sets reconstruct an element of \A. This fails in R\R: we prove that an interval, and even an interval of length at least 1 cannot be reconstructed using 2 test sets. Finally, using randomly constructed test sets, we prove that an element of a reasonably nice kk-dimensional family of geometric objects can be reconstructed using 2k+12k+1 test sets. A example from algebraic topology shows that 2k+12k+1 is sharp in general

    Self-similar and self-affine sets; measure of the intersection of two copies

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    Let K be a self-similar or self-affine set in R^d, let \mu be a self-similar or self-affine measure on it, and let G be the group of affine maps, similitudes, isometries or translations of R^d. Under various assumptions (such as separation conditions or we assume that the transformations are small perturbations or that K is a so called Sierpinski sponge) we prove theorems of the following types, which are closely related to each other; Non-stability: There exists a constant c<1 such that for every g\in G we have either \mu(K\cap g(K)) <c \mu(K) or K\subset g(K). Measure and topology: For every g\in G we have \mu(K\cap g(K)) > 0 \iff int_K (K\cap g(K)) is nonempty (where int_K is interior relative to K). Extension: The measure \mu has a G-invariant extension to R^d. Moreover, in many situations we characterize those g's for which \mu(K\cap g(K) > 0, and we also get results about those gg's for which g(K)\su K or g(K)⊃Kg(K)\supset K holds

    Squares and their centers

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    We study the relationship between the sizes of two sets B,S⊂R2B, S\subset\mathbb{R}^2 when BB contains either the whole boundary, or the four vertices, of a square with axes-parallel sides and center in every point of SS, where size refers to one of cardinality, Hausdorff dimension, packing dimension, or upper or lower box dimension. Perhaps surprinsingly, the results vary depending on the notion of size under consideration. For example, we construct a compact set BB of Hausdorff dimension 11 which contains the boundary of an axes-parallel square with center in every point [0,1]2[0,1]^2, but prove that such a BB must have packing and lower box dimension at least 74\tfrac{7}{4}, and show by example that this is sharp. For more general sets of centers, the answers for packing and box counting dimensions also differ. These problems are inspired by the analogous problems for circles that were investigated by Bourgain, Marstrand and Wolff, among others.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

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    Invariant decomposition of functions with respect to commuting invertible transformations

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    Consider a_1,a_2,...,a_n, arbitrary elements of R. We characterize those real functions f that decompose into the sum of a_j-periodic functions, i.e., f=f_1+...+f_n with D_{a_j}f(x):=f(x+a_j)-f(x)=0. We show that f has such a decomposition if and only if for all partitions to B_1, B_2,... B_N of {a_1,a_2,...,a_n} with B_j consisting of commensurable elements with least common multiples b_j, one has D_{b_1}... D_{b_N}f=0. Actually, we prove a more general result for periodic decompositions of real functions f defined on an Abelian group A, and, in fact, we even consider invariant decompositions of functions f defined on some abstract set A, with respect to commuting, invertible self-mappings of the set A. We also extend our results to functions between torsion free Abelian groups. As a corollary we also obtain that on a torsion free Abelian group the existence of a real valued periodic decomposition of an integer valued function implies the existence of an integer valued periodic decomposition with the same periods

    Better bounds for planar sets avoiding unit distances

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    A 11-avoiding set is a subset of Rn\mathbb{R}^n that does not contain pairs of points at distance 11. Let m1(Rn)m_1(\mathbb{R}^n) denote the maximum fraction of Rn\mathbb{R}^n that can be covered by a measurable 11-avoiding set. We prove two results. First, we show that any 11-avoiding set in Rn\mathbb{R}^n (n≥2n\ge 2) that displays block structure (i.e., is made up of blocks such that the distance between any two points from the same block is less than 11 and points from distinct blocks lie farther than 11 unit of distance apart from each other) has density strictly less than 1/2n1/2^n. For the special case of sets with block structure this proves a conjecture of Erd\H{o}s asserting that m1(R2)<1/4m_1(\mathbb{R}^2) < 1/4. Second, we use linear programming and harmonic analysis to show that m1(R2)≤0.258795m_1(\mathbb{R}^2) \leq 0.258795.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure. Contains a Sage script called dstverify.sage, to verify the application of Theorem 3.3. Download the article source to get the scrip
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