61 research outputs found

    Faith Unchanged: Spirituality, But Not Christian Beliefs and Attitudes, Is Altered in Newly Diagnosed Parkinson’s Disease

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    In this study, we aimed at investigating the validity and characteristics of the concept of hyporeligiosity in Parkinson’s disease. Twenty-eight newly diagnosed, never-medicated patients with Parkinson’s disease and 30 matched healthy control individuals received the Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/Spirituality (BMMRS), the Stolz’s index of Christian religiosity, and the Francis Scale of Attitude to Christianity (FSAC). All participants identified themselves as Roman Catholic or Protestant. Parkinson’s patients displayed decreased positive and negative spirituality on the BMMRS, whereas beliefs and attitudes related to their Christian religion were unchanged. The severity of the disease was associated with reduced spirituality, but not with Christian faith. These results suggest a dissociation between general spirituality and traditional religious faith in Parkinson’s disease, which is consistent with the findings from patients with schizophrenia


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    Intervenciók az orvosi gyakorlatban a serdülőkori dohányzás visszaszorítására = Interventions in medical practice to reduce tobacco use among adolescents

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    Absztrakt: A dohányzás megelőzését és a leszokást segítő intervenciók a jelenleg ismert legköltséghatékonyabb egészségügyi eljárások közé tartoznak. Értékük felbecsülhetetlen a serdülőkori dohányzást tekintve, hiszen a felnőtt dohányosok többsége serdülőként kezd el dohányozni. Emellett jól ismert irodalmi adat, hogy minél korábban kezdi el valaki a dohányzást, annál nehezebb leszoknia, és a dohányzás következményei egy életen keresztül elkísérik. Ebben a közleményben a serdülőkkel foglalkozó orvosok számára összefoglaltuk azokat a módszereket és beavatkozásokat, amelyekkel a serdülőkori dohányzás visszaszorítható. A nemzetközi irányelvek praktikus és rövid intervenciókat ajánlanak, melyek jól alkalmazhatók a mindennapi orvosi gyakorlatban. A dohányzás megelőzésében az egészségügyi ellátást végző orvosok szerepe kulcsfontosságú. A társadalom szemében az orvos elismert személy, aki hiteles információkat nyújthat a dohányzásról és a leszokásról. Kutatások igazolták, hogy az orvosi praxis serdülőkorú páciensei körében egy rövid, célvezérelt beszélgetéssel a dohányzás prevalenciája tovább csökkenthető. A XXI. század egyik kiemelt egészségügyi kihívása a dohányzás visszaszorítása, melyet már gyermek- és serdülőkorban el kell kezdeni. Erre hatékony, klinikai vizsgálatokkal alátámasztott módszerek állnak rendelkezésünkre, melyek ismerete nélkülözhetetlen a serdülőkkel foglalkozó orvosok számára. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(15): 593–602. | Abstract: Interventions to facilitate prevention of tobacco use and smoking cessation are the most cost-effective health care measures. They are invaluable among adolescents, since adult smokers start smoking in adolescence. There is evidence that early smoking initiation makes cessation difficult and it is associated with lifelong health risks. Our study aims at reviewing current approaches and interventions that can help health care professionals involved in paediatric care to reduce tobacco use in adolescence. International guidelines include short, practical interventions that are easy to apply by health care professionals in the primary and paediatric care. In tobacco use prevention, the role of health care professionals is of special importance. They have social respect, therefore they can provide credible information on tobacco use and cessation. Studies have found that short, goal-oriented counselling can further reduce the prevalence of smoking among adolescents presenting to their health care professional. Reduction of tobacco use is one of the primary health care goals in the 21st century, which should be started as early as childhood and adolescence. There have been several evidence-based approaches, which are essential for health care professionals involved in adolescent care. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(15): 593–602

    Magatartás-változtatás az egészségügyben: a motivációs interjú | Health behavior change: motivational interviewing

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    Absztrakt: Ismert népegészségügyi tény, hogy Magyarországon a korai halálozás megelőzhető lenne dohányzásleszokással, alkoholabsztinenciával, rendszeres mozgással, egészséges táplálkozással és az adherencia növelésével. Az orvos–beteg találkozások többségén ezek a területek előtérbe kerülnek. A szakirodalom azt is alátámasztotta, hogy az egészség-magatartás megváltoztatásában az egyén számára nem a külső információ dominál, hanem a saját, belső motivációja. Ebből a felismerésből született az úgynevezett „motivációs interjú”, ami egy személyközpontú szemléleten alapuló, célorientált tanácsadási módszer. Az interjú során az orvos irányított kérdésekkel feltárja a kliens motivációit, erősségeit, erőforrásait, és ezeket állítja a beszélgetés fókuszába. Minél mélyebben és minél többet beszél az interjúalany a viselkedésváltozásról, annál nagyobb a változás esélye. Ugyanakkor az interjú folyamán a kliens szóba hozhatja ellentmondásos érzelmeit és gondolatait is a változással kapcsolatban. Orvosként ezt az ambivalenciát különböző kommunikációs stratégiák segítségével érdemes megvilágítani és feloldani. Továbbá a megfelelő orvos–beteg kapcsolat kialakítása is nélkülözhetetlen eleme a motivációs interjúnak. Ha ez a kapcsolat optimális, akkor a kliens nyíltan fog beszélni saját motivációiról és ellenállása csökken, ami szintén jobb kimenetelhez vezet. Az egészség-magatartás megváltoztatásában a motivációs interjú a „Hogyan?” kérdése helyett inkább a „Miért?”-re fókuszál, és azon belül is nem a meggyőzésre, hanem a kliens saját, belső motivációira épít. Valószínűleg ezért vált nemzetközileg is elismert és evidenciákon alapuló módszerré. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(34): 1331–1337. | Abstract: Public health data show that early mortality in Hungary could be prevented by smoking cessation, reduced alcohol consumption, regular exercise, healthy diet and increased adherence. Doctor–patient encounters often highlight these aspects of health behavior. There is evidence that health behavior change is driven by internal motivation rather than external influence. This finding has led to the concept of motivational interview, which is a person-centered, goal-oriented approach to counselling. The doctor asks targeted questions to elicit the patient’s motivations, strengths, internal resources, and to focus the interview around these. The quality and quantity of the patient’s change talk is related to better outcomes. In addition, the interview allows the patient to express ambivalent feelings and doubts about the change. The doctor should use various communication strategies to resolve this ambivalence. Furthermore, establishing a good doctor–patient relationship is the cornerstone of the motivational interview. An optimal relationship can evoke change talk and reduce the patient’s resistance, which can also result in a better outcome. The goal of the motivational interview is to focus on the ‘why’ to change health behavior rather than the ‘how’, and to utilize internal motivation instead of persuasion. This is the reason why motivational interview has become a widely-accepted evidence based approach. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(34): 1331–1337

    How to Avoid Lower Priority for Smoking Cessation Support Content on Facebook: An Analysis of Engagement Bait

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    Facebook demotes “engagement bait” content that makes people interact. As a result of this sanctioning, public health content can reach fewer Facebook users. This study aims to determine the negative effect of engagement bait and find alternative techniques. In a three-year period, 791 smoking cessation support content was included (n = 791). The Facebook posts were classified into “engagement bait”, “alternative techniques” and control groups. Facebook metrics were compared between the study and control groups. The reach of Facebook page fans was significantly lower in the engagement bait group compared to the control group. On the other hand, the alternative techniques had a significantly lower rate of negative Facebook interactions, as well as significantly higher click rates compared to the control group. This is the first study to reveal the sanctioning of engagement bait on smoking cessation support Facebook posts. “Engagement bait” content has a lower ranking on the Facebook Fans’ Newsfeed page. Nevertheless, alternative techniques can circumvent the restrictions on engagement bait. At the same time, alternative techniques can stimulate the click rate and inhibit the rate of negative interactions

    Smokers’ Engagement Behavior on Facebook: Verbalizing and Visual Expressing the Smoking Cessation Process

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    The “processes of change” and “motivational language” are common in smoker Facebook users’ comments under smoking cessation support contents. Smokers can combine this verbalization of the smoking cessation process with visual expression when they use comments and Facebook reactions at the same time. The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between processes of change, motivational language, and the Facebook reaction buttons. A total of 821 smokers’ comments were analyzed in the current study (n = 821), which responded to image-based smoking cessation support contents. The processes of change and the motivational language used in the investigated comments were identified. These linguistic categories were compared with the usage of reaction buttons. The Facebook users who used the “Haha” reaction button wrote a significantly higher proportion of sustain talk than those who used the “Like” or “Love” reaction buttons. The Facebook users who combined the comment and “Love” reaction wrote significantly more change talk than those who did not utilize these buttons. We suggest that the “Haha” reaction may be a negative indicator, the “Like” reaction may be a neutral indicator, and the “Love” reaction may be a positive engagement indicator in terms of the smoking cessation process during Facebook-based interventions. These results may highlight how to evaluate Facebook reactions relating to smoking cessation support contents

    Female Sexual Dysfunction in Association with Sexual History, Sexual Abuse and Satisfaction: A Cross-Sectional Study in Hungary

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    Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) has a negative impact on women’s quality of life, self-esteem, and physical health. The aim of the present study was to explore the prevalence and the factors associated with FSD using an online questionnaire. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among young adults (18−35 years old) in Hungary using the DSM-5 criteria. The participants (n = 5942) were divided into three major groups: FSD (20.3%), an intermediate group (43.9%), and a control group (35.6%). Most of the women showing FSD were affected with female orgasmic disorder (9.2%) and genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder (4.6%), while female sexual interest/arousal disorder was found in altogether 100 women (1.7%); 4.8% of women were affected by more than one definite disorder. The occurrence of female sexual dysfunction was related to the women’s previous sexual history (first sexual experience, sexual education, early encounter with pornographic content, and sexual abuse), their self-satisfaction (with their own body, genitalia, and sexual attraction), and their sexual orientation. Sexual dysfunction showed a strong association with abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, and self-esteem. The present study identified the relationship between sexual dysfunctions and other health conditions, which can be the basis for some form of screening and early assistance programs for FSD