14 research outputs found

    Prune-Belly Sendromlu Bir Olguda Erken Prenatal Girişim ile Başarılı Tedavi

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    Prune-Belly Syndrome (PBS) is a congenital disorder characterized by abdominal wall musculature deficiency, urinary tract anomalies and bilateral cryptorchidism. Urinary tract disease is the most important prognostic factor with the complications of pulmonary hypoplasia and end stage renal disease resulting in a mortality rate of 60%. Although the mode of inheritance of PBS is unclear, it has been hypothesized that PBS has a genetic basis. in the antenatal period relieving urinary tract obstruction can improve the survival rate of patients with PBS. We report a neonate with familial prune-belly syndrome who was applied vesico-amniotic shunt and so was affected slightlyPrune-Belly Sendromu (PBS) abdominal kasların hipoplazisi, üriner system anomalileri ve bilateral inmemiş testis ile karakterize konjenital bir hastalıktır. Üriner sistem tutulumu %60 mortaliteye sahip olan son dönem böbrek hastalığı ve pulmoner hipoplazi komplikasyonları ile en önemli prognostik faktördür. PBS'nin kalıtım şekli bilinmemesine rağmen, hastalığın bir genetik temeli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Antenatal dönemde üriner sistemdeki obstrüksiyonun giderilmesi hastaların yaşam şansını arttırmaktadır. Biz prenatal dönemde vezikoamniyotik şant uygulanan ve böylece az etkilenen ailesel bir PBS olgusu sundu

    Prenatal Invasive Testing: A 4-Years Single Institution Experience in Turkey

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    OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of indications, methods and results of prenatal diagnostic invasive procedures performed in our clinic in a four-year process and interpretation of relations between them. STUDY DESIGN: In this study 553 patients were examined retrospectively, who were undergone prenatal invasive procedures in our clinic for determination of fetal karyotype. Demographic distribution of the patients, indications for tests and results were examined, complications were evaluated depending on the procedure. RESULTS: A total of 41 abnormal karyotype pregnancies detected, the most common abnormal karyotype was trisomy 21 and most of abnormal karyotypes were detected in patients who undergone invasive diagnostic tests due to abnormal ultrasound findings. Abortion is resulted at two patients. CONCLUSION: Although non-invasive prenatal diagnosis is more accessible today and has become more preferable, prenatal invasive diagnosing still remains its importance in prenatal diagnosis. Especially in the cases with presence of abnormal ultrasound findings, invasive prenatal diagnosis should be the primary diagnostic method

    Degenerated Cystic Uterine Myoma Mimicking Postpartum Haemoperitonium

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    Haemoperitoneum due to spontaneous haemorrhage of intraleiomyoma is a very rare complication of uterine myoma. Acute complications of uterine myoma are seldom seen, but it may be fatal. We hereby report case of a female, who presented with abdominal pain and distension, postpratum, found to have degenerated cystic uterine myoma, mimicking postpartum haemoperitonium

    Ineffectual Medical Treatment of Cesarean Scar Ectopic Pregnancy With Systemic Methotrexate

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    The implantation of a pregnancy within the scar of a previous cesarean section is known as a “cesarean scar pregnancy.” Its incidence was reported to be 6.1%. However, with the increasing rates of cesarean sections, the incidence is expected to rise. A variety of conservative and surgical treatment modalities have been proposed for the management of cesarean scar pregnancy; however, there are no optimal universal treatment guidelines because of its rarity. Treatment should be tailored to the individual patient. It is obvious that more scar pregnancies will be seen in the future and therefore a set of criteria for the choice of various modes of management should be developed. Here, we present 2 cases of cesarean scar pregnancies treated with a local injection of potassium chloride after the failure of methotrexate administration