20 research outputs found

    Auditing Information and Knowledge Accessed and Utilised from Community Resource Centres in Bunda District, Tanzania

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    The study audited information and knowledge accessed and utilised from Community Resource Centres (CRCs) in Bunda district, Tanzania. Using a mixed methods research approach, the study audited the knowledge and information available, accessed and utilised by rural communities. The study found that the established CRCs in the district under review have yet to yield positive results in terms of the accessibility and usability of information and knowledge that meet specific expectations of rural-based poor. The information available, accessed and utilised in the wards surveyed, were too insufficient to bring about significant rural development. On the other hand, the results indicate that there are some positive and promising indicators associated with the establishment of rural resource centres in Bunda district. Thus, there is an urgent need to re-think and re-orient the development thrust and deploy community resource centres towards redressing the situation and supplementing development information and knowledge that are not covered by other outlets. Doing so can, in turn, help enhance productivity in agriculture and small businesses that many of the poor in Bunda are engaged in to alleviate poverty and accelerate the pace towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

    Demographic determinants of access to and usage of breastfeeding information among parents in Mbeya City, Tanzania

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    The main purpose of this study was to examine the influence of demographic characteristics on access to and use of breastfeeding information among parents in Mbeya City, Tanzania. The study mainly deployed a quantitative approach to collect, process and analyze data in order to measure the influence of selected demographic characteristics on access to and use of breastfeeding information. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS to derive descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings suggest that the relationship between access and access and use of formal breastfeeding sources of information is weak (i.e. rho is far from 1) and insignificant (i.e. p> .005) while the relationship between access and use of informal sources of breastfeeding information is strong (i.e. rho is closer to 1) and significant (i.e. p < 0.05). These indicate that informal sources remain potential sources for breastfeeding for breastfeeding information among parents. Further, demographic characteristics (i.e. gender, age, marital status, level of education, and income) have been found to be important predictors to access and usage of breastfeeding information among parents in the study area. In planning for information setting to support accessibility and usability of breastfeeding information, demographic factors have to be taken into considerations.Keywords: Demographic predictors, access, use, breastfeeding information, Tanzani

    Perceived benefits and barriers of using online journal systems

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    This study has established the perceived benefits and barriers of using online journal systems (OJS). A descriptive research design alongside a quantitative approach was used to establish perceived benefits and barriers of using online journal systems among University of Dar es Salaam faculty members. In the study data were gathered through survey questionnaires. The data were then organized and summarized through descriptive statistics in form of frequencies and percentages. The study reveals that a significant number of faculty members infrequently use the systems in their scholarly communication. Along this, the study reveals various benefits of using OJS as perceived by faculty members. The study also reveals diverse perceived barriers that undermine effective use of the systems. These include low internet bandwidth and technical difficulties. The study recommends that the UDSM has to take deliberate measures to enhance internet services through increasing bandwidth, alongside increasing training on the use of online journal systems

    Breastfeeding information seeking behaviour among parents in Mbeya City, Tanzania

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    Background: Majority of mothers in Tanzania fail to practice effective breastfeeding for various reasons. The objective of this study was to determine breastfeeding- related information seeking behaviour among parents in Mbeya City of Tanzania.Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional survey design was used. Parents of infants and children aged between 0-2 years and health care workers were interviewed. Secondary data was collected by using documentary review. Information sought was related to the perceptions of parents towards the usefulness of breastfeeding and breastfeeding practices. The observation method was used to identify and verify the actual available, accessible, and usable breastfeeding information.Results: The key findings suggest that information needs of parents and sources and channels used vary and depended on the time intended to breastfed the child. Mainly, the parents’ needs information on nutritious food, introduction of complimentary food, breast care, and care techniques for when away from babies, frequency and implications of breastfeeding. Friends, relatives, neighbours, health professional were the most commonly sources of breastfeeding information. The majority of parents perceived that access to and usage of breastfeeding information improve breastfeeding rate, decision making, increase awareness and knowledge, and breastfeeding practices.Conclusion: Information seeking behaviour varies from one parent to another hence the varying preferences in informal and formal sources. Increasing accessibility and usability of breastfeeding information is necessary in ensuring that one of the basic human rights is safeguarde

    Utilisation of e-resources to support teaching and research in higher learning institutions, Tanzania

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    This study was conducted to compare the use of electronic information resources in selected universities in Tanzania. The study employed a mixed methods research approach to collecting, processing, analysing data and discussing the resultant findings. In all, 119 academic staff and researchers participated in the study. SPSS and STATA were used to analyse the data. The key findings suggest that the majority of academic staff and researchers were aware of, have access to and utilise e-resources to support teaching and research. On the whole, the study found a significant and positive association between awareness and access, access and use. In fact, most of the e-resources the selected higher learning institutions subscribed to through COTUL were under-utilised. Apart from information literacy skills, personal motivations and e-resource infrastructures, demographic characteristics such as age and education level of academic staff and researchers are predictors in e-resources usage. Furthermore, the challenges and problems that deter the effective utilisation of e-resources were include slow internet connectivity, inability to access full-text articles, unreliable power supply, inaccessibility of e-resources outside university premises due to IP address limitations, inadequate ICT infrastructure and inadequate skills and knowledge. The study found that there was a need to promote the usage of e-resources through web technologies to enhance the quality of teaching and research.Keywords: ICT, e-resources, online databases, teaching, research, higher learning institutions, Tanzani

    Perceived usefulness and ease of use of Web 2.0 tools in university teaching and learning in Tanzania

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    Despite the potentials Web 2.0 technologies have in supporting teaching and learning processes in higher education institutions, there is a  continuing debate on their perceived usefulness and ease of use. As such, this study examined academic staff and students’ perceptions on the use of Web 2.0 technologies in teaching and learning activities in five Tanzanian universities. Specifically, the study aimed at determining the perceived usefulness and exploring perceived ease of use of Web 2.0 technologies in teaching and learning activities. A mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative) was employed by the study. Accordingly, a cross-sectional survey, alongside documentary review, was used to collect data from a sample of 350 respondents selected through simple randomly sampling and 10 purposively selected informants. The study findings suggest that faculty members and students used Web 2.0 technologies for academic discussions, posting and accessing lecture slides and tutorials, sharing materials and scholarly communication. The findings further inform that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of Web 2.0 technologies are important predictors of the adoption of these tools. On the basis of these findings, ICT infrastructure investment, training to upgrade skills and knowledge, policies and usage guidelines and other usage motivations are recommended to be in place to promote the usage of Web 2.0 technologies in teaching and learning. Besides, technical support to customise Web 2.0 technologies in teaching and learning activities is crucial. Keywords: Web 2.0, web technologies, users’ perception, teaching and learning, e-learnin

    Perception on Adoption and Application of Web 2.0 Technologies in Selected Academic Libraries in Tanzania

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    The main objective of the present study was to find out perceptions of librarians regarding integration of Web 2.0 technologies in library operations and services. Specifically, to determine the level of awareness, reasons for integration, and the challenges of Web 2.0 in supporting library operations and services at SUA and UDSM libraries. This study used mixed methods research design (both qualitative and quantitative). Non-probability sampling procedure was used to select the sample size of 40 librarians from the two university libraries (UDSM = 21, SUA = 19). Primary data was collected through face-to-face interviews and questionnaires with both open and closed-ended questions. SPSS was used to analyse the descriptive statistics and the findings are presented in frequency tables and percentages. Pearson Chi-square test was used to establish the relationships between different variables. The key findings suggest that there was a significant positive correlation [R= .555, N= 40, p = .000] between awareness and use of Web 2.0 technologies in non-library operations and an insignificant negative correlation [R = -.142, N = 40, p = .383] for library operations and services. Also, the findings show that the majority (70%) of the librarians in the selected university libraries were of the opinion that effective integration of Web 2.0 technologies can strengthen library operations and services. Further, it was revealed that Web 2.0 technologies also pose major challenges in library operations and services. Finally, this study recommends that policy frameworks should be formulated to facilitate effective adoption and integration of Web 2.0 technologies in the library operations and services

    E-records management in Tanzania public service: determinants, perceived importance and barriers

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    Despite rigorous efforts by the government to introduce an e-government, most of the records in the public service of Tanzania are not electronically managed. The present study was conducted to assess records staff’s awareness of e-records management determinants, explore the perceived importance of e-records management, and analyse challenges of managing e-records in the Records and Archive Management Department (RAMD) of Tanzania. A descriptive research design alongside qualitative and quantitative approaches was utilized to collect, process, and analyse data in this study in which a 38 respondents were involved. Data for this study were collected using a cross-sectional survey (i.e. questionnaire and interview) and documentary review. The study’s findings reveal that determinant factors for e-records management are not in a state to speed up the take-off of e-records management initiatives of the RAMD. Shortage of competent staff for e-records management, dwindling of budget to support training and maintenance of infrastructure, and weak implementation of policies, circulars, and standards are among the challenges faced by efforts to manage e-records. Despite the slow take-off of e-records management initiatives, the responding staff perceived their management positively. Success in e-records management initiatives evidently requires the presence of reliable supporting environment and readiness tools such as standards, infrastructure, circulars, and policies. Keywords: e-records, e-documents management, e-records readiness, e-records management determinant

    Delivery mechanisms of agricultural information and knowledge to smallholder farmers in Tanzania: A meta–analysis study

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    Regardless of concerted interventions and initiatives made to foster agricultural information and knowledge delivery to smallholder farmers, access to these resources remains largely poor in rural Tanzania. To gain insights, the present study examined the delivery mechanisms of agricultural knowledge among smallholder farmers in Tanzania. The study employed a metaanalysis approach where 20 extant studies on agricultural  information and knowledge in Tanzania were reviewed. During data analysis, Microsoft Excel 2010 was used to perform descriptive statistics analyses. The study’s findings reveal that there are various sources and delivery mechanisms of agricultural information and knowledge to the smallholder farmers in Tanzania. The findings further expose that there is no consensus on channels that are most suitable for delivering these resources to rural areas. While some prior studies show mass media as predominant sources, others inform that oral information and knowledge delivery mechanism are a prime sources and channels. Besides, the study reveals that rural Tanzania is not immune to factors that constrain delivery of agricultural information and knowledge. Factors like lack of communication tools, illiteracy, irrelevance of content, packaging information using languages farmers are not conversant with, lack of power supply, and limited income limit information and knowledge delivery and access. To speed up agricultural information and knowledge penetration to smallholder farmers in rural Tanzania, farmers groups, demonstration plots,  farmers’ field study tours, agricultural shows and NGOs are recommended as sources and channels. Keywords: Agricultural knowledge, agricultural information, knowledge delivery mechanisms, Tanzani

    Perceptions of librarians towards the adoption of embedded librarianship in Tanzania

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    Academic libraries in Tanzania have not fully adopted or embraced embedded librarianship as an innovative approach to enhance library service delivery. To gain understanding on the adoption of embedded librarianship, the present study explored the librarians' perceptions towards the adoption of embedded librarianship approach in academic libraries in Tanzania. The study mainly employed exploratory research design blended in a mixed research approach where both quantitative and qualitative aspects were used. A total of 166 librarians from six university libraries filled the questionnaire while 6 directors were interviewed. Statistical Product for Service Solutions (SPSS) version 21 was used to perform descriptive statistics. The study revealed librarians' positive perceptions on the adoption of embedded librarianship in academic libraries. Strengthening librarians and user partnership is an important mechanism to enhance library service delivery. Building strong collaboration between library and faculties through MoU, and enhancing librarians' competencies in teaching, research, communication, ICT applications are necessary for effective adoption of embedded librarianship