10 research outputs found

    Automatic bio-sample bacteria detection system

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    Electromechanical device analyzes urine specimens in 15 minutes and processes one sample per minute. Instrument utilizes bioluminescent reaction between luciferase-luciferin mixture and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to determine number of bacteria present in the sample. Device has potential application to analysis of other body fluids

    Automatic instrument for chemical processing to detect microorganism in biological samples by measuring light reactions

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    An automated apparatus is reported for sequentially assaying urine samples for the presence of bacterial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that comprises a rotary table which carries a plurality of sample containing vials and automatically dispenses fluid reagents into the vials preparatory to injecting a light producing luciferase-luciferin mixture into the samples. The device automatically measures the light produced in each urine sample by a bioluminescence reaction of the free bacterial adenosine triphosphate with the luciferase-luciferin mixture. The light measured is proportional to the concentration of bacterial adenosine triphosphate which, in turn, is proportional to the number of bacteria present in the respective urine sample

    Automated detection of bacteria in urine

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    A method for detecting the presence of bacteria in urine was developed which utilizes the bioluminescent reaction of adenosine triphosphate with luciferin and luciferase derived from the tails of fireflies. The method was derived from work on extraterrestrial life detection. A device was developed which completely automates the assay process

    Privatization of Public Spaces and Its Impact on the Socio-Political and Spatial Landscapes of the Cape Town Central City Improvement District (CCCID)

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    Regions, Megaregions, and Sustainability

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    Wheeler S. Regions, megaregions, and sustainability, Regional Studies. The rapid expansion of urbanized regions is problematic for sustainable development. Urbanization at large scales has inherent sustainability problems, and planning institutions and governance mechanisms have had limited success at the metropolitan scale, let alone at a megaregional one. A vision of more sustainable regional development includes an emphasis on balanced local communities to reduce regional mobility demands; the management of land, resources, and population to live within regional limits; efforts to improve equity and build social capital; and on economic development that strengthens the quality of the region's social and ecological systems rather than the quantity of production and consumption. [image omitted] Wheeler S. Regions, megaregions et durabilite, Regional Studies. L'expansion rapide des regions urbanisees est un probleme pour le developpement durable. L'urbanisation a grande echelle induit des problemes inherents de durabilite et les instances de planification ainsi que les mecanismes gouvernementaux ont connu un succes limite a l'echelle metropolitaine sans parler du niveau megaregional. Une vision du developpement regional plus durable necessite de mettre l'accent sur l'equilibre des communautes locales afin de reduire les demandes en mobilite regionale, la gestion des terres, les ressources, le souhait des populations de vivre a l'interieur des limites regionales, des efforts pour ameliorer l'equite et construire un capital social; il faut mettre l'accent sur le developpement economique qui renforce la qualite des systemes sociaux et ecologiques de la region plutot que sur la quantite de la production et de la consommation. Planification regionale Region Megaregion Metropole Durabilite Developpement durable Wheeler S. Regionen, Megaregionen und Nachhaltigkeit, Regional Studies. Die rasche Expansion urbanisierter Regionen ist fur eine nachhaltige Entwicklung problematisch. Eine grossflachige Urbanisierung ist mit inharenten Nachhaltigkeitsproblemen verknupft, wobei die Planungsbehorden und staatlichen Kontrollmechanismen aber auf metropolitaner Ebene bisher nur wenig Erfolg hatten - von der megaregionalen Ebene ganz zu schweigen. Eine Vision einer nachhaltigeren Regionalentwicklung ist verknupft mit einer Betonung von ausgeglichenen lokalen Gemeinschaften zur Verringerung des regionalen Mobilitatsbedarfs, mit einer Steuerung von Land, Ressourcen und Bevolkerung fur ein Leben innerhalb der regionalen Grenzen, mit Bemuhungen zur Verbesserung der Gerechtigkeit und zum Aufbau von Sozialkapital sowie mit einer Betonung einer Wirtschaftsentwicklung, die die Qualitat der sozialen und okologischen Systeme der Region starkt, statt die Quantitat von Produktion und Konsum zu steigern. Regionalplanung Regionen Megaregionen Metropolitan Nachhaltigkeit Nachhaltige Entwicklung Wheeler S. Regiones, megaregiones y sostenibilidad, Regional Studies. La rapida expansion de regiones urbanizadas es un problema para el desarrollo sostenible. La urbanizacion a gran escala presenta problemas inherentes de sostenibilidad y las instituciones de planificacion y los mecanismos de gobierno tienen un exito limitado a nivel metropolitano, no digamos ya a escala megaregional. Para obtener un desarrollo regional con una vision mas sostenible se deberia dar prioridad a las comunidades localmente equilibradas para reducir las demandas de movilidad regional, a la administracion de las tierras, los recursos y la poblacion que vive en limites regionales; a los esfuerzos para mejorar la igualdad y crear capital social y a un desarrollo economico que refuerza la calidad de los sistemas sociales y ecologicos de la region en vez de centrarnos en la cantidad de produccion y consumo. Planificacion regional Regiones Megaregiones Metropolitano Sostenibilidad Desarrollo sostenibleRegional planning, Regions, Megaregions, Metropolitan, Sustainability, Sustainable development,

    The New Urbanism: Critiques and Rebuttals

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