13 research outputs found

    Gallium arsenide 55Fe X-ray-photovoltaic battery

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    The effects of temperature on the key parameters of a prototype GaAs 55Fe radioisotope X-ray microbattery were studied over the temperature range -20 °C to 70 °C. A p-i-n GaAs structure was used to collect the photons from a 254 Bq 55Fe radioisotope X-ray source. Experimental results showed that the open circuit voltage and the short circuit current decreased with increased temperature. The maximum output power and the conversion efficiency of the device decreased at higher temperatures. For the reported microbattery, the highest maximum output power (1 pW, corresponding to 0.4 μW/Ci) was observed at -20 °C. A conversion efficiency of 9% was measured at -20 °C

    Al0.52In0.48P 55Fe x-ray-photovoltaic battery

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    An Al0.52In0.48P 55Fe radioisotope microbattery is demonstrated over the temperature range −20 °C to 160 °C. Al0.52In0.48P p+-i-n+ mesa structures were used to collect the photons from a 238 MBq 55Fe radioisotope x-ray source. The effects of temperature on the key microbattery parameters were studied. Increasing the temperature, the saturation current increased; whilst the open circuit voltage, the maximum power and the conversion efficiency decreased. An open circuit voltage of 0.97V and a conversion efficiency of 22% were measured in a single p+-i-n+ mesa structure at −20 °C. The highest total microbattery maximum output power using two mesa structures was 1.2 pW at −20 °C

    Investigation of a temperature tolerant InGaP (GaInP) converter layer for a 63Ni betavoltaic cell

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    A prototype InGaP p+–i–n+ mesa photodiode was studied for its potential as the energy conversion device in a 63Ni betavoltaic cell; its electrical performance was analysed across the temperature range −20 °C to 100 °C. The results show that the InGaP detector when illuminated with a laboratory 63Ni radioisotope beta particle source had a maximum output power of 0.92 pW at −20 °C, this value decreased at higher temperatures. A decrease in the open circuit voltage and in the cell internal conversion ef ciency were also observed when the temperature was increased: at −20 °C, the open circuit voltage and the cell internal conversion ef ciency had values of 0.69 V and 4%, respectively. A short circuit current of 4.5 pA was measured at −20 °C