429 research outputs found

    The characteristics and treatment needs of fire setters with intellectual disability: descriptive data and comparisons between offence type

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    Purpose: Fire setters who have an intellectual disability (ID) are often identified as posing a particular danger to the community although relatively little is known about their characteristics, treatment, and support needs. Methodology: This study describes the characteristics of 134 residents of low, medium, and high security ID facilities in the United Kingdom who have either an index offence of arson, comparing them with those who have a violentn index offence, involving either violent or a sexual indexal offenceding. Findings: Index arson offenders who had an ID had multiple prior convictions, a history of violent offending, and a high likelihood of having a comorbid mental disorder. There were many shared characteristics across the three groups. Practical implications: The current study suggests that offenders who have ID who set fires have treatment needs that are similar to those of violent and sex offenders. It follows that fire setters who have an ID may also benefit from participating in more established offending behaviour treatment programs, such as cognitive behaviour therapy programs, developed for other types of offender. Originality: This study is one of the few which has investigated the characteristics and treatment needs of persons who have an ID who set fires. In particular, it is one of the first to compare the characteristics and treatment needs for persons with ID who set fires, to those who have committed violent and sexual offences

    Exploring the Relationship Between Covert Narcissism and Amorality: The Mediating Influences of Self-efficacy and Psychological Entitlement

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    Narcissism, as a personality construct, has attracted attention from countless scholars across multiple disciplines. It has been suggested that two forms of narcissism exist (Wink, 1991) and research has supported the delineation of overt (grandiose) and covert (hypersensitive) narcissism (Dickinson & Pincus, 2003; Gabbard, 2009; Luchner, Houston, Walker, & Houston, 2011). To date, most of the research devoted to narcissism has been focused on the overt rather than the covert form (Cain, Pincus, & Ansell, 2008). Further, researchers propose that a decreased level of meaningful relational interactions among narcissists may result in a higher propensity for amoral behaviors. Thus, to extend the research the current study explores the influence of several mediating variables on the relationship between covert narcissism and amorality. The current study found a negative relationship between covert narcissism and self-efficacy as well as an anticipated positive relationship between covert narcissism and psychological entitlement. It was also observed that self-efficacy and psychological entitlement did partially mediate the relationship between covert narcissism and higher amorality, supporting the study’s predictions

    Can Organizational Practices Inadvertently Silence Potential Whistleblowers?

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    This study examines how employee perceptions of organizational ethics, safety practices, and manager-subordinate relationships might influence employees’ silence in regards to workplace hazards using a sample of 178 workers in the mining, manufacturing, and petrochemical industries. The findings support a model in which employee perceptions of endangerment by their organization and fear of retaliation for whistleblowing mediate the relationship between manager-subordinate relationships and the practice of withholding negative (and sometimes vital) information from organizational management. Results suggest that even with high quality superior/subordinate relationships, employees may still withhold important information due to the overall perception of the current safety climate

    Nonlinear coupled magnonics: Terahertz field-driven magnon upconversion

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    Tailored light excitation and nonlinear control of lattice vibrations have emerged as powerful strategies to manipulate the properties of quantum materials out of equilibrium. Generalizing the exploitation of coherent phonon-phonon interactions to nonlinear couplings among other types of collective modes would open unprecedented opportunities in the design of novel dynamic functionalities in solids. For example, the collective excitations of magnetic order - magnons - can efficiently transfer information via spin current flow, and their coherent and nonlinear control would provide an attractive route to achieve faster signal processing for next-generation information technologies. Here, we discover that intense terahertz (THz) fields can initiate processes of magnon upconversion via coherent magnon-magnon interactions - a phenomenon that opens the paradigm of nonlinear coupled magnonics. By using a suite of advanced spectroscopic tools, including a newly demonstrated two-dimensional (2D) THz polarimetry technique enabled by single-shot detection, we unveil the unidirectional nature of coupling between distinct magnon modes of a canted antiferromagnet. Calculations of spin dynamics further suggest that this coupling is a universal feature of antiferromagnets with canted magnetic moments. These results demonstrate a route to inducing desirable energy transfer pathways between coherent magnons in solids and pave the way for a new era in the development of magnonic signal processing devices

    The role of Comprehension in Requirements and Implications for Use Case Descriptions

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    Within requirements engineering it is generally accepted that in writing specifications (or indeed any requirements phase document), one attempts to produce an artefact which will be simple to comprehend for the user. That is, whether the document is intended for customers to validate requirements, or engineers to understand what the design must deliver, comprehension is an important goal for the author. Indeed, advice on producing ‘readable’ or ‘understandable’ documents is often included in courses on requirements engineering. However, few researchers, particularly within the software engineering domain, have attempted either to define or to understand the nature of comprehension and it’s implications for guidance on the production of quality requirements. Therefore, this paper examines thoroughly the nature of textual comprehension, drawing heavily from research in discourse process, and suggests some implications for requirements (and other) software documentation. In essence, we find that the guidance on writing requirements, often prevalent within software engineering, may be based upon assumptions which are an oversimplification of the nature of comprehension. Hence, the paper examines guidelines which have been proposed, in this case for use case descriptions, and the extent to which they agree with discourse process theory; before suggesting refinements to the guidelines which attempt to utilise lessons learned from our richer understanding of the underlying discourse process theory. For example, we suggest subtly different sets of writing guidelines for the different tasks of requirements, specification and design

    Leveraging electronic health records for clinical research

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    Electronic health records (EHRs) can be a major tool in the quest to decrease costs and timelines of clinical trial research, generate better evidence for clinical decision making, and advance health care. Over the past decade, EHRs have increasingly offered opportunities to speed up, streamline, and enhance clinical research. EHRs offer a wide range of possible uses in clinical trials, including assisting with prestudy feasibility assessment, patient recruitment, and data capture in care delivery. To fully appreciate these opportunities, health care stakeholders must come together to face critical challenges in leveraging EHR data, including data quality/completeness, information security, stakeholder engagement, and increasing the scale of research infrastructure and related governance. Leaders from academia, government, industry, and professional societies representing patient, provider, researcher, industry, and regulator perspectives convened the Leveraging EHR for Clinical Research Now! Think Tank in Washington, DC (February 18-19, 2016), to identify barriers to using EHRs in clinical research and to generate potential solutions. Think tank members identified a broad range of issues surrounding the use of EHRs in research and proposed a variety of solutions. Recognizing the challenges, the participants identified the urgent need to look more deeply at previous efforts to use these data, share lessons learned, and develop a multidisciplinary agenda for best practices for using EHRs in clinical research. We report the proceedings from this think tank meeting in the following paper

    Chemical combination effects predict connectivity in biological systems

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    Efforts to construct therapeutically useful models of biological systems require large and diverse sets of data on functional connections between their components. Here we show that cellular responses to combinations of chemicals reveal how their biological targets are connected. Simulations of pathways with pairs of inhibitors at varying doses predict distinct response surface shapes that are reproduced in a yeast experiment, with further support from a larger screen using human tumour cells. The response morphology yields detailed connectivity constraints between nearby targets, and synergy profiles across many combinations show relatedness between targets in the whole network. Constraints from chemical combinations complement genetic studies, because they probe different cellular components and can be applied to disease models that are not amenable to mutagenesis. Chemical probes also offer increased flexibility, as they can be continuously dosed, temporally controlled, and readily combined. After extending this initial study to cover a wider range of combination effects and pathway topologies, chemical combinations may be used to refine network models or to identify novel targets. This response surface methodology may even apply to non-biological systems where responses to targeted perturbations can be measured

    Standard‐space atlas of the viscoelastic properties of the human brain

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    Standard anatomical atlases are common in neuroimaging because they facilitate data analyses and comparisons across subjects and studies. The purpose of this study was to develop a standardized human brain atlas based on the physical mechanical properties (i.e., tissue viscoelasticity) of brain tissue using magnetic resonance elastography (MRE). MRE is a phase contrast-based MRI method that quantifies tissue viscoelasticity noninvasively and in vivo thus providing a macroscopic representation of the microstructural constituents of soft biological tissue. The development of standardized brain MRE atlases are therefore beneficial for comparing neural tissue integrity across populations. Data from a large number of healthy, young adults from multiple studies collected using common MRE acquisition and analysis protocols were assembled (N = 134; 78F/ 56 M; 18–35 years). Nonlinear image registration methods were applied to normalize viscoelastic property maps (shear stiffness, μ, and damping ratio, ξ) to the MNI152 standard structural template within the spatial coordinates of the ICBM-152. We find that average MRE brain templates contain emerging and symmetrized anatomical detail. Leveraging the substantial amount of data assembled, we illustrate that subcortical gray matter structures, white matter tracts, and regions of the cerebral cortex exhibit differing mechanical characteristics. Moreover, we report sex differences in viscoelasticity for specific neuroanatomical structures, which has implications for understanding patterns of individual differences in health and disease. These atlases provide reference values for clinical investigations as well as novel biophysical signatures of neuroanatomy. The templates are made openly available (github.com/mechneurolab/mre134) to foster collaboration across research institutions and to support robust cross-center comparisons