1,228 research outputs found

    Yoctosecond photon pulses from quark-gluon plasmas

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    Present ultra-fast laser optics is at the frontier between atto- and zeptosecond photon pulses, giving rise to unprecedented applications. We show that high-energetic photon pulses down to the yoctosecond timescale can be produced in heavy ion collisions. We focus on photons produced during the initial phase of the expanding quark-gluon plasma. We study how the time evolution and properties of the plasma may influence the duration and shape of the photon pulse. Prospects for achieving double peak structures suitable for pump-probe experiments at the yoctosecond timescale are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; final version as accepted by PR

    Phase reconstruction of strong-field excited systems by transient-absorption spectroscopy

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    We study the evolution of a V-type three-level system, whose two resonances are coherently excited and coupled by two ultrashort laser pump and probe pulses, separated by a varying time delay. We relate the quantum dynamics of the excited multi-level system to the absorption spectrum of the transmitted probe pulse. In particular, by analyzing the quantum evolution of the system, we interpret how atomic phases are differently encoded in the time-delay-dependent spectral absorption profiles when the pump pulse either precedes or follows the probe pulse. We experimentally apply this scheme to atomic Rb, whose fine-structure-split 5s\,^2S_{1/2}\rightarrow 5p\,^2P_{1/2} and 5s\,^2S_{1/2}\rightarrow 5p\,^2P_{3/2} transitions are driven by the combined action of a pump pulse of variable intensity and a delayed probe pulse. The provided understanding of the relationship between quantum phases and absorption spectra represents an important step towards full time-dependent phase reconstruction (quantum holography) of bound-state wave-packets in strong-field light-matter interactions with atoms, molecules and solids.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Breakdown of the few-level approximation in collective systems

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    The validity of the few-level approximation in dipole-dipole interacting collective systems is discussed. As example system, we study the archetype case of two dipole-dipole interacting atoms, each modelled by two complete sets of angular momentum multiplets. We establish the breakdown of the few-level approximation by first proving the intuitive result that the dipole-dipole induced energy shifts between collective two-atom states depend on the length of the vector connecting the atoms, but not on its orientation, if complete and degenerate multiplets are considered. A careful analysis of our findings reveals that the simplification of the atomic level scheme by artificially omitting Zeeman sublevels in a few-level approximation generally leads to incorrect predictions. We find that this breakdown can be traced back to the dipole-dipole coupling of transitions with orthogonal dipole moments. Our interpretation enables us to identify special geometries in which partial few-level approximations to two- or three-level systems are valid

    Nuclear signatures in high-harmonic generation from laser-driven muonic atoms

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    High-harmonic generation from muonic atoms exposed to intense laser fields is considered. Our particular interest lies in effects arising from the finite nuclear mass and size. We numerically perform a fully quantum mechanical treatment of the muon-nucleus dynamics by employing modified soft-core and hard-core potentials. It is shown that the position of the high-energy cutoff of the harmonic spectrum depends on the nuclear mass, while the height of the spectral plateau is sensitive to the nuclear radius. We also demonstrate that Îł\gamma-ray harmonics can be generated from muonic atoms in ultrastrong VUV fields, which have potential to induce photo-nuclear reactions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Narrow Spectral Feature In Resonance Fluorescence With A Single Monochromatic Laser Field

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    We describe the resonance fluorescence spectrum of an atomic three-level system where two of the states are coupled by a single monochromatic laser field. The influence of the third energy level, which interacts with the two laser-coupled states only via radiative decays, is studied in detail. For a suitable choice of parameters, this system gives rise to a very narrow structure at the laser frequency in the fluorescence spectrum which is not present in the spectrum of a two-level atom. We find those parameter ranges by a numerical analysis and use the results to derive analytical expressions for the additional narrow peak. We also derive an exact expression for the peak intensity under the assumption that a random telegraph model is applicable to the system. This model and a simple spring model are then used to describe the physical origins of the additional peak. Using these results, we explain the connection between our system, a three-level system in V-configuration where both transitions are laser driven, and a related experiment which was recently reported.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, extension of the spring mode

    Photoionization Broadening of the 1S-2S Transition in a Beam of Atomic Hydrogen

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    We consider the excitation dynamics of the two-photon \sts transition in a beam of atomic hydrogen by 243 nm laser radiation. Specifically, we study the impact of ionization damping on the transition line shape, caused by the possibility of ionization of the 2S level by the same laser field. Using a Monte-Carlo simulation, we calculate the line shape of the \sts transition for the experimental geometry used in the two latest absolute frequency measurements (M. Niering {\it et al.}, PRL 84, 5496 (2000) and M. Fischer {\it et al.}, PRL 92, 230802 (2004)). The calculated line shift and line width are in excellent agreement with the experimentally observed values. From this comparison we can verify the values of the dynamic Stark shift coefficient for the \sts transition for the first time on a level of 15%. We show that the ionization modifies the velocity distribution of the metastable atoms, the line shape of the \sts transition, and has an influence on the derivation of its absolute frequency.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Minor head trauma in infants - how accurate is cranial ultrasound performed by trained radiologists?

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    Correct management of infants after minor head trauma is crucial to minimize the risk to miss clinically important traumatic brain injury (ciTBI). Current practices typically involve CT or in-hospital surveillance. Cranial ultrasound (CUS) provides a radiation-free and fast alternative. This study examines the accuracy of radiologist-performed CUS to detect skull fracture (SF) and/or intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). An inconspicuous CUS followed by an uneventful clinical course would allow exclusion of ciTBI with a great certainty. This monocentric, retrospective, observational study analyzed CUS in infants (< 12 months) after minor head trauma at Bern University Children's Hospital, between 7/2013 and 8/2020. The primary outcome was the sensitivity and specificity of CUS in detecting SF and/or ICH by comparison to the clinical course and to additional neuroimaging. Out of a total of 325 patients, 73% (n = 241) had a normal CUS, 17% (n = 54) were found with SF, and ICH was diagnosed in 2.2% patients (n = 7). Two patients needed neurosurgery and three patients deteriorated clinically during surveillance. Additional imaging was performed in 35 patients. The sensitivity of CUS was 93% ([0.83, 0.97] 95% CI) and the specificity 98% ([0.95, 0.99] 95% CI). All false-negative cases originated in missed SF without clinical deterioration; no ICH was missed.  Conclusion: This study shows high accuracy of CUS in exclusion of SF and ICH, which can cause ciTBI. Therefore, CUS offers a reliable method of neuroimaging in infants after minor head trauma and gives reassurance to reduce the duration of in-hospital surveillance. What is Known: • Minor head trauma can cause clinically important traumatic brain injury in infants, and the management of these cases is a challenge for the treating physician. • Cranial ultrasound (CUS) is regularly used in neonatology, but its accuracy after head trauma in infants is controversial. What is New: • CUS performed by a trained radiologist can exclude findings related to clinically important traumatic brain injury (ciTBI) with high sensitivity and specificity. It therefore offers reassurance in the management of infants after minor head trauma

    Evaluation of Short-term Psychoanalytic Child Therapy (PaCT) for Young Children with Depressive Disorders: Results from a Pilot Study

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    Depressive disorders in early childhood are associated with high psychosocial impairment and tend to remain stable over time without adequate treatment. Short-term psychoanalytic therapy is a common form of child psychotherapy, yet there is a lack of empirical evaluation of this approach for young children with depressive disorders. Therefore, this secondary evaluation of a study on the treatment of anxiety disorders used an uncontrolled pre-post design in a clinical setting to investigate whether children with depressive comorbidity would evidence significant diagnostic and symptomatic remission after treatment with manualized short-term Psychoanalytic Child Therapy (PaCT). Nineteen children who had an anxiety disorder and a (subclinical) depressive disorder (assessed with the Preschool Age Psychiatric Assessment using DSM-IV criteria) were treated with PaCT. After treatment, 15 of 19 children (78.94 %) were remitted and 15 of 17 children (88.24 %; 2 were lost to follow-up) were free of depressive disorders at the 6-month follow-up. Further analyses revealed significant effects for pre- to post and pre- to follow-up comparisons regarding internalizing symptoms and overall problems using parent- and (nursery-)teacher-ratings. These results suggest that short-term PaCT shows promise as a treatment for childhood depressive disorders

    Electric dipole-forbidden nuclear transitions driven by super-intense laser fields

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    Electric dipole-forbidden transitions of nuclei interacting with super-intense laser fields are investigated considering stable isotopes with suitable low-lying first excited states. Different classes of transitions are identified, and all magnetic sublevels corresponding to the near-resonantly driven nuclear transition are included in the description of the nuclear quantum system. We find that large transition matrix elements and convenient resonance energies qualify nuclear M1 transitions as good candidates for the coherent driving of nuclei. We discuss the implications of resonant interaction of intense laser fields with nuclei beyond the dipole approximation for the controlled preparation of excited nuclear states and important aspects of possible experiments aimed at observing these effects.Comment: 20 pages, 2 tables, 3 figures, minor modifications and update to the published versio

    Dual-Wavelength Lasing in Quantum-Dot Plasmonic Lattice Lasers

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    Arrays of metallic particles patterned on a substrate have emerged as a promising design for on-chip plasmonic lasers. In past examples of such devices, the periodic particles provided feedback at a single resonance wavelength, and organic dye molecules were used as the gain material. Here, we introduce a flexible template-based fabrication method that allows a broader design space for Ag particle-array lasers. Instead of dye molecules, we integrate colloidal quantum dots (QDs), which offer better photostability and wavelength tunability. Our fabrication approach also allows us to easily adjust the refractive index of the substrate and the QD-film thickness. Exploiting these capabilities, we demonstrate not only single-wavelength lasing but dual-wavelength lasing via two distinct strategies. First, by using particle arrays with rectangular lattice symmetries, we obtain feedback from two orthogonal directions. The two output wavelengths from this laser can be selected individually using a linear polarizer. Second, by adjusting the QD-film thickness, we use higher-order transverse waveguide modes in the QD film to obtain dual-wavelength lasing at normal and off-normal angles from a symmetric square array. We thus show that our approach offers various design possibilities to tune the laser output
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