6 research outputs found

    The distinct distribution of two Dictyostelium Talins

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    Although the distinct distribution of certain molecules along the anterior or posterior edge is essential for directed cell migration, the mechanisms to maintain asymmetric protein localization have not yet been fully elucidated. Here, we studied a mechanism for the distinct localizations of two Dictyostelium talin homologues, talin A and talin B, both of which play important roles in cell migration and adhesion. Using GFP fusion, we found that talin B, as well as its C-terminal actin-binding region, which consists of an I/LWEQ domain and a villin headpiece domain, was restricted to the leading edge of migrating cells. This is in sharp contrast to talin A and its C-terminal actin-binding domain, which co-localized with myosin II along the cell posterior cortex, as reported previously. Intriguingly, even in myosin II-null cells, talin A and its actin-binding domain displayed a specific distribution, co-localizing with stretched actin filaments. In contrast, talin B was excluded from regions rich in stretched actin filaments, although a certain amount of its actin-binding region alone was present in those areas. When cells were sucked by a micro-pipette, talin B was not detected in the retracting aspirated lobe where acto-myosin, talin A, and the actin-binding regions of talin A and talin B accumulated. Based on these results, we suggest that talin A predominantly interacts with actin filaments stretched by myosin II through its C-terminal actin-binding region, while the actin-binding region of talin B does not make such distinctions. Furthermore, talin B appears to have an additional, unidentified mechanism that excludes it from the region rich in stretched actin filaments. We propose that these actin-binding properties play important roles in the anterior and posterior enrichment of talin B and talin A, respectively, during directed cell migration

    Kinetic Energy and the Free Energy Principle in the Birth of Human Life

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    The retrospective noninterventional study investigated the kinetic energy of video images of 18 fertilized eggs (7 were normal and 11 were abnormal) recorded by a time-lapse device leading up to the beginning of the first cleavage. The norm values of cytoplasmic particles were measured by the optical flow method. Three phase profiles for normal cases were found regarding the kinetic energy: 2.199 × 10−24 ± 2.076 × 10−24, 2.369 × 10−24 ± 1.255 × 10−24, and 1.078 × 10−24 ± 4.720 × 10−25 (J) for phases 1, 2, and 3, respectively. In phase 2, the energies were 2.369 × 10−24 ± 1.255 × 10−24 and 4.694 × 10−24 ± 2.996 × 10−24 (J) (mean ± SD, p = 0.0372), and the time required was 8.114 ± 2.937 and 6.018 ± 5.685 (H) (p = 0.0413) for the normal and abnormal cases, respectively. The kinetic energy change was considered a condition for applying the free energy principle, which states that for any self-organized system to be in equilibrium in its environment, it must minimize its informational free energy. The kinetic energy, while interpreting it in terms of the free energy principle suggesting clinical usefulness, would further our understanding of the phenomenon of fertilized egg development with respect to the birth of human life

    Actin-binding domains mediate the distinct distribution of two Dictyostelium Talins through different affinities to specific subsets of actin filaments during directed cell migration.

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    Although the distinct distribution of certain molecules along the anterior or posterior edge is essential for directed cell migration, the mechanisms to maintain asymmetric protein localization have not yet been fully elucidated. Here, we studied a mechanism for the distinct localizations of two Dictyostelium talin homologues, talin A and talin B, both of which play important roles in cell migration and adhesion. Using GFP fusion, we found that talin B, as well as its C-terminal actin-binding region, which consists of an I/LWEQ domain and a villin headpiece domain, was restricted to the leading edge of migrating cells. This is in sharp contrast to talin A and its C-terminal actin-binding domain, which co-localized with myosin II along the cell posterior cortex, as reported previously. Intriguingly, even in myosin II-null cells, talin A and its actin-binding domain displayed a specific distribution, co-localizing with stretched actin filaments. In contrast, talin B was excluded from regions rich in stretched actin filaments, although a certain amount of its actin-binding region alone was present in those areas. When cells were sucked by a micro-pipette, talin B was not detected in the retracting aspirated lobe where acto-myosin, talin A, and the actin-binding regions of talin A and talin B accumulated. Based on these results, we suggest that talin A predominantly interacts with actin filaments stretched by myosin II through its C-terminal actin-binding region, while the actin-binding region of talin B does not make such distinctions. Furthermore, talin B appears to have an additional, unidentified mechanism that excludes it from the region rich in stretched actin filaments. We propose that these actin-binding properties play important roles in the anterior and posterior enrichment of talin B and talin A, respectively, during directed cell migration

    Experimental phase determination with selenomethionine or mercury-derivatization in serial femtosecond crystallography

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    SACLAの得意とするX線波長でタンパク質微結晶の新規構造解析に成功. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2017-08-23.Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) using X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) holds enormous potential for the structure determination of proteins for which it is difficult to produce large and high-quality crystals. SFX has been applied to various systems, but rarely to proteins that have previously unknown structures. Consequently, the majority of previously obtained SFX structures have been solved by the molecular replacement method. To facilitate protein structure determination by SFX, it is essential to establish phasing methods that work efficiently for SFX. Here, selenomethionine derivatization and mercury soaking have been investigated for SFX experiments using the high-energy XFEL at the SPring-8 Angstrom Compact Free-Electron Laser (SACLA), Hyogo, Japan. Three successful cases are reported of single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD) phasing using X-rays of less than 1 Å wavelength with reasonable numbers of diffraction patterns (13 000, 60 000 and 11 000). It is demonstrated that the combination of high-energy X-rays from an XFEL and commonly used heavy-atom incorporation techniques will enable routine de novo structural determination of biomacromolecules