1,040 research outputs found

    The Global Impact of Chinese Growth

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    Three decades have passed since China dramatically opened up to the global market and began to catch up rapidly with leading economies. In this paper we discuss the effects of China's opening-up and rapid growth on the welfare of both China and the rest of the world (ROW). We find that the opening-up per se is welfare improving for China but has had little impact on the ROW. The opening-up of China is beneficial to the ROW if it led to significant productivity growth in China. Furthermore, China's balanced trade policy after the opening-up has helped the ROW rather than China. Hence, according to a simple neoclassical model with complete markets, a gradual trade liberalization in China is preferable to a drastic one from the ROW perspective

    The Global Impact of Chinese Growth

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    Three decades have passed since China dramatically opened up to the global market and began to catch up rapidly with leading economies. In this paper we discuss the effects of Chinafs opening-up and rapid growth on the welfare of both China and the rest of the world (ROW). We find that the opening-up per se is welfare improving for China but has had little impact on the ROW given a balanced trade constraint. The opening-up of China is beneficial to the ROW if it leads to significant productivity growth in China. Also, Chinafs balanced trade policy after the opening-up has helped the ROW rather than China.Productivity, Terms of Trade, Growth, Open Economy

    Cationic State Distributions over Chlorophyll Pairs in Photosystem I and II

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    Photosystem I (PSI) and II (PSII) possess chlorophyll pairs P~A~/P~B~ and P~D1~/P~D2~, respectively. These chlorophylls are the primary electron donors in the light-induced electron transfer. After the electron transfer, the radical cation remains on these chlorophyll pairs, forming [P~A~/P~B~]^·+^ and [P~D1~/P~D2~]^·+^. The positive charge distributions over the two chlorophylls were reported to be 10/90-50/50 for P~A~^·+^/P~B~^·+^ [1,2] and 70/30-80/20 for P~D1~^·+^/P~D2~^·+^ [3,4]. To clarify the origin of the distributions, we calculated ratios of P~A~^·+^/P~B~^·+^ and P~D1~^·+^/P~D2~^·+^ with a quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) approach and the redox potentials (_E_~m~) of monomeric chlorophylls P~A~, P~B~, P~D1~, and P~D2~ with an electrostatic continuum-model approach, using the crystal structures of PSI [5] and PSII [6]. 
1) Our QM/MM calculation reproduced the experimentally measured ratios of P~A~^·+^/P~B~^·+^ [1,2] and P~D1~^·+^/P~D2~^·+^ [3,4]. The calculated ratios were strongly correlated with the calculated _E_~m~ values. 2) We analyzed residues on puseudo-symmetrical subunit pairs PsaA/PasB and D1/D2 that shifted _E_~m~ of P~A~, P~B~, P~D1~, and P~D2~ and identified the residue pairs responsible for the P~A~^·+^/P~B~^·+^ and the P~D1~^·+^/P~D2~^·+^ ratios. In PSII, the difference in the electrostatic protein environments between D1 and D2 was significant in determining the P~D1~^·+^/P~D2~^·+^ ratio, whereas geometric differences between P~A~ and P~B~ (P~A~ as the C13^2^ epimer of chlorophyll a and the H-bond pattern) played a role in determining the P~A~^·+^/P~B~^·+^ ratio in PSI.

[1] A. N. Webber, W. Lupitz, _Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1507_ (2001) 61.
[2] M. Pantelidou, P. R. Chitnis et al., _Biochemistry 43_ (2004) 8380.
[3] I. H. Davis, P. Heathcote et al., _Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1143_ (1993) 183.
[4] T. Okubo, T. Tomo et al., _Biochemistry 46_ (2007) 4390.
[5] P. Jordan, P. Fromme et al., _Nature 411_ (2001) 909.
[6] Y. Umena, K. Kawakami et al., _Nature 473_ (2011) 55. 

    Organizational dynamics and aggregate fluctuations: The role of financial relationships

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    This paper constructs a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model in which labor reallocations between production and organizational tasks generate endogenous TFP movements and also amplify and propagate the effects of exogenous shocks on macroeconomic activity. Organizational tasks in our model enhances financial relationships between firms and lenders, which lowers the credit spread. We calibrate and estimate the model using Japanese data and conduct a quantitative analysis. Our results suggest that the labor reallocation channel considered in this paper contributes greatly to the observed movements in the measured TFP, and serves as a quantitatively important amplification and propagation mechanism in aggregate fluctuations


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    ラットの両側内腸骨動脈を結紮し虚血ラット膀胱を作成し, この虚血膀胱におけるurethane麻酔下の膀胱内圧測定及び摘出膀胱の電気刺激, bethanechol, ATP, KClに対する収縮力を検討した.次いで一定速度で生理食塩水を膀胱内に注入しながら電気刺激を繰り返しvolume-pressure studyを実施した.膀胱の重量は虚血により有意に増大した.膀胱内圧曲線を分析した結果, 膀胱容量, 残尿量は増大し, 排尿筋収縮圧は減少した.この結果, 虚血に伴い排尿効率(排尿量/膀胱容量)は有意に減少した.摘出膀胱における排尿収縮力は, 全ての刺激に対して虚血後に低下した.volume-pressure studyの結果からin vitroの膀胱complianceは7日後減少し14日後は逆に増大したIschemia induced by atherosclerosis is a common cause of organ failure in the elderly. We investigated the effects of in vivo ischemia created by ligation of the internal iliac arteries on the parameters of in vivo infusion cystometry under urethane anesthesia and on in vitro whole bladder contractility of the rat. Bladder weight significantly increased after ischemia for 14 days. Infusion cystometry demonstrated that in the ischemic bladders the capacity increased, the voiding pressure decreased, and the volume of residual urine increased, which resulted in deteriorated voiding efficacy. The in vitro whole bladder contractility to field stimulation, bethanechol, ATP, and KCl was reduced by ischemia. The passive pressure increased as the bladder volume enlarged and the bladder compliance once decreased by ischemia on the 7th day, but increased on the 14th day. In an active volume-pressure relationship study the peak response was decreased by ischemia. The volume at which response reached a peak value shifted to a larger volume 14 days after surgery. In conclusion, ischemia impaired in vivo rat detrusor power to empty. Since detrusor contractility in vitro decreased in response to various kinds of stimulation, this deteriorated bladder function was supposed to be caused by muscle degeneration