23 research outputs found


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    着地動作は多くのスポーツ障害の要因となる動作の一つである。着地の瞬間に足から全身に衝撃が加わり、その衝撃は床反力から算出することができる。着地の際の床反力を減少させる可能性のある装具として、インソールがあり、実際にインソールを装着することによって床反力の垂直成分が減少することが知られている。他方、床反力の側方成分は左右への衝撃を示す。しかしながらインソールを装着することで床反力の側方成分が減少するかどうかは明らかとなっていない。そこで本研究ではインソールが着地の瞬間の床反力の側方成分に与える影響を検証した。対象は健常な大学生9名とした。対象者には前方に床反力計のある30センチ台上に立たせ、着地させた。着地の条件はインソールあり、なしの2条件で各5回実施させた。各条件は被験者ごとにランダムに実施させた。床反力計から着地直後200msecにおける床反力の垂直成分最大値と外側成分最大値、内側成分最大値を算出した。被験者ごとの条件別の平均値を算出し、2条件間を比較した。また外側成分における荷重変化率を算出し、外側成分最大値との相関関係を検証した。有意水準は5%とした。インソールあり条件にて外側成分最大値は有意に減少した。内側成分最大値は有意に増加した。また外側成分最大値と外側成分荷重変化率は正の相関関係を認めた。インンソールは着地の側方成分を減少させることが明らかとなった。またこの作用にはインソールによる衝撃吸収能が関与している可能性が示唆された。This study was designed to determine whether the use of shoes with insoles changed in ground reaction force during drop jump landing in healthy subjects. Nine subjects performed single leg jumps onto a force platform at a self-selected pace for five trials with and without insoles, and ground reaction forces, were recorded. Magnitudes of forces during the first 200 ms following impact were analysed and compared between with and without insoles. The use of shoes with insoles significantly decreased the lateral force peaks, and increased medial force peaks. The use of shoes with insoles reduce impact forces in healthy subjects. These results suggest that may contribute to disorder prevention by a reduction of impact force while using insoles

    Time-of-Day-Dependent Variations of Scratching Behavior and Transepidermal Water Loss in Mice that Developed Atopic Dermatitis

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    ABSTRACT. Scratching and skin barrier dysfunctions are pivotal features and therapeutic targets of atopic dermatitis (AD); however, time-of-day-dependent variations of these characteristics remain unclear. NC/Tnd mice have been shown to exhibit severe scratching behavior and skin barrier disruption together with the development of spontaneous atopic dermatitis when they are raised under air-uncontrolled environ-ment. In the present study, time-of-day-dependent variations of scratching behavior and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) were evaluated in NC/Tnd mice that developed moderate to severe AD. Analysis of the mice for 24 hr revealed that scratching frequency and duration were increased from in the afternoon to the nocturnal period when locomotor activity was low, and scratching behavior was decreased in the morning. The highest scratching frequency and duration were 3.8- and 4.1-fold increases in the lowest scratching frequency and duration, respectively. In addition, TEWL on the dorsal skin lesion was decreased in the diurnal period, while that was increased in the nocturnal period. The highest TEWL was a 1.3-fold increase in the lowest TEWL. Significant daily variations were detected in scratching frequency and duration and TEWL. These results indicate that NC/Tnd mice are an appropriate mouse model to investigate time-of-day-dependent variations of scratching behavior and skin barrier dysfunctions associated with AD. KEY WORDS: animal model, atopic dermatitis, itch, time-of-day-dependent variations, transepidermal water loss doi: 10.1292/jvms.14-0173; J. Vet. Med. Sci. 76(11): 1501–1504, 2014 Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic and relapsing inflam-matory skin disorder that affects approximately 10–20 % o

    Prediction of Advisability of Returning Home Using the Home Care Score

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    assisted-living facilities were analyzed. Binominal logistic regression analyses, using age, sex, the functional independence measure score, and the HCS, along with receiver operating characteristic curve analyses, were conducted. Findings/Conclusions. Only HCS was selected for the regression equation. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that the area under the curve (0.9), sensitivity (0.82), specificity (0.83), and positive predictive value (0.84) for HCS were higher than those for the functional independence measure, indicating that the HCS is a powerful predictor for advisability of home care. Clinical Relevance. Comprehensive measurements of the condition of provided care and the activities of daily living of the subjects, which are included in the HCS, are required for the prediction of advisability of home care

    Prediction of Advisability of Returning Home Using the Home Care Score

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    Purpose. The aim of this study was to assess whether the home care score (HCS), which was developed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan in 1992, is useful for the prediction of advisability of home care. Methods. Subjects living at home and in assisted-living facilities were analyzed. Binominal logistic regression analyses, using age, sex, the functional independence measure score, and the HCS, along with receiver operating characteristic curve analyses, were conducted. Findings/Conclusions. Only HCS was selected for the regression equation. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that the area under the curve (0.9), sensitivity (0.82), specificity (0.83), and positive predictive value (0.84) for HCS were higher than those for the functional independence measure, indicating that the HCS is a powerful predictor for advisability of home care. Clinical Relevance. Comprehensive measurements of the condition of provided care and the activities of daily living of the subjects, which are included in the HCS, are required for the prediction of advisability of home care

    Krasilnikolides A and B and Detalosylkrasilnikolide A, Cytotoxic 20-Membered Macrolides from the Genus <i>Krasilnikovia</i>: Assignment of Anomeric Configuration by <i>J</i>‑Based Configuration Analysis

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    A chemical investigation of strain RD003821, belonging to the underexplored actinomycetes genus Krasilnikovia, led to the discovery of three novel polyketides: two 20-membered glycomacrolides, krasilnikolides A (1) and B (2), and an aglycone of 1, detalosylkrasilnikolide A (3). A major challenge in the structure elucidation of 1 was to determine the anomeric configuration of the α-l-6-deoxytalose (6dTal) unit, which was achieved by J-based configuration analysis (JBCA) that incorporated anomeric carbon- and proton-specific two-bond 13C–1H spin–spin coupling constants as diagnostic parameters. The updated criteria for the conformation/configuration assignment facilitated discrimination of three out of four stereochemical variants at the anomeric and the adjacent C2 positions, which expanded the scope of the JBCA method to determination of the anomeric configuration of aldohexopyranoses. Compounds 1 and 2 are the first macrolides decorated by 6dTal. Compounds 1–3 exhibited cytotoxicity against P388 murine leukemia cells with IC50 values of 14, 8.4, and 3.9 μM, respectively. In addition, 1–3 were antibacterial against the Gram-positive bacterium Kocuria rhizophila with MIC values of 25, 50, and 100 μg/mL. 1 was inhibitory against Staphylococcus aureus with an MIC of 50 μg/mL