532 research outputs found

    Are SRI Funds More Resilient towards the Global Financial Crisis?

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    This paper compares the resilience of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) funds with that of conventional funds towards the global financial crisis by using an event study methodology. Taking the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers as the particular event, we estimated the average cumulative abnormal returns of both SRI funds and conventional funds. Our results show that SRI funds are more resilient to such a shock. Similar results are obtained by an estimation with a market model that accounts for ARCH effects.SRI, Event study, Financial crisis

    Modeling of surface roughness effects on glaze ice accretion

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    A series of experimental investigations focused on studying the cause and effect of roughness on accreting glaze ice surfaces were conducted. Detailed microvideo observations were made of glaze ice accretions on 1 to 4 inch diameter cylinders in three icing wind tunnels (the Data Products of New England six inch test facility, the NASA Lewis Icing Research Tunnel, and the B. F. Goodrich Ice Protection Research Facility). Infrared thermal video recordings were made of accreting ice surfaces in the Goodrich facility. Distinct zones of surface water behavior were observed; a smooth wet zone in the stagnation region with a uniform water film; a rough zone where surface tension effects caused coalescence of surface water into stationary beads; a horn zone where roughness elements grow into horn shapes; a runback zone where surface water ran back as rivulets; and a dry zone where rime feathers formed. The location of the transition from the smooth to the rough zone was found to migrate with time towards the stagnation point. The behavior of the transition appeared to be controlled by boundary layer transition and bead formation mechanisms at the interface between the smooth and rough zones. Regions of wet ice growth and enhanced heat transfer were clearly visible in the infrared video recordings of glaze ice surfaces. A simple multi-zone modification to the current glaze ice accretion model was proposed to include spatial variability in surface roughness

    A History of Tests of Infant Development and their Applications to Childcare

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    本研究は、発達検査が保育場面での子ども理解の手だてとなり得ることを明らかにするものである。発達検査を行う一つの効果は、対象となる子どもの発達状況を把握できるという点にある。その上で、子どもの状態をとらえながら、指導に必要な観点を予測することこそが発達検査の意義であるといえる。今日用いられている子どもの発達検査は、ビネー式知能検査を原型として発展してきた。その発達検査の歴史的な変遷について概観し、日本で用いられている発達検査がどう位置づけられているのかを整理し、保育場面での活用の可能性を検討した。This study will examine whether the tests of infant development are useful to childcare teachers in understanding children in childcare environments. Tests of development are important because they will reveal the present developmental stages of the children concerned. The purpose of the tests lies in predicting the viewpoints which are needed for guidance while understanding the developmental stages of the children. The tests of development, which started with Binet-test as the prototype, will be reviwed along with the examination of the other tests in Japan. The purpose of this paper is to show their applicability in childcare environments

    Education in the Transit: Analysis of Economic-Driving Program Implemented in a Public Transport Bus Company

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    The growing number of motor vehicles in urban areas has generated negative impacts on costs for users and bus operators due to congestion and the increase in travel time. Furthermore, transport sector is a significant user of energy, especially fuel, and a great responsible for greenhouse emissions. In order to mitigate these externalities, transport companies try to incorporate into their processes innovative tools and best practices in management, like the so-called economic-driving. The economic-driving seeks to reduce fuel consumption, greenhouse emissions and operational costs. This paper aims to present the results of an economic-driving program implemented in a public transport bus company in Brazil, in the period of 2010-2016. The methodologies used were exploratory, descriptive and case study. The results showed a reduction of fuel consumption by 786.336 liters. The analysis of the consumption of brake linings in eleven buses, running the same itineraries by the same drivers, decreased 47.46%. Based on the Embrapa’s methodology for the calculation of greenhouse emissions the company stopped emitting 86,757.36 kilo grams of CO₂ in the atmosphere. In conclusion, the case study confirmed the feasibility of applying economic-driving strategies and the economic and social advantages with the program for the company

    Responsabilidade socioambiental e o gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos numa rede varejista supermercadista

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    Se as pessoas e as empresas considerarem o gerenciamento de resíduos uma obrigatoriedade ou necessidade de cumprimento de lei, já iniciaram o processo perdendo, Klunder et al. (2001), Adedipe et al. ( 2005) e Jacobi e Besen (2006). Precisamos e devemos acreditar que o gerenciamento de resíduos é uma oportunidade de reflexão e mudança comportamental para as novas gerações, tendo como referência o desenvolvimento socioambiental das comunidades e a sustentabilidade das empresas OMS (2010), EPA (2010) e Jacobi e Besen (2011). Desta forma, o estudo se torna oportuno em função da relevância e atualidade do tema. É viável em função de o pesquisador ter acesso às informações necessárias para o desenvolvimento do trabalho na empresa objeto de estudo. Os ganhos no desenvolvimento do presente trabalho se apresentaram por meio da geração de novos conhecimentos sobre o tema e o entendimento dos processos necessários para a realização do gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos no setor de atuação da empresa. Também se obteve ganhos em compreender como se desenvolve a conscientização e envolvimento dos stakeholders em um projeto socioambiental. Para a realização do estudo foram desenvolvidas pesquisas bibliográficas e de campo, por meio do estudo de caso na empresa em questão, onde foram analisados os dados e informações levantadas através de pesquisa documental na empresa Creswell (2007), Poupart (2008) e Denzin e Lincoln (2006). As contribuições no desenvolvimento do presente trabalho se apresentaram por meio da geração de novos conhecimentos sobre o tema, o entendimento dos processos necessários para a realização do gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos na empresa em estudo


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    As esferas do poder público, indústria e universidade cada vez mais estão em interações que tem uma tendência a evoluir e se fortalecer. O presente trabalho, tem como objetivo analisar como ocorre a publicação científica da Interação Universidade-Indústria-Governo no Brasil, com o foco no entendimento sobre o que se está sendo publicada nas revistas científicas brasileiras. Como procedimento metodológico optou-se por uma pesquisa descritiva e de caráter exploratório. O presente estudo busca a partir da observação em publicações científicas de casos brasileiros que apresentem interação entre as esferas universidade-indústria-governo A busca se deu em pesquisa bibliográfica na base de dados Google Acadêmico®. Os resultados apontaram primeiramente um número relativamente pequeno de artigos científicos que evidenciaram o Brasil em sua base de dados. Várias temáticas e áreas de conhecimento apareceram na pesquisa e evidenciou-se que o maior direcionamento se deu referente às temáticas de inovação e desenvolvimento