60 research outputs found

    Effect of amino acid mixtures on nasal allergic responses induced by toluene diisocyanate in mice

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    We studied the effect of various amino acid mixtures on nasal allergy induced by the intranasal application of toluene diisocyanate (TDI) in mice. In Experiment 1 (Exp. 1), mice were fed a 25% casein, soy protein isolate (SPI), egg white protein (EW) or gluten diet. In Experiment 2 (Exp. 2), mice were fed a 25% amino acid mixture diets patterned after casein (AA-casein), SPI (AA-SPI), EW protein (AA-EW) or gluten (AA-gluten). In Experiment 3 (Exp. 3) we modified the glutamine/glutamic acid (Gln/Glu) concentrations in the amino acid mixtures. Mice were fed a 25% AA-SPI, low Gln/Glu AA-SPI (LG-AA-SPI), AA-EW or high Gln/Glu AA-EW (HG-AA-EW) diet. At the 5th week, mice were divided into sensitized (sen-) and non-sensitized (ns-) groups. The mice in sensitized groups were treated with two courses of intranasal application of toluene diisocyanate (TDI) in ethyl acetate for 5 consecutive days, separated by 9 days rest. The non-sensitized groups of mice were treated with a vehicle. Nine days after the second sensitization, all mice were provoked by TDI. Nasal responses and serum IgE concentration were studied. The findings of Exp. 1 showed that the sen-EW group exhibited a lower body weight gain, higher nasal symptom score and higher IgE concentration than the other sensitized groups. The findings of Exp. 2 showed that the sen-EW group had a lower body weight gain, higher nasal symptom score and higher IgE concentration than the other sensitized groups. In Exp. 3, the AA-EW group showed a higher total nasal score and IgE concentration than the HG-AA-EW group, however, the findings of LG-AA-SPI and AA-SPI were similar. These findings demonstrated that amino acid mixtures affect nasal allergy induced by the intranasal application of TDI in mice

    A case of acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas

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    Background Acinar cell carcinoma (ACC) is a very rare malignancy and represents only 1% to 2% of pancreatic exocrine carcinomas. At the time of diagnosis, 75% of ACC are resectable. Reliable data concerning effective adjuvant chemotherapy has not been established.Case presentation A 30-mm tumor in the pancreatic tail was incidentally discovered by computed tomography in a 71-yearold man. Several swollen lymph nodes were seen around the main tumor. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) revealed disruption of the main pancreatic duct. The patient underwent curative resection (R0) with distal pancreatectomy and node dissection. Histopathological examination revealed ACC with lymph node metastases; adjuvant chemotherapy was performed with gemcitabine after surgery. Twelve months later, the patient showed no sign of recurrence.Conclusion The prognosis of ACC is dismal, although compared to ductal adenocarcinoma, the mean survival appears to be longer. Patients with advanced-stage ACC might benefit from gemcitabine-based adjuvant chemotherapy

    Plant viruses and viroids in Japan

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    An increasing number of plant viruses and viroids have been reported from all over the world due largely to metavirogenomics approaches with technological innovation. Herein, the official changes of virus taxonomy, including the establishment of megataxonomy and amendments of the codes of virus classification and nomenclature, recently made by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses were summarized. The continued efforts of the plant virology community of Japan to index all plant viruses and viroids occurring in Japan, which represent 407 viruses, including 303 virus species and 104 unclassified viruses, and 25 viroids, including 20 species and 5 unclassified viroids, as of October 2021, were also introduced. These viruses and viroids are collectively classified into 81 genera within 26 families of 3 kingdoms (Shotokuvirae, Orthornavirae, Pararnavirae) across 2 realms (Monodnaviria and Riboviria). This review also overviewed how Japan’s plant virus/viroid studies have contributed to advance virus/viroid taxonomy

    Identification of a high incidence region for retroviral vector integration near exon 1 of the LMO2 locus

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    Therapeutic retroviral vector integration near the oncogene LMO2 is thought to be a cause of leukemia in X-SCID gene therapy trials. However, no published studies have evaluated the frequency of vector integrations near exon 1 of the LMO2 locus. We identified a high incidence region (HIR) of vector integration using PCR techniques in the upstream region close to the LMO2 transcription start site in the TPA-Mat T cell line. The integration frequency of the HIR was one per 4.46 × 10(4 )cells. This HIR was also found in Jurkat T cells but was absent from HeLa cells. Furthermore, using human cord blood-derived CD34(+ )cells we identified a HIR in a similar region as the TPA-Mat T cell line. One of the X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X-SCID) patients that developed leukemia after gene therapy had a vector integration site in this HIR. Therefore, the descriptions of the location and the integration frequency of the HIR presented here may help us to better understand vector-induced leukemogenesis

    β-Catenin asymmetry is regulated by PLA1 and retrograde traffic in C. elegans stem cell divisions

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    Asymmetric division is an important property of stem cells. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the Wnt/β-catenin asymmetry pathway determines the polarity of most asymmetric divisions. The Wnt signalling components such as β-catenin localize asymmetrically to the cortex of mother cells to produce two distinct daughter cells. However, the molecular mechanism to polarize them remains to be elucidated. Here, we demonstrate that intracellular phospholipase A1 (PLA1), a poorly characterized lipid-metabolizing enzyme, controls the subcellular localizations of β-catenin in the terminal asymmetric divisions of epithelial stem cells (seam cells). In mutants of ipla-1, a single C. elegans PLA1 gene, cortical β-catenin is delocalized and the asymmetry of cell-fate specification is disrupted in the asymmetric divisions. ipla-1 mutant phenotypes are rescued by expression of ipla-1 in seam cells in a catalytic activity-dependent manner. Furthermore, our genetic screen utilizing ipla-1 mutants reveals that reduction of endosome-to-Golgi retrograde transport in seam cells restores normal subcellular localization of β-catenin to ipla-1 mutants. We propose that membrane trafficking regulated by ipla-1 provides a mechanism to control the cortical asymmetry of β-catenin

    Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5−4.5 M⊙ compact object and a neutron star

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    A Case of the Environment Study at the River

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    In this paper, an example of the program for the water environment study was presented. So far, many cases of the programs or activities for the environment studies at the river have been reported. Most of them were restricted in the school area or the students' home area. And it was rare case that the result of each activity has been compared or discussed comprehensively even if it has been held in every year and the same place. However, it is significant for the environment studies to discuss about relationships between the data of their own area and those of neighbor area. And also accumulating of data is important to discuss about changes of the environmental factors in every year. Therefore in the present study, the better way to plan the "Riverside Activity" for the water environment studies was shown and discussed

    Fetal brain development in chimpanzees versus humans.

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    世界で初めてチンパンジー胎児の脳成長が明らかに : ヒトの脳の巨大化はすでに胎児期からスタート. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2012-09-25.It is argued that the extraordinary brain enlargement observed in humans is due to not only the human-specific pattern of postnatal brain development, but also to that of prenatal brain development [1, 2]. However, the prenatal trajectory of brain development has not been explored in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), even though they are our closest living relatives. To address this lack of information, we tracked fetal development of the chimpanzee brain from approximately 14 to 34 weeks of gestation (just before birth) in utero using three-dimensional ultrasound imaging. The results were compared with those obtained for the human brain during approximately the same period. We found that the brain volume of chimpanzee fetuses was only half that of human fetuses at 16 weeks of gestation. Moreover, although the growth velocity of brain volume increased until approximately 22 weeks of gestation in both chimpanzees and humans, chimpanzee fetuses did not show the same accelerated increase in brain volume as human fetuses after that time. This suggests that maintenance of fast development of the human brain during intrauterine life has contributed to the remarkable brain enlargement observed in humans

    Torsion of right lung sequestration mimicking a posterior mediastinal mass presenting as acute abdomen: Usefulness of MR imaging

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    A 15-year-old boy with extralobar sequestration torsion is presented, who presented as an acute abdomen. Chest X-ray and computed tomography on admission revealed an apparent posterior mediastinal mass on the right side at the lower thoracic vertebral level. MR imaging, however, clearly showed scanty fluid around the mass and the subpleural fat layer between the vertebral body and the mass, suggesting its extrapulmonary and intrapleural cavity location. Its hemorrhagic nature was also suggested by the reduced signal on the in-phase as compared to out-of-phase chemical shift images, which helped make correct preoperative diagnosis. Keywords: Extralobar sequestration, Torsion, MR finding