310 research outputs found

    Enimeration of Regular Triangulations

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    ベイコク シリツ ソウゴウ ダイガク カンゴ ガクブ ノ 2007ネン ホウモン チョウサ カラ

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    米国看護大学訪問調査の目的は国際学術交流の可能性を検索すること、訪問にともない米国看護大学の現状を把握、記述し、看護の変遷が国の政策にどう影響されているかを理解し、その結果をもとに、日本赤十字九州国際看護大学の看護教育、研究における国際交流について提言をすることである。対象とした看護大学は米国私学総合大学3校である。私学は大学のMission, プログラム、その運営の如何がすぐ大学の特徴、繁栄に影響し、また国の医療政策にも影響されるので米国の先進国の国際活動が成功している大学の現状を調査することで、日本赤十字九州国際看護大学の将来の活動に得るところがあると考え、文献検索の結果、ペンシルバニア大学、ジョンズ ホプキンス大学、エモリー大学の3大学を意図的に選択した。これは看護の国際活動を重要視する日本赤十字九州国際看護大学の方針と一致するためである。訪問期間は2007年8月4日から9月6日までであった(ペンシルバニア大学、2日間、ジョンズ ホプキンス大学1日、エモリー大学3日間)。データー収集法は大学教員、および学生のインタービュー、見学、資料収集からなる。3校とも基本的には修士レベルの看護の臨床能力の強化(Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist)及び博士レベルの大学院の充実という点が共通であった。これは米国の医療政策、即ち、医療出費の削減、ケアの質の確保、健康保険をもたないMinorityのための公平な医療ケアの提供などのヘルス需要を看護職者から満たそうとした動きと考えられた。さらに看護界、またヘルスケアシステムの生存競争に勝ち抜くために看護リーダーシップを発揮できる博士号を持つ看護教員と優秀な院生の確保が強調されていることがわかった。過去の歴史、大学を取り巻く環境、地方文化など、それぞれの大学に特徴はあるが、どの大学も国のヘルス政策を看護専攻分野に反映していた。国際交流の体制はどの大学も事務管理職員体制、及び国際交流担当教員、国際交流センターを備えていた。また大学院プログラムには留学生を受け入れていた。The purpose of this study is to describe each uniqueness of the three schools: the University of Pennsylvania, John Hopkins University, and the Emory University. Three schools were selected because they were known for their Global Health activities which matched with the philosophy of the Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing. The results of this study report may be used in consideration for starting International exchange program between Japan and USA collegiate school of nursing. The method applied for the study were to collect data through site observation, discussion with faculty members and students, and literature review. Case study period was from August 4 to September 6, 2007. The results of the study were as following: All three schools were well prepared in accepting international exchange programs. The University of Pennsylvania was moving towards global nursing leadership activities and integrating medicine and nursing in curriculum. Johns Hopkins University was already globally active in Public Health and nationally preparing nursing education for disaster prepared nurses in the case of terrorists\u27 attack. The Emory University was globally active especially in humanity and global health. It will be the future project for the Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing to research our potentials in advancing International exchange program as school goals

    Distance k-Sectors Exist

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    The bisector of two nonempty sets P and Q in a metric space is the set of all points with equal distance to P and to Q. A distance k-sector of P and Q, where k is an integer, is a (k-1)-tuple (C_1, C_2, ..., C_{k-1}) such that C_i is the bisector of C_{i-1} and C_{i+1} for every i = 1, 2, ..., k-1, where C_0 = P and C_k = Q. This notion, for the case where P and Q are points in Euclidean plane, was introduced by Asano, Matousek, and Tokuyama, motivated by a question of Murata in VLSI design. They established the existence and uniqueness of the distance trisector in this special case. We prove the existence of a distance k-sector for all k and for every two disjoint, nonempty, closed sets P and Q in Euclidean spaces of any (finite) dimension, or more generally, in proper geodesic spaces (uniqueness remains open). The core of the proof is a new notion of k-gradation for P and Q, whose existence (even in an arbitrary metric space) is proved using the Knaster-Tarski fixed point theorem, by a method introduced by Reem and Reich for a slightly different purpose.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Orthogonal weighted linear L1 and L∞ approximation and applications

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    AbstractLet S={s1,s2,...,sn} be a set of sites in Ed, where every site si has a positive real weight ωi. This paper gives algorithms to find weighted orthogonal L∞ and L1 approximating hyperplanes for S. The algorithm for the weighted orthogonal L1 approximation is shown to require O(nd) worst-case time and O(n) space for d ≥ 2. The algorithm for the weighted orthogonal L∞ approximation is shown to require O(n log n) worst-case time and O(n) space for d = 2, and O(n⌊dl2 + 1⌋) worst-case time and O(n⌊(d+1)/2⌋) space for d > 2. In the latter case, the expected time complexity may be reduced to O(n⌊(d+1)/2⌋). The L∞ approximation algorithm can be modified to solve the problem of finding the width of a set of n points in Ed, and the problem of finding a stabbing hyperplane for a set of n hyperspheres in Ed with varying radii. The time and space complexities of the width and stabbing algorithms are seen to be the same as those of the L∞ approximation algorithm

    Minimax Geometric Fitting of Two Corresponding Sets of Points and Dynamic Furthest Voronoi Diagrams

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    This paper formulates problems of fitting two corresponding sets of points by translation, rotation and scaling, and proposes efficient algorithms for the fitting. The algorithms are based on the theory of lower envelopes, or Davenport-Schinzel sequences, and linearization techniques in computational geometry, and are related to dynamic furthest Voronoi diagrams.PAPE

    Three-dimensional nanoscale analysis of light-dependent organelle changes in Arabidopsis mesophyll cells

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    一つの植物細胞を丸ごと3次元で再現 --光依存的なオルガネラの変化をナノスケールで探る--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-10-19.Different organelles function coordinately in numerous intracellular processes. Photorespiration incidental to photosynthetic carbon fixation is organized across three subcellular compartments: chloroplasts, peroxisomes, and mitochondria. Under light conditions, these three organelles often form a ternary organellar complex in close proximity, suggesting a connection with metabolism during photorespiration. However, due to the heterogeneity of intercellular organelle localization and morphology, organelles' responses to changes in the external environment remain poorly understood. Here we used array tomography by field emission scanning electron microscopy to image organelles inside the whole plant cell at nanometer resolution, generating a three-dimensional (3D) spatial map of the light-dependent positioning of chloroplasts, peroxisomes, nuclei, and vacuoles. Our results show, in light-treated cells, the volume of peroxisomes increased, and mitochondria were simplified. In addition, the population of free organelles decreased, and the ternary complex centered on chloroplasts increased. Moreover, our results emphasized the expansion of the proximity area rather than the increase in the number of proximity sites inter-organelles. All of these phenomena were quantified for the first time on the basis of nanoscale spatial maps. In summary, we provide the first 3D reconstruction of Arabidopsis mesophyll cells, together with nanoscale quantified organelle morphology and their positioning via proximity areas, and then evidence of their light-dependent changes