25 research outputs found

    ヨウゴキョウユ ト ジェンダー イチ ホケンカンリセンター ジョシュ ノ ジレイ ヨリ

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    In the Suzuka junior college, there are several male students who acquire Yogo teacher licenses every year after the co-education in 1992. But, it does not necessarily get used to a Yogo teacher. First of all, male Yogo teachers are only less than 1% in this country. In the health management center of our college, it became arrangement of every one man and woman from the current fiscal year. In this article working record and narrative of a male assistant are analyzed, and it is considered as the start which considers the problem of a Yogo teacher and gender. As for this case, Yogo teacher does not have a gender difference as well as other precedence researches, and the usefulness of arrangement was shown

    Asthma-COPD overlap : prevalence and features

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    Background Asthma-COPD overlap (ACO) is a disease that shares clinical features of both asthma and COPD. The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence and clinical features of ACO. Methods We retrospectively reviewed data for 170 patients with persistent airflow limitation and diagnosed them according to “The Japanese Respiratory Society Guidelines for the Management of ACO 2018”. Results Of the 170 patients, 111 were diagnosed as follows : COPD (74 patients, 66.6%), ACO (34 patients, 30.6%), and asthma (3 patients, 2.8%). There was no significant difference in clinical features between ACO and COPD patients. The following pulmonary function tests were significantly lower in ACO than in COPD patients : forced expiratory volume in 1 second/forced vital capacity, peak expiratory flow, maximal mid-expiratory flow, and the maximum expiratory flow at 50% and 75%. The following respiratory impedance parameters were significantly higher in ACO than in COPD patients : respiratory resistance (Rrs) at 5 Hz (R5), Rrsat 20 Hz (R20), R5-R20, and low-frequency reactance area. Conclusions About 30% of patients with persistent airflow limitation were diagnosed with ACO. ACO patients had lower lung function and higher respiratory impedance compared with COPD patients

    タンキダイガク ニオケル カンセンショウ ノ ケンコウカンリ ニツイテ シンガタ インフルエンザ A(/H1N1) カンセン ヨボウ ノ トリクミ カラ

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    In late years, the mass outbreak of the "measles" patient was conveyed in the universities of Kanto area mainly, and it caused the closure of school successively.Through the spread of this measles, the preventive correspondence to infectious disease, such as antibody inspection and vaccination, came to be demanded in not only children but also university students.New influenza A (H1N1) which occurred in Mexico in this March speeded all over the world, and WHO declared the caution as six phase of pandemic on June 12, 2009.The virus was brought into island Japan equally in the beginning of May, and the infection opens now for eight months.We had the report of the infecte in our college in the beginning of September and a few outbreaks were watched, but afterwards it doesn\u27t lead to the closure of school.In the spot of group education, the safe management and the crisis control predicting various infections is demanded today.So, we looked back on the precaution of infectious disease in this college and considered about the making of system which corresponds to more demand for new infectious diseases.In late years, as for the outbreak of infectious disease in the school, such as revival of tuberculosis, group lunch infection by O157 and SARS of new infectious disease etc., the correspondence to the crisis control became the important matter of the school

    ホケンカンリセンター ノ アリカタ ダイニホウ ガクセイ ノ コエ カラ ガクセイシエンセンター ヲ カンガエル

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    It is not so difficult that we can find students who don\u27t have adaptation such as are inactive,easily depressed and become to be irritated when things are notwell done.They visited support center in order to consult with us,with anxieties of human relation and study.Support center analyzes students who visited here and search what they want for us.Trying to listen to students and face to face with them,we counsel them on the matter of health.On the other hands, student\u27s problems increased and they are complicated.This study examines what support center should be and how to manage it

    ホケンキョウイク ト キンエンカツドウ

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    Closing of smoking area, nonsmoking has been conducted from 4 years ago in our college site. Our college has been promoted to stop smoking in college site in order to keep student\u27s health and nurture teachers for children\u27s lives and health. In spite of our expectations, smoking students didn\u27t decrease and made new problems in habitual bad manners around adjacent area.Through questionnaire for not only students but also teachers, we carried out the research for consciousness of nonsmoking, defined problem and study for health education and nonsmoking activity in future

    ヨウゴキョウユ フクスウハイチ ト ダンセイヨウゴキョウユ シツモンシチョウサ カラ ノ ケントウ ダイニホウ

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    Yogo teachers practice health education widely to support healthy growth of children, which is purpose of school education.Through questionnaires for Yogo teachers of Mie prefecture, it came out that they wanted plural Yogo teachers system and didn\u27t deny appearance of male Yogo teachers in order to solve diverse health problems and practice health counseling actively.We studied about plural Yogo teachers system and male Yogo teacher to promote function of Yogo teacher through the questionnaires

    ホケンカンリセンター ノ アリカタ

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    Recently, it is said that it has changed what health management center should be. Through all applicants be able to pass into colleges or universities now, if they don\u27t select them, it is considered that there are some students who need mental care.The consciousness for the purpose of student life is diverse and it is often necessary for students to counsel and manage closely.Then the viewpoint of this study depends on questionnaire and reputation about the "plural Yogo Teachers in a school" system, the adoption of a male Yogo teacher and emphasis of counseling.From the questionnaire and the user, most of the impressions about this center are easy to enter and talk to.Through this study, it is suggestive what should be the hearth management center and needs of counseling will become more important

    ヨウゴキョウユ ヨウ セイキョウイク ノ ドウコウ シツモンシチョウサ カラ ノ ケントウ ダイイッポウ

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    Social environments around children have been changed widely and issues of school have become more and more complex and divers. There are movement that parents and citizen need for teachers higher quality and education.In order to solve the health problem that contemporary children seriously have, we have to consider how to improve quality of Yogo teacher through expanding role and making education of Yogo teachers satisfactory.Then this study treats the trend of the education of Yogo teacher in our college and questioner about college education through incumbent students and Yogo teachers at the result of this research, it came out that they want four- years college. And promoting ability of nursing that is required for Yogo teacher is important issue in future