164 research outputs found

    Synergistic and Offset Effects of Fungal Species Combinations on Plant Performance

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    「1+1=2」じゃない共生の世界 --2種の菌が植物にもたらす相乗効果と相殺効果--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-09-17.In natural and agricultural ecosystems, survival and growth of plants depend substantially on residing microbes in the endosphere and rhizosphere. Although numerous studies have reported the presence of plant-growth promoting bacteria and fungi in below-ground biomes, it remains a major challenge to understand how sets of microbial species positively or negatively affect plants’ performance. By conducting a series of single- and dual-inoculation experiments of 13 plant-associated fungi targeting a Brassicaceae plant species (Brassica rapa var. perviridis), we here systematically evaluated how microbial effects on plants depend on presence/absence of co-occurring microbes. The comparison of single- and dual-inoculation experiments showed that combinations of the fungal isolates with the highest plant-growth promoting effects in single inoculations did not have highly positive impacts on plant performance traits (e.g., shoot dry weight). In contrast, pairs of fungi with small/moderate contributions to plant growth in single-inoculation contexts showed the greatest effects on plants among the 78 fungal pairs examined. These results on the offset and synergistic effects of pairs of microbes suggest that inoculation experiments of single microbial species/isolates can result in the overestimation or underestimation of microbial functions in multi-species contexts. Because keeping single-microbe systems under outdoor conditions is impractical, designing sets of microbes that can maximize performance of crop plants is an important step for the use of microbial functions in sustainable agriculture

    The Efficacy of Mirabegron for the Relief of Ureteral Stent-Related Symptoms

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    To investigate the efficacy of mirabegron for lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with an indwelling ureteral stent after ureterorenoscopic lithotripsy. This was a prospective follow-up study of 76 patients with stent-related symptoms (SRSs). Patients with upper urinary calculi who were pre-stented for > 2 weeks before lithotripsy were examined for the presence of SRSs by tests including the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), OAB Symptom Score (OABSS), and urinary bother and pain measured by a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) before lithotripsy. Mirabegron (50 mg/day) was prescribed post-lithotripsy for 2 weeks. SRSs were assessed at the time of stent removal. The IPSS scores improved significantly from 16.2 to 14.3 (p<0.001) and the IPSS-QoL scores decreased significantly from 5.0 to 4.6 (p=0.012). The OABSS scores improved significantly from 7.7 to 6.8 (p=0.006), and the urinary urgency scores (OABSS-Q3) decreased significantly from 3.24 to 2.68 (p<0.001). The number of nocturia episodes decreased significantly from 2.5 to 2.2 (p=0.045). Urinary bother and pain assessed by the VAS declined from 4.2 and 3.1 to 3.8 (p=0.15) and 2.5 (p=0.075), respectively. Mirabegron significantly improved SRSs and the number of nocturia episodes due to a ureteral stent

    Style-transfer based Speech and Audio-visual Scene Understanding for Robot Action Sequence Acquisition from Videos

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    To realize human-robot collaboration, robots need to execute actions for new tasks according to human instructions given finite prior knowledge. Human experts can share their knowledge of how to perform a task with a robot through multi-modal instructions in their demonstrations, showing a sequence of short-horizon steps to achieve a long-horizon goal. This paper introduces a method for robot action sequence generation from instruction videos using (1) an audio-visual Transformer that converts audio-visual features and instruction speech to a sequence of robot actions called dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) and (2) style-transfer-based training that employs multi-task learning with video captioning and weakly-supervised learning with a semantic classifier to exploit unpaired video-action data. We built a system that accomplishes various cooking actions, where an arm robot executes a DMP sequence acquired from a cooking video using the audio-visual Transformer. Experiments with Epic-Kitchen-100, YouCookII, QuerYD, and in-house instruction video datasets show that the proposed method improves the quality of DMP sequences by 2.3 times the METEOR score obtained with a baseline video-to-action Transformer. The model achieved 32% of the task success rate with the task knowledge of the object.Comment: Accepted to Interspeech202

    Chemogenetic dissection of the primate prefronto-subcortical pathways for working memory and decision-making

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    「何を買うんだっけ」と「どれにしよう」を処理する2つの脳回路を明らかに --霊長類の生体脳で神経経路を可視化・操作する技術で解明、高次脳機能の理解へ大きく前進--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-06-24.The primate prefrontal cortex (PFC) is situated at the core of higher brain functions via neural circuits such as those linking the caudate nucleus and mediodorsal thalamus. However, the distinctive roles of these prefronto-subcortical pathways remain elusive. Combining in vivo neuronal projection mapping with chemogenetic synaptic silencing, we reversibly dissected key pathways from dorsolateral part of the PFC (dlPFC) to the dorsal caudate (dCD) and lateral mediodorsal thalamus (MDl) individually in single monkeys. We found that silencing the bilateral dlPFC-MDl projections, but not the dlPFC-dCD projections, impaired performance in a spatial working memory task. Conversely, silencing the unilateral dlPFC-dCD projection, but not the unilateral dlPFC-MDl projection, altered preference in a decision-making task. These results revealed dissociable roles of the prefronto-subcortical pathways in working memory and decision-making, representing the technical advantage of imaging-guided pathway-selective chemogenetic manipulation for dissecting neural circuits underlying cognitive functions in primates

    Prediction of Boron Concentrations in Blood from Patients on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy

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    Background: In boron neutron capture therapy, blood boron concentration is the key factor to calculate radiation dose, however, blood sampling is difficult during neutron irradiation. Materials and Methods: The prediction of blood boron concentrations for BNCT treatment planning has been prospectively investigated using patient data obtained at first craniotomy after the infusion of a low dose of sodium undecahydroclosododecaborate. Results: The boron biodistribution data showed a biexponential pharmacokinetic profile. If the final boron concentration at 6 or 9 hours after the end of the infusion is within the 95% confidence interval of the prediction, direct prediction from biexponential fit will reduce the error of blood boron concentrations during irradiation to around 6%. Conclusion: Actual boron concentrations during BNCT were reasonably and accurately predictable from the test data

    Relationships Between Childhood Bullying/Domestic Violence Experience and Insomnia among Employees in Japan [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Traumatic childhood experiences such as domestic violence and bullying have been reported to be associated with insomnia in adulthood. However, little evidence is available for the long-term effects of childhood adversity on workers’ insomnia worldwide. Our objective was to examine whether childhood experiences of bullying and domestic violence are associated with insomnia in workers in adulthood. We used survey data from a cross-sectional study of the Tsukuba Science City Network in Tsukuba City, Japan. Workers aged 20 to 65 years (4509 men and 2666 women) were targeted. The Binomial Logistic regression analysis with the Athens Insomnia Scale as the objective variable showed that childhood bullying and domestic violence experience of childhood bullying and domestic violence were associated with insomnia. It may be useful to focus on childhood traumatic experiences regarding insomnia in workers

    Chemogenetic attenuation of cortical seizures in nonhuman primates

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    「てんかん」の発生を時間的・空間的にピンポイントで抑える画期的な治療法を開発 --世界で初めてサルでの有効性を実証、臨床応用に向け大きく前進--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-03-01.Epilepsy is a disorder in which abnormal neuronal hyperexcitation causes several types of seizures. Because pharmacological and surgical treatments occasionally interfere with normal brain function, a more focused and on-demand approach is desirable. Here we examined the efficacy of a chemogenetic tool—designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs)—for treating focal seizure in a nonhuman primate model. Acute infusion of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline into the forelimb region of unilateral primary motor cortex caused paroxysmal discharges with twitching and stiffening of the contralateral arm, followed by recurrent cortical discharges with hemi- and whole-body clonic seizures in two male macaque monkeys. Expression of an inhibitory DREADD (hM4Di) throughout the seizure focus, and subsequent on-demand administration of a DREADD-selective agonist, rapidly suppressed the wide-spread seizures. These results demonstrate the efficacy of DREADDs for attenuating cortical seizure in a nonhuman primate model

    Combination of C-reactive protein/albumin ratio and time to castration resistance enhances prediction of prognosis for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer

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    ObjectiveThis study aimed to identify the prediction accuracy of the combination of C-reactive protein (CRP) albumin ratio (CAR) and time to castration resistance (TTCR) for overall survival (OS) following development of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).MethodsClinical data from 98 mCRPC patients treated at our institution from 2009 to 2021 were retrospectively evaluated. Optimal cutoff values for CAR and TTCR to predict lethality were generated by use of a receiver operating curve and Youden’s index. The Kaplan–Meier method and Cox proportional hazard regression models for OS were used to analyze the prognostic capabilities of CAR and TTCR. Multiple multivariate Cox models were then constructed based on univariate analysis and their accuracy was validated using the concordance index.ResultsThe optimal cutoff values for CAR at the time of mCRPC diagnosis and TTCR were 0.48 and 12 months, respectively. Kaplan–Meier curves indicated that patients with CAR &gt;0.48 or TTCR &lt;12 months had a significantly worse OS (both p &lt; 0.005). Univariate analysis also identified age, hemoglobin, CRP, and performance status as candidate prognostic factors. Furthermore, a multivariate analysis model incorporating those factors and excluding CRP showed CAR and TTCR to be independent prognostic factors. This model had better prognostic accuracy as compared with that containing CRP instead of CAR. The results showed effective stratification of mCRPC patients in terms of OS based on CAR and TTCR (p &lt; 0.0001).ConclusionAlthough further investigation is required, CAR and TTCR used in combination may more accurately predict mCRPC patient prognosis

    Brain Dp140 alters glutamatergic transmission and social behaviour in the mdx52 mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a muscle disorder caused by DMD mutations and is characterized by neurobehavioural comorbidities due to dystrophin deficiency in the brain. The lack of Dp140, a dystrophin short isoform, is clinically associated with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), but its postnatal functional role is not well understood. To investigate synaptic function in the presence or absence of brain Dp140, we utilized two DMD mouse models, mdx23 and mdx52 mice, in which Dp140 is preserved or lacking, respectively. ASD-like behaviours were observed in pups and 8-week-old mdx52 mice lacking Dp140. Paired-pulse ratio of excitatory postsynaptic currents, glutamatergic vesicle number in basolateral amygdala neurons, and glutamatergic transmission in medial prefrontal cortex-basolateral amygdala projections were significantly reduced in mdx52 mice compared to those in wild-type and mdx23 mice. ASD-like behaviour and electrophysiological findings in mdx52 mice were ameliorated by restoration of Dp140 following intra-cerebroventricular injection of antisense oligonucleotide drug-induced exon 53 skipping or intra-basolateral amygdala administration of Dp140 mRNA-based drug. Our results implicate Dp140 in ASD-like behaviour via altered glutamatergic transmission in the basolateral amygdala of mdx52 mice