37 research outputs found

    Faces of Truth: Journalism, Justice and War

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    N'ayez pas peur !

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    Policing democracy: communication freedom in the age of Internet

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    Auditing public broadcasting performance: its theory and practice

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    V večini zahodnoevropskih držav se javna radiotelevizija spreminja, morda je celo v krizi. Javne RTV postaje izgubljajo gledalce, zlasti med mladino, soočajo se s kritičnim in včasih celo sovražnim okoljem, ki postavlja pod vprašaj samoumevnost finančne podpore ali celo njeno smiselnost, na kar še zlasti opozarjajo njeni tekmeci. Javne RTV postaje se pogosto bojujejo za podporo in preživetje. Kaj se je zgodilo v zadnjih desetletjih, kar je sprožilo kritike in razprave o poslanstvu in odgovornosti javne RTV? Ali javna RTV še zasluži prednostni položaj na radiotelevizijskem trgukakšne odgovornosti to prinašakako je lahko odgovorna za svoje "javne" storitve? Kratek pregled je uvod v tematsko številko revije o teoretskih temeljih in empiričnih izkušnjah z nadzorom kakovsoti delovanja javne RTV.In most West European countries public service broadcasting (PSB) is in a state of flux, if not in crisis. Across the board, organisations are loosing their audience, particularly among the younger viewers, they are confronted with a critical and sometimes hostile political environment, and the self-evidence of their financial support or even their raison d\u27etre is put into question, not least by their competitors. In short: they are often fighting for support and struggling to survive. What\u27s been going on here in the last ten, twenty years that merits such lamentation and is prompting a discussion about its mission and responsibilities? Do PSBs still deserve theirpreferential treatment in the broadcasting market, what responsibilities does that then entail, and how are they held to account for their "public" performance? A short overview is an introduction to a special issue on the theoretical grounding of, and empirical experiences with, auditing public broadcasting performance

    A Rejoinder to Jay G. Blumler

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    Communicating the ICC: Imagery and image-building in Uganda

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    The adoption of the Rome Statute in 1998 and subsequent establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2002 form the apotheosis (for the time being) of the ‘new paradigm of the rule of law’ that is international criminal justice (Teitel 2002: 355). In the euphoric discourse of international politicians and the legal establishment, its aims have proliferated beyond ending the impunity of perpetrators of mass atrocity to which the Preamble to the Statute refers.1 They are now said to include reconciliation, conflict resolution, rehabilitation, deterrence and retribution, promoting democracy and providing victims satisfaction (Brants 2011). The domestication of violence by law through the establishment of a just peace (Hazan 2010) reflects just how idealistic but also political is this unique venture in cosmopolitan liberalism and human rights (Roach 2009; Teitel 2002)

    Znamenja medijske logike: pol stoletja raziskovanja političnega komuniciranja na Nizozemskem

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    Odnos med politiko in mediji na Nizozemskem se je v zadnjih desetletjih bistveno spremenil. Vendar te spremembe ne sledijo niti spremembam v ZDA niti v drugih evropskih državah. Tehnološke, komercialne in konkurenčne razmere na Nizozemskem sicer niso bistveno drugačne od tistih v ZDA in drugih visoko industrializiranih držav, toda družbenopolitični kontekst vodi k drugačnim praksam političnega komuniciranja. To pojasnjujeta predvsem dva dejavnika: velik vpliv vrednot javne radio-televizije na kakovost, stile in cilje poročanja o politiki tudi v bolj komercialno usmerjenih medijih ter politična kultura nesovraštva, ki se je oblikovala v konsenzualni demokraciji in ki preprečuje negativno in cinično poročanje.On the basis of three elections, covering a period of fifty years, the authorsaim at testing the increasingly popular hypothesis that political communication is driven by media logic and by political and media system characteristics. In short: sooner or later, the modes and styles of American media will appear in Europe too. The complex and volatile relationship betweenmedia and politics in the Netherlands in the last half-century does show some, although not uni-linear signs of media logic. The strength of a public service tradition and a political culture of nonadversariality, however, seem to have stopped the developments short of a political communication style which is characterised by performance driven campaigning, horse race and poll driven reporting, orientation on the public as consumers, journalistic dominance, agenda setting and cynicism

    Elektronisch folderen: de digitale campagne

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