1,379 research outputs found

    Focused laser Doppler velocimeter

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    A system for remotely measuring velocities present in discrete volumes of air is described. A CO2 laser beam is focused by a telescope at such a volume, a focal volume, and within the focusable range, near field, of the telescope. The back scatter, or reflected light, principally from the focal volume, passes back through the telescope and is frequency compared with the original frequency of the laser, and the difference frequency or frequencies represent particle velocities in that focal volume

    L1551NE - Discovery of a Binary Companion

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    L1551NE is a very young (class 0 or I) low-mass protostar located close to the well-studied L1551 IRS5. We present here evidence, from 1.3mm continuum interferometric observations at ~1'' resolution, for a binary companion to L1551NE. The companion, whose 1.3mm flux density is ~1/3 that of the primary component, is located 1.43'' (~230 A.U. at 160pc) to the southeast. The millimeterwave emission from the primary component may have been just barely resolved, with deconvolved size ~0.82"x0.70" (~131x112 A.U.). The companion emission was unresolved (<100 A.U.). The pair is embedded within a flattened circum-binary envelope of size ~5.4'' x 2.3'' (~860 x 370 A.U.). The masses of the three components (i.e. from the cicumstellar material of the primary star and its companion, and the envelope) are approximately 0.044, 0.014 and 0.023 Mo respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    The time-dependent rearrangement of the epithelial basement membrane in human skin wounds

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    In 62 human skin wounds (surgical wounds, stab wounds and lacerations after surgical treatment) we analyzed the immunohistochemical localization of collagen IV in the epithelial basement membrane. In 27 of these wounds the distribution of collagen VII, which represents a specific component of the basement membrane of stratified epithelia, was also analyzed. We were able to demonstrate a virtually identical co-distribution of both collagen IV and VII in the wound area with no significant time-dependent differences in the appearance of both collagen types. Fragments of the epithelial basement membrane could be detected in the wound area from as early as 4 days after wounding and after 8 days a complete restitution of the epithelial basement membrane was observed. In all cases with a wound age of more than 21 days the basement membrane was completely reformed over the former lesional area. The period between 8 and 21 days after wounding was characterized by a wide variability ranging from complete restitution to deposition of basement membrane fragments or total lack of the epidermal basement membrane

    Discovery of a 500 pc shell in the nucleus of Centaurus A

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    Spitzer Space Telescope mid-infrared images of the radio galaxy Centaurus A reveal a shell-like, bipolar, structure 500 pc to the north and south of the nucleus. This shell is seen in 5.8, 8.0 and 24 micron broad-band images. Such a remarkable shell has not been previously detected in a radio galaxy and is the first extragalactic nuclear shell detected at mid-infrared wavelengths. We estimate that the shell is a few million years old and has a mass of order million solar masses. A conservative estimate for the mechanical energy in the wind driven bubble is 10^53 erg. The shell could have created by a small few thousand solar mass nuclear burst of star formation. Alternatively, the bolometric luminosity of the active nucleus is sufficiently large that it could power the shell. Constraints on the shell's velocity are lacking. However, if the shell is moving at 1000 km/s then the required mechanical energy would be 100 times larger.Comment: submitted to ApJ Letter

    The Spitzer Space Telescope Mission

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    The Spitzer Space Telescope, NASA's Great Observatory for infrared astronomy, was launched 2003 August 25 and is returning excellent scientific data from its Earth-trailing solar orbit. Spitzer combines the intrinsic sensitivity achievable with a cryogenic telescope in space with the great imaging and spectroscopic power of modern detector arrays to provide the user community with huge gains in capability for exploration of the cosmos in the infrared. The observatory systems are largely performing as expected and the projected cryogenic lifetime is in excess of 5 years. This paper summarizes the on-orbit scientific, technical and operational performance of Spitzer. Subsequent papers in this special issue describe the Spitzer instruments in detail and highlight many of the exciting scientific results obtained during the first six months of the Spitzer mission.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophyscial Journal Supplement Spitzer Special Issue, 22 pages, 3 figures. Higher resolution versions of the figures are available at http://ssc.spitzer.caltech.edu/pubs/journal2004.htm

    Comparison of surface and column measurements of aerosol scattering properties over the western North Atlantic Ocean at Bermuda

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    Light scattering by size-resolved aerosols in near-surface air at Tudor Hill, Bermuda, was measured between January and June 2009. Vertical distributions of aerosol backscattering and column-averaged aerosol optical properties were characterized in parallel with a micro-pulse lidar (MPL) and an automated sun–sky radiometer. Comparisons were made between extensive aerosol parameters in the column, such as the lidar-retrieved extinction at 400 m and the aerosol optical depth (AOD), and scattering was measured with a surface nephelometer. Comparisons were also made for intensive parameters such as the Ångström exponent and calculations using AERONET(Aerosol Robotic Network)-derived aerosol physical parameters (size distribution, index of refraction) and Mie theory, and the ratio of submicron scattering to total scattering for size-segregated nephelometer measurements. In these comparisons the <i>r</i><sup>2</sup> was generally around 0.50. Data were also evaluated based on back trajectories. The correlation between surface scattering and lidar extinction was highest for flows when the surface scattering was dominated by smaller particles and the flow had a longer footprint over land then over the ocean. The correlation of AOD with surface scatter was similar for all flow regimes. There was also no clear dependence of the atmospheric lapse rate, as determined from a nearby radiosonde station, on flow regime. The Ångström exponent for most flow regimes was 0.9–1.0, but for the case of air originating from North America, but with significant time over the ocean, the Ångström exponent was 0.57 ± 0.18. The submicron fraction of aerosol near the surface (<i>R</i><sub>sub-surf</sub>) was significantly greater for the flows from land (0.66 ± 0.11) than for the flows which spent more time over the ocean (0.40 ± 0.05). When comparing <i>R</i><sub>sub-surf</sub> and the column-integrated submicron scattering fraction, <i>R</i><sub>sub-col</sub>, the correlation was similar, <i>r</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.50, but <i>R</i><sub>sub-surf</sub> was generally less than <i>R</i><sub>sub-col</sub>, indicating more large particles contributing to light scattering at the surface, contrary to conditions over continents and for polluted continental transport over the ocean. In general, though, the marginal correlations indicate that the column optical properties are weakly correlated with the surface optical measurements. Thus, if it is desired to associate aerosol chemical/physical properties with their optical properties, it is best to use optical and chemical/physical measurements with both collected at the surface or both collected in the column

    Immunohistochemical localization of collagen types I and VI in human skin wounds

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    A total of 74 human skin wounds were investigated and collagen types I and VI were localized in the wound area by immunohistochemistry. Collagen type I appeared in the form of ramifying string-like structures after approximately 5–6 days, but positive reactions in the form of a spot-like staining around isolated fibroblasts also occurred in a skin wound aged 4 days. Collagen VI was detectable after a post-infliction interval of at least 3 days showing a strongly positive reacting network associated with fibroblasts in the wound area. Both collagens appeared almost constantly after a wound age of 6–7 clays and could also be found in wounds aged a few months. Therefore, although a positive reaction for collagen type I in the form of string-like and ramifying structures around wound fibroblasts indicates a wound age of at least 5–6 days, a spot-like positive staining for collagen type I cannot exclude a wound age of at least 4 days. A positive staining for collagen type VI represents a post-infliction time of 3 days or more. The almost constant appearance of these collagen types suggests that negative results in a sufficient number of specimens indicate a wound age of less than 6–7 days, but cannot completely exclude longer post-infliction intervals. Since collagen type I and VI are also found in the granulation/scar tissue of lesions with advanced wound age, the immunohistochemical analysis of these proteins provides no further information for an age determination of older skin wounds

    Flow climatology for physicochemical properties of dichotomous aerosol over the western North Atlantic Ocean at Bermuda

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    Dichotomous aerosols (nominal super- and sub-μm-diameter size fractions) in sectored on-shore flow were sampled daily from July 2006 through June 2009, at the Tudor Hill Atmospheric Observatory (THAO) on the western coast of Bermuda (32.27° N, 64.87° W) and analyzed for major chemical and physical properties. FLEXPART retroplumes were calculated for each sampling period and aerosol properties were stratified accordingly based on transport from different regions. Transport from the northeastern United States (NEUS) was associated with significantly higher (factors of 2 to 3 based on median values) concentrations of bulk particulate non-sea-salt (nss) SO42-, NO3-, and NH4+ and associated scattering and absorption at 530 nm, relative to transport from Africa (AFR) and the oceanic background. These differences were driven primarily by higher values associated with the sub-μm size fraction under NEUS flow. We estimate that 75(±3)% of the NEUS nss SO42- was anthropogenic in origin, while only 25(±9)% of the AFR nss SO42- was anthropogenic. Integrating over all transport patterns, the contribution of anthropogenic sulfate has dropped 14.6% from the early 1990s. Bulk scattering was highly correlated with bulk nss SO42- in all flow regimes but the corresponding regression slopes varied significantly reflecting differential contributions to total scattering by associated aerosol components. Absorption by super-μm aerosol in transport from the NEUS versus AFR was similar although the super-μm aerosol size fraction accounted for a relatively greater contribution to total absorption in AFR flow. Significantly greater absorption Ångström exponents (AAEs) for AFR flow reflects the wavelength dependence of absorption by mineral aerosols; lower AAEs for NEUS flow is consistent with the dominance of absorption by combustion-derived aerosols. Higher AOD associated with transport from both the NEUS and AFR relative to oceanic background flow results in a top of atmosphere direct radiative forcing on the order of −1.6 to −2.5 W m−2, respectively, showing these aerosols drive cooling. The dominance of transport from the NEUS on an annual basis coupled with the corresponding decreases in anthropogenic nss SO42- aerosols since the early 1990s implies that emission reductions in the US account for a decline in atmospheric cooling over the western North Atlantic Ocean during this period

    Nonsynchronous, episodic incision: Evidence of threshold exceedance and complex response as controls of terrace formation

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    Terrace sequences can represent regional or continental scale factors such as climatic fluctuations, neotectonic activity, and base-level change. However, they can also reflect random incision events brought about by local scale, geomorphic threshold exceedance, and subsequent complex response. This study explores the formative processes of three discontinuous, but adjacent, late Pleistocene to late Holocene stepterrace sequences in southeastern Australia. Correlation of river terrace fills was undertaken by comparing terrace remnants based on topography, morphology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, and chronology. A geomorphic model of floodplain abandonment and terrace formation for this valley setting is presented. Most of southeastern Australia has shown no evidence of tectonic uplift during the late Quaternary. Bedrock bars on the Hunter River isolate the study reach from downstream base-level changes. The nonsynchronous, episodic behavior of incision events in this catchment strongly indicates that climate is not a dominant control on terrace formation. With the exclusion of climatic fluctuations, tectonic uplift and base-level change as causes of incision, catastrophic floods, and the exceedance of geomorphic thresholds emerge as the dominant controls of terrace formation. Crow

    Metabolic changes in quinolinic acid-lesioned rat striatum detected noninvasively by in vivo 1H NMR spectroscopy

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    Intrastriatal injection of quinolinic acid (QA) provides an animal model of Huntington disease. In vivo 1H NMR spectroscopy was used to measure the neurochemical profile non-invasively in seven animals 5 days after unilateral injection of 150 nmol of QA. Concentration changes of 16 metabolites were measured from 22 μl volume at 9.4 T. The increase of glutamine ((+25 ± 14)%, mean ± SD, n = 7) and decrease of glutamate (-12 ± 5)%, N-acetylaspartate (-17 ± 6)%, taurine (-14 ± 6)% and total creatine (-9 ± 3%) were discernible in each individual animal (P < 0.005, paired t-test). Metabolite concentrations in control striata were in excellent agreement with biochemical literature. The change in glutamate plus glutamine was not significant, implying a shift in the glutamate-glutamine interconversion, consistent with a metabolic defect at the level of neuronal-glial metabolic trafficking. The most significant indicator of the lesion, however, were the changes in glutathione ((-19 ± 9)%, P < 0.002)), consistent with oxidative stress. From a comparison with biochemical literature we conclude that high-resolution in vivo 1H NMR spectroscopy accurately reflects the neurochemical changes induced by a relatively modest dose of QA, which permits one to longitudinally follow mitochondrial function, oxidative stress and glial-neuronal metabolic trafficking as well as the effects of treatment in this model of Huntington disease. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc