20 research outputs found

    Structural Characterization of Outer Membrane Components of the Type IV Pili System in Pathogenic Neisseria

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    Structures of the type IV pili secretin complexes from Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis, embedded in outer membranes were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Single particle averaging revealed additional domains not observed previously. Secretin complexes of N. gonorrhoeae showed a double ring structure with a 14-15-fold symmetry in the central ring, and a 14-fold symmetry of the peripheral ring with 7 spikes protruding. In secretin complexes of N. meningitidis, the spikes were absent and the peripheral ring was partly or completely lacking. When present, it had a 19-fold symmetry. The structures of the complexes in several pil mutants were determined. Structures obtained from the pilC1/C2 adhesin and the pilW minor pilin deletion strains were similar to wild-type, whereas deletion of the homologue of N. meningitidis PilW resulted in the absence of secretin structures. Remarkably, the pilE pilin subunit and pilP lipoprotein deletion mutants showed a change in the symmetry of the peripheral ring from 14 to 19 and loss of spikes. The pilF ATPase mutant also lost the spikes, but maintained 14-fold symmetry. These results show that secretin complexes contain previously unidentified large and flexible extra domains with a probable role in stabilization or assembly of type IV pili

    Structure of a mitochondrial supercomplex formed by respiratory-chain complexes I and III

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    Mitochondria are central to the efficient provision of energy for eukaryotic cells. The oxidative-phosphorylation system of mitochondria consists of a series of five major membrane complexes: NADH–ubiquinone oxidoreductase (commonly known as complex I), succinate–ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex II), ubiquinol–cytochrome c oxidoreductase (cytochrome bc(1) complex or complex III), cytochrome c–O(2) oxidoreductase (complex IV), and F(1)F(0)–ATP synthase (complex V). Several lines of evidence have recently suggested that complexes I and III–V might interact to form supercomplexes. However, because of their fragility, the structures of these supercomplexes are still unknown. A stable supercomplex consisting of complex I and dimeric complex III was purified from plant mitochondria. Structural characterization by single-particle EM indicates a specific type of interaction between monomeric complex I and dimeric complex III in a 1:1 ratio. We present a model for how complexes I and III are spatially organized within the I+III(2) supercomplex

    Structural organization of the needle complex of the type III secretion apparatus of Shigella flexneri

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    The secretion apparatus known as the needle complex (NC) from the bacterium Shigella flexneri was studied by single particle electron microscopy. The isolated intact NC appears in projection to be composed of a basal body consisting of seven rings and a protruding needle appendage. A comparison of averaged projections of the intact NC and its fragments revealed the organization of the NC into several major subcomplexes. One of these lacks an inner membrane ring of the basal body but still presents the needle appendage attached to four upper rings. The position of the needle appendage within these rings is variable, suggesting that the dissociated component is necessary for stabilizing the needle appendage. Averaged images of the subcomplex lacking the inner membrane basal rings show a thicker extension at the base of the needle appendage, called the socket. This socket was also found to be present in images of the basal body fragment isolated from mutants lacking the mxiH and mxiI genes. This suggests that the socket is not composed of MxiH and MxiI subunits, which form the needle appendage. A symmetry analysis of the basal body top view projections indicated that a peripheral protein component of the inner membrane ring is present in a ring with 24 copies, in contrast to the Salmonella typhimurium NC. A model is presented in which the NC is only associated to the outer- and inner-membranes with its first and seventh ring, respectively.

    Structure and subunit arrangement of the A-type ATP synthase complex from the archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii visualized by electron microscopy

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    In Archaea, bacteria, and eukarya, ATP provides metabolic energy for energy-dependent processes. It is synthesized by enzymes known as A-type or F-type ATP synthase, which are the smallest rotatory engines in nature (Yoshida, M., Muneyuki, E., and Hisabori, T. (2001) Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell. Biol. 2, 669-677; Imamura, H., Nakano, M., Noji, H., Muneyuki, E., Ohkuma, S., Yoshida, M., and Yokoyama, K. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 100, 2312-2315). Here, we report the first projected structure of an intact A(1)A(0) ATP synthase from Methanococcus jannaschii as determined by electron microscopy and single particle analysis at a resolution of 1.8 nm. The enzyme with an overall length of 25.9 nm is organized in an A(1) headpiece (9.4 x 11.5 nm) and a membrane domain, A(0) (6.4 x 10.6 nm), which are linked by a central stalk with a length of approximately 8 nm. A part of the central stalk is surrounded by a horizontal-situated rodlike structure ("collar"), which interacts with a peripheral stalk extending from the A(0) domain up to the top of the A(1) portion, and a second structure connecting the collar structure with A(1). Superposition of the three-dimensional reconstruction and the solution structure of the A(1) complex from Methanosarcina mazei Gö1 have allowed the projections to be interpreted as the A(1) headpiece, a central and the peripheral stalk, and the integral A(0) domain. Finally, the structural organization of the A(1)A(0) complex is discussed in terms of the structural relationship to the related motors, F(1)F(0) ATP synthase and V(1)V(0) ATPases

    A 7.4-Ã… projection structure of outer membrane phospholipase A from Escherichia coli by electron crystallography

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    Outer membrane phospholipase A (OMPLA) is one of the few enzymes present in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. Two-dimensional crystals of OMPLA were grown by reconstitution of purified protein into lipid bilayers via detergent dialysis and were studied by electron crystallography. A 7.4-Å projection map reveals OMPLA molecules exhibiting an oval-shaped domain of 30 × 20 Å resembling the β-barrel structure characteristic of porins, which is associated with a 25-Å elongated domain of lower density

    Structural characterization of an ATPase active F-1-/V-1-ATPase (alpha(3)beta(3)EG) hybrid complex

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    Co-reconstitution of subunits E and G of the yeast V-ATPase and the α and β subunits of the F1-ATPase from the thermophilic Bacillus PS3 (TF1) resulted in an α3β3EG hybrid complex showing 53% of the ATPase activity of TF1. The α3β3EG oligomer was characterized by electron microscopy. By processing 40,000 single particle projections, averaged two-dimensional projections at 1.2–2.4-nm resolution were obtained showing the hybrid complex in various positions. Difference mapping of top and side views of this complex with projections of the atomic model of the α3β3 subcomplex from TF1 demonstrates that a seventh mass is located inside the shaft of the α3β3 barrel and extends out from the hexamer. Furthermore, difference mapping of the α3β3EG oligomer with projections of the A3B3E and A3B3EC subcomplexes of the V1 from Caloramator fervidus shows that the mass inside the shaft is made up of subunit E, whereby subunit G was assigned to belong at least in part to the density of the protruding stalk. The formation of an active α3β3EG hybrid complex indicates that the coupling subunit γ inside the α3β3 oligomer of F1 can be effectively replaced by subunit E of the V-ATPase. Our results have also demonstrated that the E and γ subunits are structurally similar, despite the fact that their genes do not show significant homology

    Structure of NADH:Q Oxidoreductase from Bovine Heart Mitochondria Studied by Electron Microscopy

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    Two-dimensional crystalline arrays of NADH:Q oxidoreductase preparations have been obtained by microdiffusion of protein dissolved in detergent against a 15 mM sodium acetate buffer of pH 5.5 containing 10% (w/v) ammonium sulphate. Electron microscopy was used to study the structure of negatively stained crystals. Computer-reconstructed images were obtained by the Fourier peak filtering method. The crystals have p4 symmetry and a square unit cell with dimensions of 15.2 ± 0.5 nm. The four asymmetric units in the unit cell form a single tetrameric molecule with a dimension in the third direction of 8.2 nm. It is concluded on the basis of the estimated molecular mass that each tetramer cannot contain more than only one FMN molecule. This implies that the tetramers possibly are only a part of Complex I, since there is much evidence that one functional enzyme molecule of Complex I contains two FMN molecules.