29 research outputs found

    Structural effects and potential changes in growth factor signalling in penis-projecting autonomic neurons after axotomy

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    BACKGROUND: The responses of adult parasympathetic ganglion neurons to injury and the neurotrophic mechanisms underlying their axonal regeneration are poorly understood. This is especially relevant to penis-projecting parasympathetic neurons, which are vulnerable to injury during pelvic surgery such as prostatectomy. We investigated the changes in pelvic ganglia of adult male rats in the first week after unilateral cavernous (penile) nerve axotomy (cut or crush lesions). In some experiments FluoroGold was injected into the penis seven days prior to injury to allow later identification of penis-projecting neurons. Neurturin and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) are neurotrophic factors for penile parasympathetic neurons, so we also examined expression of relevant receptors, GFRα1 and GFRα2, in injured pelvic ganglion neurons. RESULTS: Axotomy caused prolific growth of axon collaterals (sprouting) in pelvic ganglia ipsilateral to the injury. These collaterals were most prevalent in the region near the exit of the penile nerve. This region contained the majority of FluoroGold-labelled neurons. Many sprouting fibres formed close associations with sympathetic and parasympathetic pelvic neurons, including many FluoroGold neurons. However immunoreactivity for synaptic proteins could not be demonstrated in these collaterals. Preganglionic terminals showed a marked loss of synaptic proteins, suggesting a retrograde effect of the injury beyond the injured neurons. GFRα2 immunofluorescence intensity was decreased in the cytoplasm of parasympathetic neurons, but GFRα1 immunofluorescence was unaffected in these neurons. CONCLUSION: These studies show that there are profound changes within the pelvic ganglion after penile nerve injury. Sprouting of injured postganglionic axons occurs concurrently with structural or chemical changes in preganglionic terminals. New growth of postganglionic axon collaterals within the ganglion raises the possibility of the formation of aberrant synaptic connections between injured and un-injured ganglion neurons. Together these changes demonstrate a broader effect on the pelvic autonomic circuitry than simply loss of neuroeffector connections. These structural changes are accompanied by potential changes in neurotrophic factor signalling due to altered expression of receptors for members of the GDNF family. Together our results advance understanding of the responses of pelvic autonomic nerve circuits to injury and may assist in designing strategies for promoting regeneration

    Pelvic Nerve Injury Causes a Rapid Decrease in Expression of Choline Acetyltransferase and Upregulation of c-Jun and ATF-3 in a Distinct Population of Sacral Preganglionic Neurons

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    Autonomic regulation of the urogenital organs is impaired by injuries sustained during pelvic surgery or compression of lumbosacral spinal nerves (e.g., cauda equina syndrome). To understand the impact of injury on both sympathetic and parasympathetic components of this nerve supply, we performed an experimental surgical and immunohistochemical study on adult male rats, where the structure of this complex part of the nervous system has been well defined. We performed unilateral transection of pelvic or hypogastric nerves and analyzed relevant regions of lumbar and sacral spinal cord, up to 4 weeks after injury. Expression of c-Jun, the neuronal injury marker activating transcription factor-3 (ATF-3), and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) were examined. We found little evidence for chemical or structural changes in substantial numbers of functionally related but uninjured spinal neurons (e.g., in sacral preganglionic neurons after hypogastric nerve injury), failing to support the concept of compensatory events. The effects of injury were greatest in sacral cord, ipsilateral to pelvic nerve transection. Here, around half of all preganglionic neurons expressed c-Jun within 1 week of injury, and substantial ATF-3 expression also occurred, especially in neurons with complete loss of ChAT-immunoreactivity. There did not appear to be any death of retrogradely labeled neurons, in contrast to axotomy studies performed on other regions of spinal cord or sacral ventral root avulsion models. Each of the effects we observed occurred in only a subpopulation of preganglionic neurons at that spinal level, raising the possibility that distinct functional subgroups have different susceptibility to trauma-induced degeneration and potentially different regenerative abilities. Identification of the cellular basis of these differences may provide insights into organ-specific strategies for attenuating degeneration or promoting regeneration of these circuits after trauma

    Axonal Injury Induces ATF3 in Specific Populations of Sacral Preganglionic Neurons in Male Rats

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    Compared to other neurons of the central nervous system, autonomic preganglionic neurons are unusual because most of their axon lies in the periphery. These axons are vulnerable to injury during surgical procedures, yet in comparison to peripheral neurons and somatic motor neurons, the impact of injury on preganglionic neurons is poorly understood. Here, we have investigated the impact of axotomy on sacral preganglionic neurons, a functionally diverse group of neurons required for micturition, defecation, and sexual function. We have previously observed that after axotomy, the injury-related transcription factor activating transcription factor-3 (ATF3) is upregulated in only half of these neurons (Peddie and Keast, 2011: PMID: 21283532). In the current study, we have investigated if this response is constrained to particular subclasses of preganglionic neurons that have specific functions or signaling properties. Seven days after unilateral pelvic nerve transection, we quantified sacral preganglionic neurons expressing ATF3, many but not all of which co-expressed c-Jun. This response was independent of soma size. Subclasses of sacral preganglionic neurons expressed combinations of somatostatin, calbindin, and neurokinin-1 receptor, each of which showed a similar response to injury. We also found that in contrast to thoracolumbar preganglionic neurons, the heat shock protein-25 (Hsp25) was not detected in naive sacral preganglionic neurons but was upregulated in many of these neurons after axotomy; the majority of these Hsp25 neurons expressed ATF3. Together, these studies reveal the molecular complexity of sacral preganglionic neurons and their responses to injury. The simultaneous upregulation of Hsp25 and ATF3 may indicate a distinct mechanism of regenerative capacity after injury

    Cross-sectional study of 24-hour urinary electrolyte excretion and associated health outcomes in a convenience sample of Australian primary schoolchildren: the salt and other nutrients in children (SONIC) study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Dietary sodium and potassium are involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. Data exploring the cardiovascular outcomes associated with these electrolytes within Australian children is sparse. Furthermore, an objective measure of sodium and potassium intake within this group is lacking. OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of the Salt and Other Nutrient Intakes in Children ("SONIC") study was to measure sodium and potassium intakes in a sample of primary schoolchildren located in Victoria, Australia, using 24-hour urine collections. Secondary aims were to identify the dietary sources of sodium and potassium, examine the association between these electrolytes and cardiovascular risk factors, and assess children\u27s taste preferences and saltiness perception of manufactured foods. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a convenience sample of schoolchildren attending primary schools in Victoria, Australia. Participants completed one 24-hour urine collection, which was analyzed for sodium, potassium, and creatinine. Completeness of collections was assessed using collection time, total volume, and urinary creatinine. One 24-hour dietary recall was completed to assess dietary intake. Other data collected included blood pressure, body weight, height, waist and hip circumference. Children were also presented with high and low sodium variants of food products and asked to discriminate salt level and choose their preferred variant. Parents provided demographic information and information on use of discretionary salt. Descriptive statistics will be used to describe sodium and potassium intakes. Linear and logistic regression models with clustered robust standard errors will be used to assess the association between electrolyte intake and health outcomes (blood pressure and body mass index/BMI z-score and waist circumference) and to assess differences in taste preference and discrimination between high and low sodium foods, and correlations between preference, sodium intake, and covariates. RESULTS: A total of 780 children across 43 schools participated. The results from this study are expected at the end of 2015. CONCLUSIONS: This study will provide the first objective measure of sodium and potassium intake in Australian schoolchildren and improve our understanding of the relationship of these electrolytes to cardiovascular risk factors. Furthermore, this study will provide insight into child taste preferences and explore related factors. Given the cardiovascular implications of consuming too much sodium and too little potassium, monitoring of these nutrients during childhood is an important public health initiative

    Effects of estrogens and bladder inflammation on mitogen-activated protein kinases in lumbosacral dorsal root ganglia from adult female rats

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    BACKGROUND: Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition associated with bladder inflammation and, like a number of other chronic pain states, symptoms associated with interstitial cystitis are more common in females and fluctuate during the menstrual cycle. The aim of this study was to determine if estrogens could directly modulate signalling pathways within bladder sensory neurons, such as extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases. These signalling pathways have been implicated in neuronal plasticity underlying development of inflammatory somatic pain but have not been as extensively investigated in visceral nociceptors. We have focused on lumbosacral dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons projecting to pelvic viscera (L1, L2, L6, S1) of adult female Sprague-Dawley rats and performed both in vitro and in vivo manipulations to compare the effects of short- and long-term changes in estrogen levels on MAPK expression and activation. We have also investigated if prolonged estrogen deprivation influences the effects of lower urinary tract inflammation on MAPK signalling. RESULTS: In studies of isolated DRG neurons in short-term (overnight) culture, we found that estradiol and estrogen receptor (ER) agonists rapidly stimulated ER-dependent p38 phosphorylation relative to total p38. Examination of DRGs following chronic estrogen deprivation in vivo (ovariectomy) showed a parallel increase in total and phosphorylated p38 (relative to beta-tubulin). We also observed an increase in ERK1 phosphorylation (relative to total ERK1), but no change in ERK1 expression (relative to beta-tubulin). We observed no change in ERK2 expression or phosphorylation. Although ovariectomy increased the level of phosphorylated ERK1 (vs. total ERK1), cyclophosphamide-induced lower urinary tract inflammation did not cause a net increase of either ERK1 or ERK2, or their phosphorylation. Inflammation did, however, cause an increase in p38 protein levels, relative to beta-tubulin. Prior ovariectomy did not alter the response to inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide new insights into the complex effects of estrogens on bladder nociceptor signalling. The diversity of estrogen actions in these ganglia raises the possibility of developing new ways to modulate their function in pelvic hyperactivity or pain states

    An illustrated anatomical ontology of the developing mouse lower urogenital tract

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    Malformation of the urogenital tract represents a considerable paediatric burden, with many defects affecting the lower urinary tract (LUT), genital tubercle and associated structures. Understanding the molecular basis of such defects frequently draws on murine models. However, human anatomical terms do not always superimpose on the mouse, and the lack of accurate and standardised nomenclature is hampering the utility of such animal models. We previously developed an anatomical ontology for the murine urogenital system. Here, we present a comprehensive update of this ontology pertaining to mouse LUT, genital tubercle and associated reproductive structures (E10.5 to adult). Ontology changes were based on recently published insights into the cellular and gross anatomy of these structures, and on new analyses of epithelial cell types present in the pelvic urethra and regions of the bladder. Ontology changes include new structures, tissue layers and cell types within the LUT, external genitalia and lower reproductive structures. Representative illustrations, detailed text descriptions and molecular markers that selectively label muscle, nerves/ganglia and epithelia of the lower urogenital system are also presented. The revised ontology will be an important tool for researchers studying urogenital development/malformation in mouse models and will improve our capacity to appropriately interpret these with respect to the human situation

    Is testosterone good for your nerves?

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    Effects of testosterone on pelvic autonomic pathways: Progress and pitfalls

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    Testosterone has potent effects on reproductive behavior, many of which are due to actions on brain nuclei and spinal motoneurons controlling perineal muscles. The autonomic circuits involved in penile erection, ejaculation and emission, have been less commonly considered as targets for circulating androgens. This review demonstrates that many components of pelvic autonomic reflex pathways, including preganglionic neurons, autonomic ganglion cells and primary afferent neurons, are likely to be influenced by testosterone. The steroid appears to play an important role in maintaining neuronal morphology, transmitter synthesis and receptor expression throughout adulthood. Surprisingly, the effects of testosterone are not limited to neurons involved in reproductive reflexes. The challenge is now to determine the range of neuronal features influenced by androgens, and the mechanisms by which these occur. Studies of androgen receptor location indicate that in many autonomic neurons gene expression may be directly influenced by androgens, but a mismatch between receptor distribution and androgen action shows that in some cells other mechanisms must exist. It is also possible that androgens are metabolised to estrogens by some peripheral neurons. Irrespective of the mechanism, it is time to acknowledge that testosterone is an important 'maintenance factor' for autonomic neurons. Copyright (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V

    Extensive distribution of NADPH diaphorase activity in the nerve supply of the cat lower urinary tract

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    Nitric oxide is a neurotransmitter which causes smooth muscle relaxation and may contribute to this response in some regions of the lower urinary tract. In the present study the distributions of neurons and their axons which contain the synthetic enzyme for nitric oxide, nitric oxide synthase, were mapped by staining for NADPH diaphorase in sections of proximal urethra, bladder trigone and detrusor and whole-mounts of vesical ganglia from cats. Stained axons were present in the smooth muscle of all regions of bladder and proximal urethra, but were most common in the urethra and least prevalent in the detrusor. Stained axons were also present in the mucosa; most of these were associated with blood vessels, but some travelled close to the epithelium. Stained mucosal axons were much more numerous in the proximal urethra than in any bladder region. Darkly stained neuronal somata were found throughout the vesical ganglia, where they appeared to comprise the majority of neurons. Small ganglia containing stained neurons were also found in sections of various urinary tract regions, where they were located in the serosa, between muscle layers and, in the urethra, also in the mucosa. These studies have shown an extensive distribution of neurons and axons that stain for NADPH diaphorase (and are predicted to synthesize nitric oxide) throughout all tissues of the cat lower urinary tract. It is hypothesized that nitric oxide is an inhibitory transmitter in the cat bladder and proximal urethra and may also have a role as a sensory transmitter in the mucosa of these regions