54 research outputs found

    Vector optical rogue waves in mode-locked fibre lasers

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    The project consists of an experimental characterisation of optical vector rogue wave (RW) events by using three different testbed fibre laser setups. The first testbed is a long cavity fibre laser (615 m). Here, we have demonstrated for the first time, a new type of vector resonance multimode instability that inherits some features of modulation and multimode instability. This instability leads to emerging different pulse laser regimes from longitudinal modes synchronization to different types of optical RW events. Using the same testbed fibre laser, we have also shown experimentally for the first time fibre twist-based chiral symmetry breaking. This leads to versatile laser dynamics tuneable from a periodic pulse similar mode-locked regime to chaotic oscillations which are revealed as a mechanism for the emergence of RW events. The observed optical RW events have been classified as fast optical RWs or slow optical RWs depending on the autocorrelation function of the experimental data. The classified optical RWs have been studied by collecting experimental data of a 19x19 grid of polarization positions through tuning both intra-cavity and pump polarization controllers. The second testbed is a passively mode-locked fibre laser. Using this system, the control, appearance and disappearance of the soliton rain flow were demonstrated for the first time using a low range of pump power. Harmonics soliton rain, soliton fission and soliton-soliton interactions leading to the emergence of optical RWs have also been demonstrated in this experiment at a different pump power and intra-cavity birefringence. High harmonic (902 MHz) mode-locked fibre laser based on acoustic-optic effect has been realized in the same laser experiment. In the third laser testbed experiment with, a stretched mode-locked fibre laser, vector bright-dark optical RWs were observed experimentally for the first time. These bright-dark RWs have formed in the laser cavity due to modulation instability at close pump power threshold or due to the polarization instability (incoherent coupling) at higher pump power

    Mathematical model of optical amplifier using nonlinear stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in optical fiber

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    We demonstrate the results of a mathematical model for investigation the nonlinear Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS), which can be employed to achieve high optical amplifier. The SBS is created by interaction between the incident We demonstrate the results of a mathematical model for investigation the nonlinear Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS), which can be employed to achieve high optical amplifier. The SBS is created by interaction between the incident light and the acoustic vibration fiber. The design criteria and the amplification characteristic of the Brillouin amplifier is demonstrated and discussed for fiber Brillouin amplifier using different pump power with different fiber length. The results show, high Brillouin gain can be achieved with high pump power and long effective fiber length.and the acoustic vibration fiber. The design criteria and the amplification characteristic of the Brillouin amplifier is demonstrated and discussed for fiber Brillouin amplifier using different pump power with different fiber length. The results show, high Brillouin gain can be achieved with high pump power and long effective fiber length

    Design and Implementation for optical fiber communication system using frequency shift coding

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    In this research, optical communication coding systems are designed and constructed by utilizing Frequency Shift Code (FSC) technique. Calculations of the system quality represented by signal to noise ratio (S/N), Bit Error Rate (BER),and Power budget are done. In FSC system, the data of Nonreturn- to–zero (NRZ ) with bit rate at 190 kb/s was entered into FSC encoder circuit in transmitter unit. This data modulates the laser source HFCT-5205 with wavelength at 1310 nm by Intensity Modulation (IM) method, then this data is transferred through Single Mode (SM) optical fiber. The recovery of the NRZ is achieved using decoder circuit in receiver unit. The calculations of BER and S/N for FSC system at maximum fiber length at 61.2 km equal to 2.30551×10-12, 47.88526 dB respectively. The power budget for FSC system was calculated to be 29 dB. Results show that the BER increases when the received optical power decreases the due to increase of the optical fiber length61.2 km. while S/N decreases. The optical power budget increases as the transmitted optical power increases

    Rogue waves driven by polarization instabilities in a long ring fiber oscillator

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    We present an experimental and theoretical results of a study of a complex nonlinear polarization dynamics in a passively self-mode-locked erbium-doped fiber oscillator implemented in a ring configuration and operating near lasing threshold. The theoretical model consists of seven coupled non-linear equations and takes into account both orthogonal states of polarizations in the fiber. The experiment confirmed the existence of seven eigenfrequencies, predicted by the model due to polarization instability near lasing threshold. By adjusting the state of polarization of the pump and in-cavity birefringence we changed some eigenfrequencies from being different (non-degenerate state) to matching (degenerate state). The non-degenerate states of oscillator lead to the L-shaped probability distribution function and true rogue wave regime with a positive dominant Lyapunov exponent value between 1.4 and 2.6. Small detuning from partially degenerate case also leads to L-shaped probability distribution function with the tail trespassing eight standard deviations threshold, giving periodic patterns of pulses along with positive dominant Lyapunov exponent of a filtered signal between 0.6 and 3.2. The partial degeneration, in turn, guides to quasi-symmetric distribution and the value of dominant Lyapunov exponent of 42 which is a typical value for systems with a source of the strongly nonhomogeneous external noise

    Novel fiber Bragg grating sensor implemented in a polymer-core/silica- cladding hybrid optical fiber

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    A polymer-core/silica-cladding hybrid optical fiber is implemented by filling a capillary with UV-curable epoxy and a following UV-laser scanning exposure. A fiber Bragg grating is successfully inscribed in parallel using a phase mask. The experimental results show a reduced thermal response for the FBG and a theoretical analysis for such a hybrid optical fiber is performed which corroborates existing of a turning temperature for minimized thermal response

    Rogue waves and mode locking driven by Vector Resonance Multimode instability

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    Modulation instabilities discovered more than fifty and hundred fifty years ago created since then a framework for study complexity of different wave phenomena including turbulence and rogue waves. Using Erbium-doped fiber laser without any previously studied mode-locking mechanisms, here for the first time we demonstrate both experimentally and theoretically a new type of modulation instability, namely Vector Resonance Multimode Instability, leading to tunability of the laser dynamics from turbulence including rogue waves to the stable pulse train similar to the laser mode-locking regime

    Temporal scaling of optical rogue waves in unidirectional ring fiber laser

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    A fiber mode-lock laser allows generation of the optical rogue wave (ORW) at different time scales. The criteria for distinguishing between them is a comparison of the event lifetime with the main characteristic time of the system. The characteristic time can be estimated from the decay of an autocorrelation function (AF). Thus, in comparison with AF characteristic time, fast optical rogue wave (FORW) events have duration less than the AF decay time and it appeared due to pulse-pulse interaction and nonlinear pulses dynamics. While slow optical rogue wave (SORW) have a duration much more longer than the decay time of the AF which it papered due to hopping between different attractors. Switching between regimes can be managed by change the artificial birefringence that induced in a laser cavity. For understanding the role playing by the periodical amplification and the resonator, we have performed an unidirectional fiber laser experiments without a saturable absorber. This laser experiment allowed to generate of most of the RW patterns which were either observed experimentally or predicted theoretically. In this way, we have observed the generation of an FORW along with SORW under similar conditions. Most of the patterns were found to be mutually exclusive which means that only one RW mechanism was realized in each regime of generation

    Range-Speed Mapping and Target-Classification Measurements of Automotive Targets using Photonic-Radar

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    The frequency-modulated continuous-wave radar is an ideal choice for autonomous vehicle and surveillance-related industries due to its ability to measure the relative target-velocity, target-range, and target-characterization. Unlike conventional microwave radar systems, the photonic radar has the potential to offer wider bandwidth to attain high range-resolution at low input power requirements. Subsequently, a frequency-modulated continuous-wave photonic-radar is developed to measure the target-range and velocity of the automotive mobile targets concurrently with acceptable rang resolution keeping in mind the needs of the state-of-the-art autonomous vehicle industry. Furthermore, the target-identification is also an important parameter to be measured to enable the futuristic autonomous vehicles for the recognition of the objects along with their dimensions. Therefore, the reported work is extended to characterize the target-objects by measuring the specular-reflectance, diffuse-reflectance, the ratio of horizontal-axis to vertical-axis, refractive index constants of the targets using the bidirectional reflectance distribution function. Furthermore, the reflectance properties of the target-objects are also measured with different operating wavelengths at different incident angles to assess the influence of the operating wavelength and the angle at which the radar-pulses incident on the surface of the targets. Moreover, to validate the performance of the demonstrated work, a comparison is also presented in distinction with the conventional microwave FMCW-RADAR

    Calculations of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) for Free Space Optical Communication Systems

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    In this paper, we calculate and measure the SNR theoretically and experimental for digital full duplex optical communication systems for different ranges in free space, the system consists of transmitter and receiver in each side. The semiconductor laser (pointer) was used as a carrier wave in free space with the specification is 5mW power and 650nm wavelength. The type of optical detector was used a PIN with area 1mm2 and responsively 0.4A/W for this wavelength. The results show a high quality optical communication system for different range from (300-1300)m with different bit rat (60-140)kbit/sec is achieved with best values of the signal to noise ratio (SNR)

    Vector rogue waves in a carbon nanotube mode-locked fiber laser

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    Summary form only given. Mechanisms of rogue waves (RWs) emergence have been extensively studied in fiber lasers with nonlinearly driven cavities [1], Raman fiber amplifiers and lasers [2], and fiber lasers via modulation of the pump [3]. Previously, it has been found that RWs can be emerged because of soliton-soliton interaction through the overlapping of their tails or soliton-dispersive wave interaction. The result of these interactions is a coupling enhancement that leads to chaotic pulse bunching in the form of soliton rain at the time scale of a round-trip time in a high pump power (800 mW) [4]. Such interaction can be controlled by the pump power modulation or/and by injecting a weak seeding signal and noise. Here, we report for the first time the observation of the soliton rain and soliton-soliton interaction that leads to the optical rogue wave emergence in a carbon nano-tube saturable absorber mode-locked fiber laser at low pump power (140mW) without pump modulation or injecting a weak signal and noise to the laser cavity. As we shown recently [5] that by tuning the interaction of two orthogonal-states of polarization (SOP) of the in-cavity birefringent and also the pump SOP whereas the polarization instability leading to the emergence of different optical RW events
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