182 research outputs found

    Single-Switch User Interface for Robot Arm to Help Disabled People Using RT-Middleware

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    We are developing a manipulator system in order to support disabled people with less muscle strength such as muscular dystrophy patients. Such a manipulator should have an easy user interface for the users to control it. But the supporting manipulator for disabled people cannot make large industry, so we should offer inexpensive manufacturing way. These type products are called “orphan products.” We report on the construction of the user interface system using RT-Middleware which is an open software platform for robot systems. Therefore other user interface components or robot components which are adapted to other symptoms can be replaced with the user interface without any change of the contents. A single switch and scanning menu panel are introduced as the input device for the manual control of the robot arm. The scanning menu panel is designed to perform various actions of the robot arm with the single switch. A manipulator simulation system was constructed to evaluate the input performance. Two muscular dystrophy patients tried our user interface to control the robot simulator and made comments. According to the comments by them, we made several improvements on the user interface. This improvements examples prepare inexpensive manufacturing way for orphan products

    Ⅴ. Application and other cases

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    富山大学名城大学Editor : Tazaki, Kazue |田崎, 和

    A Quantitative Immunochromatography Assay of Whole Blood Samples for Antigen-specific IgE—A New Method for Point of Care Testing for Allergens—

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    ABSTRACTBackgroundThe development of an inexpensive point-of-care testing system for antigen-specific IgE is greatly needed. We, therefore, tried to develop a quantitative enzyme immunochromatography assay system for antigen-specific IgE in fresh whole blood.MethodsWhole blood sample was mixed with a reagent containing detergent to lyse red blood cells, and the mixture was applied to an immunochromatography strip. The lysate was observed to migrate in the strip and was washed away by the substrate buffer. When the sample contained the specific IgE, the antigen-specific IgE line was clearly observed on the strip macroscopically.ResultsResults were obtained 20 minutes after the application of hemolysed blood sample to immunochromatography, and these results showed positive correlation with those obtained by the AlaSTAT system, which is one of the popular assay kits for specific IgE. The results were not affected significantly by the hematocrit value of the blood sample, by the kind of anticoagulant in the blood collection tube, or by the concentration of the total IgE, provided it was lower than 20000IU/ml.ConclusionsThese results indicate that our system is applicable for point-of-care testing for antigen-specific IgE

    Ulinastatin did not reduce mortality in elderly multiple organ failure patients: a retrospective observational study in a single center ICU

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    AimOur aim was to evaluate the effect of ulinastatin on 28‐day mortality in patients who developed multiple organ failure (MOF) related to their acute illness and were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU).MethodsWe carried out a retrospective observational study of MOF patients in a general ICU of a tertiary care hospital in Japan from January 2009 to December 2012. The primary outcome was 28‐day all‐cause mortality. Secondary outcomes were ventilator‐free days, ICU‐free days, and vasopressor‐free days at day 28. We investigated the association between ulinastatin treatment and outcomes using multivariable regression analysis.ResultsA total of 212 MOF patients were included, 79 (37%) of whom received ulinastatin. The median age was 70 years (interquartile range, 60–77) and median APACHE II score was 25 (interquartile range, 19–29). Overall 28‐day mortality was 20%. There were no significant differences between the ulinastatin group and the control group in age, gender, or APACHE II score. The ulinastatin group had higher prevalence of sepsis (44% versus 22%, P = 0.001). Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that ulinastatin was not associated with 28‐day mortality (odds ratio = 1.22; 95% confidence interval, 0.54–2.79). Moreover, ulinastatin did not reduce the mortality in patients with sepsis (odds ratio = 1.92; 95% confidence interval, 0.52–7.13). However, ICU‐free days and ventilator‐free days was significantly fewer in the ulinastatin group than control group.ConclusionsIn this retrospective observational study, ulinastatin was not associated with mortality in elderly patients with established MOF, although it might be related to patient\u27s utility

    Risk factors for lens opacification in Icelanders 50 years and older. Reykjavík Eye Study

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: To examine risk factors for cortical and nuclear lens opacification in older citizens of Reykjavík. Material and methods: 1045 persons, 583 females and 462 males age 50 years and older were randomly sampled and underwent detailed eye examination including slit-lamp and Scheimpflug photography of the lens and answered a questionnaire. The photographs were used for the diagnosis of lens opacification. The data was analysed using a logistic regression model. Results: An increased risk was found with ageing for developing both nuclear (OR=1.23: 95% CI 1.19-1.26: p<.001) and severe cortical lens opacification (OR=1.19: 95% CI 1.16-1.22: p<.001). Cigarette-smoking for more than 20 pack-years increased risk for nuclear lens opacification (OR=2.52: 95% CI 1.52-4.13: p<.001) as well as pipe- or cigar-smoking (OR=2.48: 95% CI 1.20-5.12: p<.05). Those who spent more than 4 hours/day outside on weekdays in their 20's - 30's and 40's and 50's were found to have increased risk of severe cortical lens opacification (OR=2.80: 95% CI 1.01-7.80: p<.05 and OR=2.91: 95% CI 1.13-9.62: p<.05, respectively). Systemic corticosteroid use was also found to be a significant risk factor for cortical lens opacification (OR=3.70: 95% CI 1.43-9.56: p<.05). Conclusion: In our study, ageing is the main risk factor for both cortical and nuclear lens opacification. Important modifiable risk factors are smoking for nuclear lens opacification and systemic corticosteroid use and outdoor exposure for cortical lens opacification.Tilgangur: Í rannsókninni voru skoðaðir áhættuþættir fyrir skýmyndun í kjarna og berki augasteins meðal Reykvíkinga 50 ára og eldri. Efniviður og aðferðir: Þátt tóku 583 konur og 462 karlar sem öll voru 50 ára eða eldri og höfðu verið valin með slembiúrtaki úr Þjóðskrá. Þátttakendur svöruðu spurningalista um heilsufar og lífsvenjur. Þeir gengust undir augnskoðun, meðal annars á augasteinum sem voru skoðaðir í raufarsmásjá og myndaðir með Scheimpflug-tækni. Í þessari rannsókn var sérstaklega litið á þá hópa sem höfðu væga byrjandi skýmyndun einskorðaða við börk (stig I), þá sem höfðu svæsnari skýmyndun í berki einvörðungu (stig II-III) og loks alla þá sem höfðu ský í kjarna augasteins. Gögnin voru greind með lógistískri aðhvarfsgreiningu. Niðurstöður: Hærri aldur reyndist vera áhættuþáttur fyrir bæði skýmyndun í kjarna og berki. Reykingar juku hættuna á skýmyndun í kjarna. Þeir sem voru að meðaltali meira en fjórar klukkustundir á dag úti við á virkum dögum var hættara við svæsnari skýmyndun í berki, sem og þeim sem höfðu almennt notað barkstera. Lithimnur af blönduðum lit, fjarsýni, neysla síldar, sardína og rækja auk jurtaolíu, reyndust allt vera verndandi þættir gegn skýmyndun í berki. Ályktanir: Aldur er afgerandi áhættuþáttur fyrir skýmyndun bæði í kjarna og berki. Reykingar auka áhættu á skýmyndun í kjarna en hafa ekki áhrif á skýmyndun í berki. Þessu er öfugt farið með almenna notkun barkstera, mikla útiveru, fjarsýni og neyslu ýmissa fæðutegunda. Ólíkir áhættuþættir hafa áhrif á skýmyndun mismunandi hluta augasteinsins

    Isoform D of vascular endothelial growth factor in systemic capillary leak syndrome : a case report

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    Background: Systemic capillary leak syndrome is a rare condition characterized by episodic attacks of hypovolemia due to systemic capillary hyperpermeability, which results in profound hypotension and edema. Although the implication of vascular endothelial growth factor, angiopoietin-2, and C-X-C motif chemokine 10 has been suggested, the pathogenesis of systemic capillary leak syndrome remains unclear. In this report, we describe a case of systemic capillary leak syndrome in which serum isoform D of vascular endothelial growth factor was elevated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of systemic capillary leak syndrome in which isoform D of vascular endothelial growth factor is suggested as the plausible biomarker. Case presentation: A 41-year-old Japanese man was transferred to our emergency department. He was hypotensive, tachycardic, and edematous over the trunk and all four limbs. He received aggressive intravenous fluid therapy and underwent fasciotomy of the right forearm to prevent muscle necrosis. A diagnosis of systemic capillary leak syndrome was suspected. The presence of serum monoclonal immunoglobulin G and κ light chain supported this diagnosis. Prevention of hypotensive crises was unsuccessfully attempted with theophylline, intravenous immunoglobulin, high-dose dexamethasone, bortezomib, melphalan, and prednisolone; however, the patient’s attacks dramatically disappeared after the introduction of thalidomide. The serum of the patient was stored soon after the onset of hypotensive crisis and analyzed to profile possible mediators responsible for the capillary leak. The concentration of vascular endothelial growth factor, angiopoietin-2, and C-X-C motif chemokine 10 were all within normal ranges. Meanwhile, we found that isoform D of vascular endothelial growth factor was elevated, which was normalized after the introduction of thalidomide. Conclusions: In our patient, isoform D of vascular endothelial growth factor (instead of vascular endothelial growth factor) may have been a causative factor of hypotensive crises, since isoform D contributes to vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 signaling, which is the major mediator of the permeability-enhancing effects of vascular endothelial growth factor. We suggest the measurement of isoform D of vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with systemic capillary leak syndrome in whose serum vascular endothelial growth factor is not elevated

    Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). III. Discovery of a z = 4.72 Radio Galaxy with Lyman Break Technique

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    We report a discovery of z=4.72z = 4.72 radio galaxy, HSC J083913.17+011308.1, by using the Lyman break technique with the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Survey (HSC-SSP) catalog for VLA FIRST radio sources. The number of known high-zz radio galaxies (HzRGs) at z>3z > 3 is quite small to constrain the evolution of HzRGs so far. The deep and wide-area optical survey by HSC-SSP enables us to apply the Lyman break technique to a large search for HzRGs. For an HzRG candidate among pre-selected rr-band dropouts with a radio detection, a follow-up optical spectroscopy with GMOS/Gemini has been performed. The obtained spectrum presents a clear Lyα\alpha emission line redshifted to z=4.72z=4.72. The SED fitting analysis with the rest-frame UV and optical photometries suggests the massive nature of this HzRG with logM/M=11.4\log{M_*/M_{\odot}} = 11.4. The small equivalent width of Lyα\alpha and the moderately red UV colors indicate its dusty host galaxy, implying a chemically evolved and dusty system. The radio spectral index does not meet a criterion for an ultra-steep spectrum: α1400325\alpha^{325}_{1400} of 1.1-1.1 and α1400150\alpha^{150}_{1400} of 0.9-0.9, demonstrating that the HSC-SSP survey compensates for a sub-population of HzRGs which are missed in surveys focusing on an ultra-steep spectral index.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Revealing the Hidden Spin-Polarized Bands in a Superconducting Tl Bilayer Crystal

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    The interplay of spin-orbit coupling and crystal symmetry can generate spin-polarized bands in materials only a few atomic layers thick, potentially leading to unprecedented physical properties. In the case of bilayer materials with global inversion symmetry, locally broken inversion symmetry can generate degenerate spin-polarized bands, in which the spins in each layer are oppositely polarized. Here, we demonstrate that the hidden spins in a Tl bilayer crystal are revealed by growing it on Ag(111) of sizable lattice mismatch, together with the appearance of a remarkable phenomenon unique to centrosymmetric hidden-spin bilayer crystals: a novel band splitting in both spin and space. The key to success in observing this novel splitting is that the interaction at the interface has just the right strength: it does not destroy the original wave functions of the Tl bilayer but is strong enough to induce an energy separation